Instructions for use of Reglon Air, desiccant dosage and analogues

Desiccants are used in agriculture to dry plants before harvesting. The treatment prepares the crops and accelerates the ripening of fruits. Let's consider the principle of action and purpose of Reglon Air, composition and release form, use and dosage according to the instructions for the drug. How to work with the solution according to safety precautions, how much and how to store the drug correctly. By what means can it be replaced?

Release form and composition of the drug

Reglon Air contains diquat in the amount of 200 g per 1 liter.Contact pesticide is produced by Syngenta in the form of an aqueous solution in 10 liter canisters. This is a continuous action herbicide.

How does desiccant work?

Diquat binds to plant tissues and does not penetrate into the seed embryo. It disrupts physiological and bioprocesses in the plant, weakens the water-holding capacity of tissues, which leads to cell death and drying out of plants.

The solution is not washed off in the rain and is effective at a temperature of +28 °C. The result of desiccation can be observed 5-7 days after treatment (the speed of impact depends on weather conditions and the condition of the plants). The product has the highest desiccation rate among products of similar action.

Purpose of the product

The drug is specially designed for desiccation treatment of sunflower and rapeseed. It is recommended to spray by aircraft to save solution. When sprayed from an aircraft, large droplets are formed that are less susceptible to drift. The desiccant speeds up preparation for harvest, reduces losses and improves the quality of harvested grain (the amount of oil in sunflower seeds increases). The use of Reglon Air makes it possible to plan harvesting times and control weeds, since it dries out the weeds along with the crop. It has a preventive effect on crops, preventing the development of fungal diseases.

reglon air desiccant

If you apply it before crop germination, the first signs of damage can be noticed after 3-4 hours; the weeds die completely 2-3 days after treatment.

Dosage and Application

Sunflower is sprayed when the baskets begin to turn brown, rapeseed - when 70% of the pods are brown. The consumption rate is 2.3 liters per hectare.According to the instructions, spraying can be carried out no later than a week before harvesting, the spraying frequency is 1.

Safety precautions

"Reglon Air" refers to agricultural products with class 3 toxicity for humans and bees. The product is low-toxic, but it is necessary to work with it in tight clothing that covers all open areas of the body so that splashes of the solution do not get on the skin. You also need to wear goggles, gloves and a respirator. Do not remove them until work is completed. Do not eat, drink or smoke.

reglon air desiccant

First aid

After finishing work, wash your hands and face, rinse the solution from your skin if the liquid gets on it. Rinse eyes for at least 15 minutes. If there are symptoms of poisoning, drink a few tablets of activated carbon, wash it down with water and after 10 minutes. induce vomiting.

You should consult a doctor if symptoms are severe and the condition does not improve.

Storage periods and rules

"Reglon Air" can be stored for 3 years, in factory canisters, with the lids closed. The temperature and humidity in the warehouse should be moderate, the lighting should be dim. Do not store food, animal feed or medicines near the dehydrator. Other pesticides and fertilizers can be stored. After the storage time has expired, replace the drug with a new one. Store the diluted solution for no longer than 1 day. To avoid overspending, it is recommended to dilute the solution only in the volume needed for work during the day.

reglon air desiccant

What can be replaced?

In addition to what is described, preparations with diquat can be used as a desiccant in agriculture: “Abydos”, “Tongara”, “Adequat”, “Dikquatter Super”, “Alpha-Diquat”, “Golden Ring”, “Rangoli-Regolon”, “Desikant Expertof”, “Desikant Super”, “Dikoshans”, “Dictator”, “Donat”, “Lost”, “Hammer”, “Polis”, “Diquat”, “Registan”, “Reglon Forte”, “Scorpio” , “Regulate Super”, “Result Super”, “Recton”, “Sukhovey”, “Equit”.

"Reglon Air" is a new drug, herbicide and desiccant from the well-known company Syngenta. Helps dry the plants and thereby accelerate the ripening of seeds and harvest ahead of schedule. In addition to its direct effect, it helps control weeds and the spread of fungal diseases. The recommended treatment method is aerial spraying. This method is preferable not only because it eliminates solution drift, but also because of its cost-effectiveness.
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