Keeping pigeons, care and breeding at home for beginners

Recently, more and more people are breeding pigeons. These birds can bring aesthetic pleasure and be a source of real income. There are several types of birds - decorative, meat, sport, flight. Depending on the specific type of birds, the purposes of their rearing and the characteristics of their maintenance depend. In order for pigeons to develop well, it is important to provide them with proper care.

Why are pigeons bred?

People raise pigeons to solve various problems. In most cases, birds are bred for aesthetic pleasure. Many of the birds are attractive in appearance and have beautiful feathers. There are also breeds that are bred for competition. Birds are often bred to produce tasty dietary meat - it contains many vitamins and minerals that are needed for health.

Which breed should I choose?

In order for pigeon rearing to be successful, it is important to choose the right breed and determine the purpose of keeping the birds.


This category includes special birds that are distinguished by beautiful plumage. Such pigeons take part in various exhibitions. They are often released at weddings. The most common decorative breeds are the peacock pigeon, barb, and Saxon priest.


Previously, these breeds were considered mail breeds. Today, pigeon mail has lost its relevance. At the same time, flying speed competitions are constantly held all over the world. Popular breeds in this group include the Belgian Postman, Russian Postal, and English Quarry.


This species of bird is characterized by certain flight characteristics. They are bred precisely for the sake of a beautiful summer. Moreover, birds are able not only to fly quickly, but also to perform various tricks - falls, somersaults, turns. The most common breeds include the Nicholas pigeon, the cross monk, and the Berlin tumbler.


In many countries around the world, the meat of these birds is very popular. Moreover, the first breeds were bred specifically for meat production. In pigeons it has an excellent taste and contains fine fibers. Representatives of meat breeds include king, carnot, and roman pigeon.

Features of keeping at home

Raising pigeons has a number of features. In order for birds to develop normally and not get sick, they require high-quality care.

a lot of pigeons

Arranging a dovecote

You cannot breed birds in an apartment. Birds need to build a special room. It is important to provide everything you need. The house must have perches on which the birds can rest.

For comfortable breeding, birds require nests. The structures are used for fallowing and nesting of birds. Each bird must have an individual cell. They are placed in several rows.

The presence of feeders and drinkers is of great importance. It is important to ensure that no droppings or debris get into them. The number of feeders and drinkers is selected taking into account the number of pigeons. There should be at least 60 centimeters of feeder length per bird.

Pigeons love to take baths. Bathing is especially important in the warm season or during molting. For water treatments, it is recommended to use small containers. There must be an entrance in the dovecote. It is a hole for birds to exit. Its size must correspond to the dimensions of the birds. As a rule, 1-2 entrances are made in a dovecote.


It is important to keep pigeons properly. To do this, it is recommended to control the parameters of temperature, lighting, and fresh air flow. The health of birds and their ability to reproduce depend on the temperature in the room. In winter, the temperature should be at least +5-7 degrees, in summer – maximum +20. In this case, the humidity parameters should be 65-70%.

In the heat, pigeons should not be allowed to fly, as this will lead to increased stress on their body.

It is definitely worth organizing a ventilation system in the dovecote.At the same time, there should be no drafts in the room. At a height of 10-15 centimeters from the floor, it is recommended to make an air hole and cover it with a grill. It is worth making a hood near the ceiling. Proper ventilation prevents the appearance of dampness, infections, and mold in the room.

Light is of great importance for birds. With a lack of light, a slowdown in the development of young animals is observed. At the same time, the birds develop better physically. Daylight hours should be 13 hours. To control this parameter, it is important to provide artificial lighting in the room.

a lot of pigeons

It is necessary to provide bedding in the dovecote. It can be made from hay, straw, dry peat, sawdust. The layer thickness should be 5 centimeters. Thanks to the presence of bedding, cleaning is simplified. It is important to ensure that the litter is clean. It is recommended to completely change it twice a year - in autumn and spring. This is done during disinfection. If dampness or rotting occurs, it is recommended to change the litter immediately.

Meaty and decorative pigeons need an aviary for walking. In this place, the birds can get used to the outdoors, bask in the sun or enjoy the fresh air. It is permissible to arrange the enclosure on the ground or from above by installing supporting structures.

How to Care for Birds for Beginners

In order for birds to develop normally, they require high-quality care. In a dovecote, it is important to systematically remove droppings. It is recommended to pay special attention to this procedure in nests with chicks. It is also important to note that the eggs must be clean. If they are dirty, the shell will not allow air to pass through. As a result, the embryo may die. Light cleaning should be done every day, and more thorough cleaning should be done once a week.

Birds must be inspected daily.This manipulation should be performed during feeding. In normal health, pigeons quickly fly up to the food and show an appetite while eating. When diseases develop, birds bite poorly or refuse food completely. It is recommended to immediately isolate sick pigeons.

The claws of pigeons are often covered with lumps of droppings, which lead to impaired motor activity. It is recommended to carefully remove these balls.

What to feed pigeons

In order for birds to grow and develop normally, they require a balanced diet. It is important to follow certain rules and take into account the age of the pigeon.

Adult bird

It is recommended to make vegetables, fruits and barley the basis of the birds’ diet. Birds are allowed to give apples, carrots, and potatoes. On average, the daily dose of feed per bird should be 50 grams. If you plan to feed pigeons for meat, it is recommended to include boiled eggs in their diet. They also need chopped peas. To maintain the elasticity of bird feathers, it is permissible to introduce flax and rapeseed, which contain many vitamins, into their diet. The presence of clean water in drinking bowls is of no small importance.

a lot of pigeons

Young animals

The development of young animals depends on a balanced diet. Young birds are considered more susceptible to pathologies compared to adults. If the food contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and useful elements, the risk of developing diseases is significantly reduced.

In the first few weeks after separation from their parents, young birds need a lot of food. It is worth considering the appearance of the iris. When it becomes the same as in adult birds, the portions can be reduced.When preparing the diet for young birds, it is recommended to consider the following:

  • in the morning portions should be smaller than in the evening;
  • grains should be mixed with fish oil;
  • In order for the birds to grow better, they should be given a composition based on peas, barley and vetch.

Subtleties of reproduction

Pigeons breed in the spring. To do this, it is recommended to prepare a separate aviary in the poultry house. It should be washed and dried thoroughly. It is also recommended to install sockets.

Birds reproduce in the following ways:

  • inbreeding;
  • random mating;
  • linear method;
  • crossing similar pigeons.

In nature, random mating dominates. When breeding yourself, it is better to use other methods. Mating of related pigeons is called inbreeding. In this case, parents are crossed with offspring. Sibling mating is also possible. With this breeding option, it is possible to improve the quality of the breed and preserve the advantages of the birds. Inbreeding can be used for a long time, pairing several generations with each other.

In this case, poultry farmers most often use mating of similar pigeons. In this case, 2 healthy individuals are able to transfer their qualities to the chicks.

Crossing unrelated pigeons is considered the opposite of inbreeding. At the same time, foreign genetic material can convey qualities that are not inherent in the breed, which will help improve it. This method should be used very carefully. With the advent of new genes, there is a risk of developing negative characteristics, which will adversely affect the family.


a lot of pigeons

The linear breeding method helps to accurately assess the consequences of crossing and inheritance of characteristics. It differs from inbreeding by the more distant relationship of the parent birds.

Possible diseases and methods of their treatment

Pigeons are susceptible to various pathologies. The most common ones include the following:

  1. Trichomoniasis - spreads through water. The causative agent of the disease is considered to be Trichomonas. The disease leads to the death of birds.
  2. Psittacosis is an acute infection. It often affects young birds, which leads to their death.
  3. Campylobacteriosis is considered to be a consequence of the activity of bacteria that live asymptomatically in the body. Antibacterial drugs are used for treatment.

Breeding pigeons is considered a complex process that requires compliance with a number of recommendations. In order for birds to develop normally, it is important for them to create suitable conditions and choose a balanced diet.
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