Wild birds often feed on scraps from landfills. Unsanitary conditions contribute to the appearance of various parasites. Insects carry diseases and become sources of infection for birds on farms. If fleas are detected in pigeons, preventive measures should be taken immediately. Pests are dangerous not only for winged livestock, but can also infect humans.
Varieties of pigeon parasites
Owners of domestic pigeons try to limit their pets’ contact with representatives of wild fauna.Among the plumage of birds hides an army of dangerous insects. To successfully resist the invasion of parasites, you need to have an understanding of the types of disease carriers.
Inspecting pigeons with a magnifying glass will help identify the presence of parasites. Pere-eaters cause discomfort to birds. Parasites feed on the down of birds. This is facilitated by a developed, powerful oral apparatus. Dimensions (3 mm) allow you to see insects even without the help of a magnifying glass. The color of the pests is brown with a yellowish tint.
This is the most common type of pest. The ability to jump from bird to bird leads to rapid infection of the entire bird population. Fleas are easily able to jump over a distance of 30 centimeters. The guideline for them is thermal energy; insects have poor vision. Therefore, parasites can spread to different animals, and even to humans.
Despite their small size, about 1-2 millimeters in length, parasites easily bite through the skin. There are black and sometimes dark brown specimens of insects. Fleas can go without food for a long time, lying in wait for their next victim.
Ticks are dangerous for pigeons. There are several varieties:
Name of parasites | External signs | Consequences |
Pigeon | Spherical in appearance, after saturation with blood reaches 10 mm in diameter | Causes a weakening of the immune system, often leading to the death of chicks |
Bird red | Body size – 0.7 mm. Red bite marks help identify insects | In adult pigeons, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed; in young pigeons, a slowdown in development is observed |
Scabies | They reach only 0.5 mm in length. They feed on dead skin particles. | Leads to decreased appetite and loss of plumage |
During the day, parasites hide from sunlight in crevices and only at nightfall attack sleeping pigeons.
Colonies of mites have been occupying old dovecotes for years. It is difficult to get rid of pests without sanitation.
Bedbugs also feed on the blood of pigeons. These insects are carriers of smallpox, which is considered the most dangerous disease for birds. Due to unbearable itching, pets become agitated and then weaken. Due to blood loss, exhaustion and anemia develop.
The activity of bedbugs does not depend on the time of day. Females are capable of laying about 500 eggs at a time. And after 7 days, new larvae will hatch from them. Pests cause particular concern to young, fragile chicks.
Domestic pigeons often become infected with different types of worms. The most common of them - roundworms - choose the intestines as their habitat and lead to such unpleasant consequences as diarrhea and vomiting. Weakened birds lose interest in food, become lethargic and lag behind their healthy counterparts in development.
It is almost impossible to protect yourself from parasites. Earthworms are often the source of infection. Worm eggs are also carried by gusts of wind. By falling into feeders or drinking water, the pests then easily enter the body of pigeons. Regular cleaning of the poultry house using disinfectants can reduce the risk of the spread of helminths.
Symptoms of appearance
It is quite difficult to understand that pigeons have fleas or other parasites. Initially, the birds do not show concern.The habit of cleaning feathers is also inherent in healthy individuals. Therefore, bird owners do not pay attention to this behavior of their pets. The only concern is the appearance of bald spots in the plumage.
The presence of fleas is indicated by the following signs:
- Nervous behavior of pigeons, turning into attacks of aggression.
- A disheveled appearance may mean the birds are suffering from bites and severe itching.
- A symptom of an advanced disease is intense loss of fluff.
Wild pigeons often live on the roofs or attics of apartment buildings. Therefore, city residents are not immune from the appearance of unwanted guests.
How to get rid of harmful insects from pigeons
Treatment of birds will not give results if the poultry house is not simultaneously disinfected. It is recommended to treat the room with insecticidal preparations. “Dichlorvos” or “Raptor” is available to every owner.
To combat parasites use:
- Denatured alcohol helps get rid of bugs. Soak a cotton swab with the product and wipe the down of sick pigeons. The procedure is repeated until the insects completely disappear.
- Fleas are afraid of Ivermec or Frontline.
- Chinese dust causes panic among ticks.
- Worms will stop bothering birds after consuming Levamisole and Praziphen; a decoction of pomegranate peel and pumpkin seeds also helps.
Poultry farmers call the drug “Antiparasite” a universal means of fighting insects. The product is harmless to pigeons, but destroys pests, as well as flies and spiders. The smoke bomb is left in the poultry house overnight, and the room is thoroughly cleaned in the morning.
Can they be transmitted to humans?
At the first signs of restless behavior, pigeons are recommended to be thoroughly examined.Parasites are unlikely to spread not only to animals and birds, but also to human blood. Discomfort from itching is not the worst consequence of insect bites.
Fleas, ticks or bedbugs are carriers of dangerous infections. Even brief contact with a sick pigeon can cause typhus, brucellosis or encephalitis. There are known cases of hepatitis infection.
The immune system of a healthy person usually successfully resists the harmful effects of insects. Bird parasites rarely linger on smooth human skin, preferring the thick down of winged individuals. But bites often cause allergic reactions, the consequences of which can be very serious. Children, as well as adults with weakened bodies, can also get sick.
Prevention of occurrence
Preventative measures will be the best way to protect against parasites. To avoid the invasion of harmful insects, it is advised:
- Maintain cleanliness in the poultry house.
- Cover the cracks to deprive the favorite refuge of bedbugs and ticks.
- Disinfect the premises, even if the pigeons look healthy.
- Monitor the diet of birds, supplementing their diet with vitamin supplements.
It is necessary to protect pets from contact with street birds. It is especially important to keep wild relatives away from the feeders of domestic pigeons. Regular cleaning of the premises and preventive measures will protect birds, as well as their owners, from infection. If parasites are identified, it is better to contact a veterinarian in order to quickly treat the entire flock.