Description and instructions for use of TMTD fungicide, disinfectant consumption rate

Seed treaters have been used for many years to disinfect crop seeds before planting. Let's consider the purpose and mode of action of "TMTD" - a fungicidal drug, its composition, consumption rate and correct dosage. How to use the drug, with what products it can be combined and with what products it can be replaced if necessary.

Active ingredient and release form of the fungicide "TMTD" VSK

Contact fungicide “TMTD” is a Soviet preparation that is used to treat the seeds of many agricultural crops: cereals, legumes, beets, potato tubers, forage grasses. Today it is produced by the joint-stock company "August" in the form of a water-suspension concentrate in 10 liter canisters. The composition of the powdered pesticide includes the active substance – thiram, which belongs to dithiocarbamates. There is 400 g of it in 1 liter of product. By the nature of its action, “TMTD” refers to protective and healing pesticides.

Spectrum and operating principle

Destroys pathogens of fungal plant diseases on the surface of seed material and in the soil. It is highly effective against mold and various types of rot. "TMTD" has a strong bactericidal effect, which other similar products do not have. A contact fungicide disrupts the development of the vegetative and regenerative organs of disease-causing fungi that are found on the surface of seeds and in the ground.

Destroys pathogens within 1-2 days. It can persist on plants for 1-1.5 months. It does not penetrate plant tissue and seeds; it remains on their surface, where it destroys spores and mycelium at the initial stage of its growth. Getting into fungal cells, thiram stops the activity of enzymes, which makes the life of pathogens impossible.

It is used against seed mold, gray and white rot, peronospora, fusarium, bacteriosis, stem and root rot, anthracnose, polysporosis, ascochyta, phomosis, cercospora - diseases of cereals and legumes, fodder and flowers.

Tmtd fungicide

Consumption rate and application

Seeds are treated with “TMTD” with moisture 2-15 days before sowing or some time before it (up to 1 year).Potato tubers are treated before planting. Processing is carried out only 1 time.

Fungicide application rate (l per ton of seeds) and disinfectant consumption (l per ton):

  • wheat – 3-4 (10);
  • corn – 4 (10);
  • sunflower – 4-5 (10);
  • flax – 3-5 (5-8);
  • beets – 8-12 (15);
  • rye – 3-4 (10);
  • legumes, alfalfa, lupine – 6-8 (10);
  • potatoes – 4-5 (20).

The drug effectively protects plants at an early stage of their development, destroying pathogens already on the seeds and in the soil, which prevents them from developing and multiplying.

Tmtd fungicide

Precautions when using the drug

“TMTD” belongs to agrochemical preparations with hazard class 3. It includes products with little danger to human health. Safety regulations require working with it in protective clothing and shoes. Be sure to wear thick rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles with side protection.

When diluting the solution and processing, do not eat, drink or smoke. After finishing work, wash clothes and equipment with water.

First aid for poisoning

Pesticide poisoning has the same symptoms, but they manifest themselves to varying degrees. Depending on the amount of the drug entering the body, there are 3 degrees of poisoning: mild, moderate and severe.

Symptoms of poisoning by agrochemicals: dizziness, headache, weakness, excessive salivation, unpleasant taste in the mouth, dry cough. Blood pressure may rise and symptoms of chronic diseases, such as asthma, may increase. In severe cases of poisoning, these symptoms include dilated pupils, increased sweating, changes in skin color, noisy breathing, and convulsions.

spraying bushes

If the fungicide solution gets on the skin, rinse the area with water for 15 minutes.The same should be done if the solution accidentally gets into your eyes and mouth. If it gets into the stomach, rinse it. If the condition does not improve, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Compatibility with other substances

"TMTD" is compatible with fungicides that are used for seed treatment. This product is allowed to be used with bacterial preparations and fertilizers, as it does not inhibit the growth of bacteria.

If compatibility is not stated in the instructions for the drugs, before diluting the general mixture, you need to test mix a small amount of both substances and, if no chemical reaction follows, then they are compatible.

Period and conditions of storage of the product

Store the product with thiram “TMTD” in a warehouse, in tightly closed packaging. Storage conditions: dry, dark place, temperature from -15 ˚С to +35 ˚С. If storage rules are followed, “TMTD” can be stored for 3 years from the time of its manufacture. After this, the drug must be thrown away; it is not suitable for use.


Analogues of “TMTD” containing thiram used in agriculture are the preparations “Vitavax 200 FF”, “Vitalox”, “Vitaros”, “Vitasil”, “Granuflo”, “Tir”, “TMTD-plus”. "Vitaros" can be used on private farms.

Fungicide "TMTD" is intended for treating seeds of agricultural crops against fungi. Prevents the development of diseases at the very first stage. Just one treatment is enough to achieve the effect. Begins to act immediately after application and destroys pathogens in just 1-2 days. This prevents yield loss from fungal diseases. Non-toxic to plants, low danger to people, animals, bees.Does not penetrate plant tissues, does not accumulate in them, and does not remain in the ground.
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