Instructions for use and composition of the Triactive disinfectant, consumption rates

Grain crops suffer from many diseases and are attacked by pests that can destroy the standing crop. Treating sprouts and adult plants may be ineffective, since more often the plantings are affected in the early stages of development, and later insecticides and fungicides may end up in the grain intended for food. The situation can be changed if you treat the grain before planting with the Triactive disinfectant.

Composition and release form of the disinfectant

"Triaktiv" is produced in the form of KS - a suspension concentrate, sold in five-liter plastic canisters.

The product contains three active ingredients:

  1. Azoxystrobin – 100 grams per liter.
  2. Tebuconazole – 120 grams per liter.
  3. Cyproconazole – 40 grams per liter.

This drug combines the actions of an insecticide and fungicide, and is a protective and healing agent for contact and systemic action.

chemical liquid

Area of ​​use and mechanism of action

The Triactive disinfectant is used to treat seed material of grain crops and rice: winter and spring wheat and barley. It is effective against the following pests and diseases:

  • Powdery mildew.
  • Rust.
  • Pyrenophorosis.
  • Septoria.
  • Fusarium.
  • Ear lesions.
  • Spotting.
  • Golovni.
  • Root rot.
  • Mold.
  • Rhynchosporiasis.

Due to the content of three components, the drug has a complex effect on various pathogens. Its action is based on inhibition of mitochondrial respiration in infected cells. As a result of exposure to Triactiv, spores stop germinating, the mycelium stops growing, the pathogen does not form spores and dies. The remaining two components act systemically, suppress the synthesis of ergosterol, act on the cell membrane and provoke the death of the pest.

rotten roots

Instructions for use of the drug "Triaktiv"

According to the instructions, the Triactive disinfectant is used once to treat seeds before planting, the application rate is 0.2-0.3, the consumption of the drug is 10 liters per ton.

Triaktiv is also used for spraying during the growing season. The application rate of the product is 0.8-1, the consumption of the working composition is 300 liters per hectare. The waiting period before harvesting is 40 days.

“Triaktiv” provides long-term protection against diseases, protects crops from secondary damage, strengthens the plants’ own defenses, stimulates the immune system and helps fight stress. Plants that were damaged during planting due to unfavorable weather conditions, sudden temperature changes, or treatment with toxic drugs, tolerate these stressful situations much easier if they were treated with a disinfectant in the form of grain.

seed treatment

How to protect yourself when using

"Triaktiv" belongs to the 2nd class of danger for humans and to the 3rd class for bees. This means that the product poses a serious threat to human health. The drug may pose a threat to pollinating insects if it is sprayed during the active summer of bees. That is why spraying is allowed in the early and late hours, when insects do not fly.

The drug may be toxic to fish and aquatic life, so spraying it near water bodies is prohibited.

water is pouring

In order not to get hurt when using Triactiv, you need to take the following protective measures:

  1. Wear closed work clothes.
  2. Use personal protective equipment: mask or respirator, goggles, rubber gloves.
  3. If the product gets on the skin, mucous membranes, or eyes, rinse the affected area with running water.
  4. After completing the treatment, wash with soap, take a shower, and change clothes.

If your health worsens as a result of using the drug, it is recommended to seek medical help.

Compatibility with other substances

It is believed that Triaktiv is compatible with most existing fungicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and growth stimulants.Before introducing it into tank mixtures, it is necessary to conduct a compatibility test. If the mixture does not give any adverse reactions, it can be used for its intended purpose.

mix with drugs

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the drug is 36 months. It must be stored in a closed container, in a dark and cool place, away from the access of children and animals. Do not keep Triactive near medicines, food and drinks, food for pets and farm animals.

What can be replaced

An adequate replacement for the Triactive disinfectant can be a drug based on components from its composition. The disinfectant "Triagro" can be considered a full replacement. It is also available in the form of a suspension concentrate and consists of the same three components in similar proportions as Triactiv.
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