How to make a trap for pigeons with your own hands and where to look for a flown away bird

Pigeons are a common sight on city streets. These birds are distributed throughout the world and value freedom, so they prefer to inhabit open areas. In the city, pigeons nest in attics and roofs, and outside the city limits they can be found on steep banks, in gorges, and dense bushes. Birds are caught for a wide variety of purposes, and there are many methods of catching them. In some cases, it will be necessary to make a trap or other devices for pigeons.

Character and characteristics of the bird

street pigeon
street pigeon

Pigeons are small birds that have not lost the ability to fly. The body weight of most breeds, on average, reaches 300 g, the body is oblong, the length is up to 40 cm, the wingspan is no more than 70 cm. The plumage is dense, the color depends on the breed. The wings are wide with pointed tips. The tail is shortened and rounded. The beak is predominantly dark in color. The legs are devoid of feathers, with the exception of some breeds.

Birds are divided into the following types:

  • decorative;
  • racing or flying;
  • meat;
  • postal or sports.
crowned pigeon
crowned pigeon

The division is very conditional, since one breed often belongs to several species. It is known that racing pigeons without daily training over a certain period of time they become decorative.

The ancestors of the pigeons that city residents are accustomed to seeing on the streets are the rock and rock pigeons. It is difficult to determine when people began domesticating these birds, but it has been proven that 5,000 years ago pigeons were painted on ancient Egyptian frescoes. Images have also been found in the southern regions of Europe, in countries located in western Asia. The first specimens of pigeons arrived in the palaces of wealthy nobles after their unique features were noticed. They were unusually good at flying, could return to their nests from long distances, and also had beautiful plumage.

Previously, pigeons were used for courier purposes
Previously, pigeons were used for courier purposes

The dove is a peace-loving bird. No wonder it has become a symbol of purity and innocence. Birds prefer to live in small flocks. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, but can move the entire colony over short distances in search of food.They are extremely shy, but trusting of humans. They have well-developed hearing and vision, which helps them avoid danger. In their natural habitat, the enemies of pigeons are wolves, foxes, eagle owls and owls, as well as falcons. In city conditions, cats and dogs are dangerous for these birds.

Birds love to rest in clearly visible areas
Birds love to rest in clearly visible areas

The pigeon is very gluttonous. From morning to late evening, birds search for food near their habitat. The basis of the diet is plant foods. However, during a hungry period, pigeons do not disdain insects and larvae. The bird's pointed and strong beak allows it to peck fairly hard food - seeds, nuts, grains.

Pair of birds
Pair of birds

A pair of doves remain faithful to each other for life. They take very touching care of their other half, together they participate in incubating eggs and taking care of the chicks. Nesting takes place throughout the warm period of the year. As soon as the chicks become independent, the female begins a new clutch, each time refining the nest, consisting of branches, straw, leaves and fluff.

Newborn chicks are completely devoid of feathers, but after a month they are able to fly and get food for themselves.

How to catch pigeons

Pigeons can fly more than 3 km
Pigeons can fly more than 3 km

For a long period of time, pigeons coexist peacefully next to people. Birds are not capable of causing harm, except that they can often be carriers of certain infectious diseases that are dangerous to both domestic animals and humans.

Flocks of pigeons prefer areas with a lot of people
Flocks of pigeons prefer areas with a lot of people

Sometimes it becomes necessary to catch a bird that has flown away or is injured. This is not so easy to do, despite their gullibility towards people.However, experienced poultry farmers suggest using very effective methods that require skill and the presence of certain objects.

Catching with bare hands

Pigeons often feed themselves from a person's hand
Pigeons often feed themselves from a person's hand

One of the simplest fishing methods is with bare hands; it does not require any equipment. Initially, a flock of birds should be fed by scattering treats around them in the form of seeds, nuts or bread crumbs. The pigeons quickly flock together and begin to peck at the food. They will act cautiously, then get used to it and come closer.

The favorite place of pigeons is the roofs of houses.
The favorite place of pigeons is the roofs of houses.

To catch a bird, allow the flock to get as close to you as possible. You need to grab it sharply, but without squeezing its body, trying to avoid damage. You can offer the bird a treat from your hand, scattering food on your palm. The dove will certainly land on your hand, and then you can quickly grab it.

In a box or box

The box should be lightweight
The box should be lightweight

The method will require preparing a light cardboard box, a small stick, rope, strong thread or fishing line. Place the box bottom up, lift one of the sides on a stick to which a thread is tied. You should move a sufficient distance away so as not to frighten the bird, having first laid out the treat for the pigeon in the direction of the box in the form of a path.

Fishing scheme using a box
Fishing scheme using a box

It is important to catch the moment when the bird goes under the box. At this time you need to pull the thread. This way the bird will be inside. You need to hold the box so that she doesn’t turn it over. Then you can begin to remove the caught specimen. This method is suitable for catching different types of birds.

On a fishing net

The option of fishing with a fishing net is not as simple as it might initially seem. It is better to act together with an assistant. This way you can catch several specimens.

Diagram of a device for fishing with a fishing net
Diagram of a device for fishing with a fishing net

You should approach a flock of birds, trying not to scare them away. Spread the net and position yourself along its edges. Pour food onto its surface and wait for the birds to flock to the treat. When the flock is on the trap, you need to sharply and simultaneously slam the edges of the net and tighten them. Caught birds should be carefully disentangled from the trap, being careful not to injure them.

Catching sleeping birds

It's easier to catch a sleeping bird
It's easier to catch a sleeping bird

Catching a sleeping bird requires dexterity. It is necessary to determine in advance those secluded places where pigeons actively flock in large numbers to roost for the night. Most often such places become attics. Next, you should wait for good, quiet weather and at dusk creep up to the sleeping flock, trying to move carefully and silently. Use your hands, a piece of cloth or a fishing net to quickly catch the nearest bird.

On a loop

To catch with a loop, you need a small piece of fishing line. In places where birds often gather, place one end of the fishing line, tightened like a self-tightening loop. Place food in the center and hide in a shelter, while the loop should be clearly visible.

Fishing with a loop is a convenient and easy way
Fishing with a loop is a convenient and easy way

As soon as the most curious pigeon gets into the very center of the trap, you need to sharply pull the other end of the fishing line. The loop should immediately tighten on one of the paws. Next, you can carefully pull the bird towards you.

To the apartment

Birds are attracted to treats in the apartment
Birds are attracted to treats in the apartment

An apartment or house often acts as a kind of trap. It is known that these birds can sit on balconies or window sills for hours. You should open the windows and lay some kind of path of crumbs from the place where they are going to bask in the sun to the apartment where the pigeon wants to go of its own free will, attracted by the treat.

Before catching a pigeon in an apartment, you need a net
Before catching a pigeon in an apartment, you need a net

After this, all that remains is to close the windows tightly so that the bird does not fly back, and at the same time the curtains, because it can break on the glass trying to get out. The next step is to catch the pigeon, which is difficult even in a small room. An ordinary net will help with this.

How to make a pigeon trap with your own hands

Often the listed methods do not work for a number of reasons. In this case, poultry farmers suggest making a pigeon trap yourself, using available materials and tools. It is important to follow the recommendations.

From the box

The simplest device is a box. Approximate size – 30 x 45 cm. Height – up to 35 cm. You will also need food, weight, a stick and a piece of rope. Part of the bottom should be cut out. This is necessary in order to then freely remove the pigeon from the trap.

Tie one end of the rope to a stick. Use it to lift the box. Place the weight on one edge. When the bird is under the box and begins to peck the food, you need to vigorously pull the free end of the thread. The stick will fall and the dove will be trapped.


The box should be placed in places where flocks of pigeons gather
The box should be placed in places where flocks of pigeons gather

To make a balancing device for catching pigeons you will need:

  • lightweight cardboard box with lid;
  • plywood;
  • stapler;
  • wide tape;
  • a small piece of cardboard;
  • big paperclip.
Pigeons avoid cats
Pigeons avoid cats

The paperclip needs to be bent in the shape of a horseshoe or the English letter U. It will act as a kind of balancer. Wrap the cardboard around its center and then secure the ends. The hook should rotate freely inside the tube, which is made from a piece of cardboard. Attach the hook to the plywood.

Cut a small hole in the top of the box. Make a recess inside the box. The hook should be located above the edge of this recess. Fix the balancer inside the box on the top side. Outside, pour out a path of feed, which should lead to a recess with a suspended balancer. The bird pushes the balance beam, passing through the depression, ending up in a trap.

How to pick up a pigeon correctly

The bird should not be injured in human hands
The bird should not be injured in human hands

You can pick up the pigeon in any way you like, however, in order not to damage it, you should use simple techniques. It is worth immediately noting that you cannot take the bird by one wing or move both limbs behind the back.

Turn your right hand palm up. Spread your ring and index fingers apart. You need to pass the pigeon's feet through them. His head should be facing you. The thumb will be over the bird's wing. The left hand can be used for additional support.

This is the safest and most convenient fixation. In addition, this position will avoid contamination with pigeon excrement.

Where to look for a flighted domestic pigeon

Initially, when the bird is still young, it is accustomed to its dovecote. The flock should return in full force to its nest after the walk. To do this, the owner of the dovecote accustoms them to food and drink in a certain mode, a sound signal (for example, a whistle), and the light of a flashlight in the evening. The young are gradually taught to follow the leader of the pack. All completed commands are rewarded with food. Without basic skills, you cannot release birds - they may get lost.

If the pigeon flies away, there is no need to panic. He will return if he remembers the way. Otherwise, you should look for it close to home, in flocks of street pigeons.
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