Title Duo is a systemic fungicide that controls a wide range of diseases of grain crops, sugar beets, and rapeseed. At the same time, the drug not only provides crop protection, but also has a beneficial effect on growth rate. Before using the fungicide Title Duo, read the instructions for use of this product.
- Composition, purpose and release form of the fungicide Title Duo
- How does the product work?
- Pros and cons of the drug
- Preparation of working solution
- Instructions for use of fungicide
- Safety rules during spraying
- Toxicity of the product
- Compatibility with other tools
- Terms and conditions of storage
- Analogues of the drug
Composition, purpose and release form of the fungicide Title Duo
The drug includes 2 active ingredients. 1st – propiconazole (200 grams per liter), 2nd – tebuconazole (200 grams per liter). The product should be used if the crops are affected:
- powdery mildew;
- brown, stem, dwarf, yellow rust;
- septoria;
- net spotting;
- spike fusarium;
- peronophorosis.
Title Duo is produced in the form of a concentrated colloidal solution, packaged in polyethylene canisters with a volume of 5/10 liters.
How does the product work?
The drug enters the crops through leaves and stems, after which acropetal movement begins. The product acts on the vegetative elements of fungi and prevents the formation of spores. The fungicide also prevents the synthesis of ergosterol (the main steroid compound of fungi), which regulates the permeability of the cell membrane.
Pros and cons of the drug
The benefits are as follows:
- the preparative form provides an excellent effect even with a reduced volume of active elements;
- reliably protects crops during the growing season, has a broad spectrum of action;
- the protective effect lasts for 40 days;
- instant penetration into crops;
- increasing stress resistance of crops;
- preventing the emergence of resistance.
The main disadvantage of the drug is its high cost (18 thousand rubles for a five-liter canister). This fungicide is also extremely toxic and dangerous to people and animals.
Preparation of working solution
Before preparing the spray, Title Duo must be stirred. After this, fill the sprayer 3 quarters full with water. While continuing to stir the water, add a dose of Title Duo.Rinse the container with the remaining product with water, then pour this water into the sprayer. Stir the mixture well again, add water to the required volume.
Instructions for use of fungicide
Crops need to be sprayed during their growing season. Winter rapeseed needs to be processed when it reaches the 4-5 leaf stage. Spraying of the product should be carried out when the weather is calm and without wind. It is best to do this in the morning or evening.
You can start working in the fields a week after treatment.
Safety rules during spraying
When using the drug, you must follow the following safety rules:
- use gloves and a respirator when processing crops;
- do not process crops that are wet from precipitation or dew;
- The wind speed when spraying crops should not exceed 5 meters per hour.
Toxicity of the product
It is classified as toxicity class 2 and is considered a dangerous product. When carrying out processing, you must follow established safety rules.
In case of poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help.
Compatibility with other tools
The drug has shown itself well as an independent product, but it is also considered an excellent “partner” for many pesticides. When combining again, do not forget to test the product for physical and chemical compatibility.
Terms and conditions of storage
The fungicide must be stored in a special room designed to accommodate such preparations.
The product retains its own characteristics at storage temperatures from minus 10 to plus 35 degrees. It can be stored for 24 months.
Analogues of the drug
Analogues of the drug include the following common fungicides:
- Trichophyte is a biofungicide that protects plants from a large number of diseases.
- Trichodermin – protects crops from fungi and bacterial damage. Available in powder form.
- Skor - used to combat scab and mildew. Has a weak effect in severe cases.
- Baktofit – protects plants from powdery mildew during the flowering period. Effective during frequent rainfall and cold weather. Can be used to treat indoor plants.
- Vectra – protects crops from septoria, powdery mildew, gray rot.
Title Duo is one of the best fungicides today. However, when using this drug, it is imperative to follow safety precautions.