Instructions for use of Diquat and herbicide composition, desiccant dosage

The use of Diquat is considered a common method for solving agricultural problems. This substance is a pesticide and belongs to the category of contact desiccants. The drug helps dry out plants before harvesting and partially destroy weeds. The composition helps to cope with uneven and slow ripening of seed material of key crops.

Composition and release form of Diquat

The active component of this desiccant is considered to be diquat. In 1 liter of the substance there are 150 grams of this ingredient.The product is sold in 10 liter canisters. Other drugs have a similar composition. These include “Adequat”, “Abydos” and other means.

How the product works

The product is quickly absorbed by green plant fragments. As a result, the active substance is transformed into hydrogen peroxide. This leads to the destruction of cell membranes and drying out of cultures.

The active component rapidly decomposes in the plant. Therefore, the product is safe to use on seed plantings and for crops that are planned to be used for harvesting.

Diquat drug

Advantages and disadvantages
the possibility of harvesting early and in any weather;
reducing the moisture content of seed material;
elimination of problems of uneven or slow ripening of seeds of the main agricultural plants - this applies to sunflower, vegetable and forage plants;
reduction of drying costs;
high rates of action - harvesting can be done 4-7 days after treatment;
no risk of washing off 10 minutes after application;
drying the weeds - this simplifies the cleaning process;
stopping the spread of pathologies - this applies to white and gray rot of sunflower and late blight of potatoes.

The active component of the drug quickly disintegrates in cultures. Therefore, it can be safely used on seed plantings and food plants.

Spectrum of action of the drug

The product is used to destroy annual weeds in gardens and vineyards. It can also be used to treat plantings of ornamental plants and vegetables. The drug helps to cope with vegetation in water bodies. It is used for desiccation of flax, clover, and soybean seeds.The composition can also be used for rapeseed, rice, and sorghum.

• stopping the spread of pathologies - this applies to white and gray rot of sunflower and late blight of potatoes.

Instructions for use of herbicide

The drug "Dikvat" works great at a positive temperature of +10-20 degrees. If necessary, it can be used at lower parameters. This significantly slows down the appearance of drying. However, this in no way affects the effectiveness of the product. At higher temperatures, the action of the product accelerates. In humid weather, fog or light precipitation, after a quarter of an hour the desiccation process worsens. Unfavorable conditions include high leaf dust and a dry climate.

After applying the product, the drying process takes 5-10 days. The validity period may vary depending on climatic factors, physiological structure and degree of maturity of crops.

In this case, specific features of the use of the substance are indicated in the table:

Plant Impact spectrum Consumption rate, liters per 1 hectare Processing Features Maximum number of treatments Waiting period


Drying and destruction of weeds 2-3 Spraying at the stage of browning baskets 1 6
Soybeans 2-3 Processing at the stage of browning of beans, with grain moisture content not exceeding 35-40%
Cereals 1,5-2 14 days before harvest, with grain moisture content maximum 30% 6-10
Peas 2-3 At the stage of yellowing of the lower pods, with grain moisture content not exceeding 4.5% 7
Rape 3 At the browning stage, 70% of the pods 7
Legumes 4-5 When the seeds of the lower beans turn yellow 8-10
Sorghum 4 At the stage of waxy ripeness of seeds with grain moisture content of a maximum of 25% 6

• stopping the spread of pathologies - this applies to white and gray rot of sunflower and late blight of potatoes.

Security measures

The product belongs to the third hazard class. This means that it falls into the moderately toxic category.However, when processing plants, it is important to use personal protective equipment. These include a respirator, goggles, and gloves.

Compatibility with other tools

Diquat can be combined with ammonium nitrate and urea. In each case, it is important to do a test mixing. It is recommended to use the tank solution immediately after production.

Instructions for use of Diquat and herbicide composition, desiccant dosage

Analogues of the drug

Effective analogues of the product include:

  • "Reglon Super";
  • "Registan".

Diquat is an effective product that helps dry out plants and helps control weeds. For the composition to work, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for its use.
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