Instructions for use of Picloram and herbicide composition, dosage and analogues

Herbicides are special substances that are used to destroy unwanted vegetation. Let's consider the principle of action, composition and release form of "Pikloram", its correct use, safety precautions, how compatible it is with other pesticides used in agriculture, and what drugs with a similar effect can be replaced.

Composition and release form "Piklorama"

Picloram is a substance with a herbicidal effect; it is included in many preparations for controlling weeds. Refers to pyridine derivatives.It is produced industrially in the form of an aqueous solution and a water-soluble concentrate.

"Picloram" is a herbicide with a selective and continuous action; its treatment is carried out by spraying. The product has a wide spectrum of action and is highly active.

Principle of action and purpose of the herbicide

The substance picloram enters weeds through leaves and roots. The principle of action is to suppress the production of aromatic acids. When spraying, which is considered the traditional method of applying a drug solution, the substance moves through tissues at a higher speed in warm and humid weather, the speed decreases in hot and dry weather.

Young weeds and their seedlings are most sensitive to Picloram. In plants sprayed with herbicide, the absorption of carbon dioxide and the movement of assimilates from the leaves to the roots slow down.

After treatment with Picloram, the leaves and stems of weeds curl and then die. Aerial roots may grow. The herbicide destroys root weeds of perennial species, creeping bitterweed, field bindweed, nightshade and others.

Picloram herbicide

How to use it correctly?

Cultivated plants are treated when weeds begin to actively grow. The subject of processing is corn and plots of non-agricultural land. Areas with bitterling are processed when the crop is at the 3-5 leaf stage, if crop rotation conditions are met: after corn, winter wheat is sown, and then barley. Other crops are not sown in the treated areas. The consumption rate of “Pikloram” is 1-2 kg per hectare.

Safety precautions

Products containing picloram belong to pesticides with toxicity classes 2 and 3 for humans and class 3 for bees and insects.They are toxic to fish, so they are not used to treat crops located near water bodies and fish farms.

In the soil, the substance picloram is stable, washed off during watering and rain to a depth where it remains, at the recommended consumption, for up to 3-7 years. The long shelf life prevents the use of picloram for the protection of agricultural crops, because harmful residues can damage crop plants in crop rotation.

spraying the field

When the substance picloram comes into contact with mucous membranes, it irritates them, so you need to work with the product in protective clothing, wear goggles and a respirator on your face, and rubber gloves on your hands. Protective materials must not be removed until spraying is completed. If symptoms of poisoning appear, you need to rinse your stomach, and if they do not disappear, consult a doctor. If Picloram comes into contact with the skin, rinse these areas with water and rinse your eyes if the solution splashes into them.

Compatibility with other substances

"Picloram" is used in combination with 2,4D preparations to destroy resistant weeds in wheat crops. Preparations containing the substance can be combined with herbicides that are used against cereal weeds, against 1-year-old 2-lobed weeds. Can be combined with various insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers. Do not mix with growth regulators or agents that have such actions.

If compatibility is unknown, before mixing 2 drugs, you need to check possible compatibility: mix a small amount of products in one container. If there is no reaction, they are quite compatible.

Picloram herbicide


Picloram contains agricultural preparations: “Actaeon”, “Ballerina Forte”, “Galera Super”, “Galion”, “General Secretary”, “Gorgon”, “Kirai”, “Krucifer”, “Lerashans”, “Megalit”, “Meridian”, “RapsArgo”, “Rapsan”, “Skipper”, “Etamaster Super”. All of them are intended for use in agriculture. They are not used in private household plots.

"Picloram" is a herbicidal compound that manufacturers include in many modern herbicides. Destroys many types of perennial and annual weeds. Cereals and other crops are treated with such agricultural products. Products based on the substance are highly active.
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