“Topsin M” is a fungicide that belongs to the group of contact-system chemicals; the instructions for use indicate its ability to protect plants from infection and treat in the early stages. The product eliminates fungal infections (the most common plant diseases, accounting for 80%) on garden, garden, and field crops. In addition, the drug destroys insect pests.
- Composition and release form of fungicide "Topsin M"
- Main advantages and disadvantages
- Action of the active substance
- Preparation of working solution and instructions for use
- Spraying cucumbers
- Fruit trees
- Vineyards and berry bushes
- Roots
- Compliance with safety measures
- The degree of toxicity of the drug
- Compatibility with other pesticides
- Terms and conditions of storage
- Analogues of the product
The agrochemical is in demand in large and private farms for grains, fruits, vegetables, and stone fruits. It can be combined with other substances; the product is safe for the body.
Composition and release form of fungicide "Topsin M"
The product is produced in 2 forms - 10 ml emulsion in a bottle or in 5 liter plastic containers. The powder is packaged in packages of 10 g, 25 g, 500 g. The active substance is thiophane-methyl. Concentration in emulsion - 50%, in powder - 70%.
Main advantages and disadvantages
Gardeners highlight the main priorities of Topsin M:
- It manifests itself in the first hours after treatment, the duration of action is up to a month.
- Fights more than one disease.
- Compatible with many products, with the exception of those containing copper and alkali.
- The product is capable of stimulating cell growth in cultures and improving photosynthesis.
- Helps restore trees from mechanical damage (hail, pruning). The product is slightly toxic, safe for honey plants, humans, and plants.
One of the disadvantages is the addiction of pathogens to the active substance. In this case, you need to alternate it with other fungicides.
In addition, the product is not capable of destroying peronospora and is ineffective at temperatures below +15 C. Thiophane-methyl in overdose is dangerous for humans, pets, and inhabitants of water bodies.
Action of the active substance
The main component of the chemical is evenly absorbed by the leaves, shoots, and root system.Reaching the affected area, it suppresses cell division of the pathogen, blocks respiration, thus preventing the awakening of the mycelium and the germination of spores.
The product treats diseased lesions, spreading to the roots, and protects against soil parasites.
"Topsin M" rids indoor flowers, vegetables, and fruits of aphids, leaf beetles and their eggs.
Preparation of working solution and instructions for use
The Topsin solution is prepared before processing. The recommended dose is 10-15 g per 10 liters of water.
The suspension is stirred gradually, first pour ¼ of water into the sprayer, add the required dosage, close, shake, add the rest of the liquid. During operation, the solution is shaken periodically to avoid sediment.
The powder is also gradually moistened with water, then brought to the required volume. It is recommended to spray plants only before or after flowering. Frequency: 2 times per season with a break of 14 days.
Spraying cucumbers
Cucumbers in open ground are sprayed when powdery mildew appears, from germination to the formation of gherkins. Calculation: 3 liters of solution per 100 sq. m. Powder per 10 liters of water needs 2.5-4 g, suspension - 3.5-6 ml.
Fruit trees
Trees require 10 liters of solution per adult, 2 liters per young one. Spray for scab, coccomycosis, powdery mildew 2 times, before flowering and after. Take 10-15 g of powder, 15-20 ml of suspension per bucket of water.
Vineyards and berry bushes
Grapes and currants are treated from gray rot, anthracnose, powdery mildew, oidium, using 10-15 g of powder or 15-20 ml of suspension. Multiplicity - before flowering, after harvesting. One bush requires about 5 liters of solution.
For sugar beets and other root vegetables, take 2-3 g of powder, 2.5-4 ml of suspension per 10 liters of water.Treatment is allowed 3 times during the growing season for cercospora blight and powdery mildew.
Compliance with safety measures
For spraying, choose dry weather, without wind. Protective clothing, goggles, respirator, and gloves are required. Residues should not be poured into nearby bodies of water. It is prohibited to use the product near water bodies, apiaries, or near animals.
The degree of toxicity of the drug
"Topsin-M" is not very dangerous for humans (2nd class). Burns on the skin and mucous membranes do not remain in case of accidental contact. Moderately dangerous for bees - 3rd class, for fish and aquatic organisms - 1st hazard class (very toxic).
Compatibility with other pesticides
The product is allowed to be mixed with fungicides, with preparations against ticks (acaricides), against harmful insects (insecticides), with the exception of substances containing copper and alkali.
Terms and conditions of storage
The maximum shelf life of a chemical product in a closed package is 5 years. To do this, you need a dark, dry room away from food, feed, medicines, children, and pets.
Analogues of the product
There are products from a series of fungicides that contain the same active ingredient.
"Rex Duo" - its active components: thiophane-methyl 31% and epoxiconazole 18.7%. The drug blocks the formation of cell membranes of the fungus, leading to its death. Available in the form of a suspension. Used for cereals, sugar beets against powdery mildew, pyrenophorosis, septoria.
«Phoenix Duo"is a two-component drug containing thiophane-methyl 310 g/l and flutriafol 250 g/l. Designed to protect against fungal (anthracnose, septoria, rust, scab, blast) grain crops, apple trees, grapes, beets.
Agrochemicals with another active substance: Fitosporin-M, Abiga-Pik, Quadris, Previkur Energy.