History of the appearance of fighting pigeons, descriptions of the top 6 breeds and contents

Fighting pigeons include breeds of birds that are distinguished by their decorative appearance and characteristic sounds during flight. Türkiye is considered the homeland. Centers for breeding these breeds have been established in the CIS countries, the Caucasus and Central Asia. In addition to the original appearance and noise during flapping of their wings, the birds are distinguished by their unique flight technique and ease of maintenance. Fighting pigeons include a large group of breeds; let’s look at the most common of them.

Historical data

It is confirmed that game birds have been cultivated for at least 3 hundred years in the North Caucasus. This region with diverse natural and climatic conditions has attracted different peoples since ancient times. Military campaigns here were carried out by the Persians, Sarmatians, Huns, and Arabs. It is assumed that the first fighting pigeons appeared as a result of military campaigns.

In the Caucasus, local people call fighting pigeons “Tashkent” or “Persians”. Thanks to the military-political and trade relations of Turkey, Iran, Russia with the East, opportunities have been opened for the breeding of slaughter birds, which were the result of international breeding work in the Caucasus territory and beyond.

General characteristics and description

The decorative subspecies of birds has a distinctive feature compared to other breeds - its flight technique. When taking off, individuals make sounds similar to clicks with their wings. The older the pigeon gets, the more clearly the sound made in flight is heard. Chicks do not have this feature; it appears only closer to 6 months. Birds reach their maximum level of fighting by 2 years of age.

Slaughter breeds live on average 15 years, provided they are properly cared for and fed. Pigeon breeders pay great attention to training. The first training is carried out on chicks from 2 months of age. Fighting breeds differ in external parameters and color.

But they have common features:

  • perform complex tricks and pirouettes;
  • make sounds with their wings during flight;
  • have excellent orientation in the area and easily find their way home;
  • rise to great heights;
  • hardy, spend several hours in the air;
  • hover in the air.

a lot of pigeons

Thanks to these features, fighting breeds are valued among pigeon breeders. Hardy birds are not demanding in care and nutrition.

Origin story

Fighting pigeons are bred by selective breeding. The first domesticated birds appeared in the North Caucasus region. Later they were brought to the USA and European countries. The main breeding centers are located in: Turkey, the North Caucasus, Asia, Azerbaijan and Europe.

Flight Features

Each breed has its own flying style. Pigeons fly up, making noise, gain height and make circles. Birds fly at high altitudes.

Among breeders, the ability of individuals to perform a pole exit is especially valued, when the bird makes a series of flips over its back, flying vertically upward.

Fighting pigeons perform many tricks:

  • lifting into a pillar;
  • screw;
  • freezing;
  • paired;
  • tape

Popular breeds

Each species has distinctive features: color, size, beak shape, body structure and other factors.

Persian (Iranian)

The ancient breed is similar in appearance to hawks. Large individuals with a wingspan of up to 70 centimeters. They are characterized by flight durations of 11-12 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages
decorative appearance;
the ability to hover in one place in the air.
low exit to the pillar;
irregular clicking;
irregular clicking;

Southern pigeons

Caucasians are distinguished by a variety of colors and can have different lengths of forelock and beak. The degree of feathering of the legs also differs. Southern breeds include: Krasnodar, Armavir, Baku and other subspecies.

Advantages and disadvantages
decorative qualities;
high flying abilities;
unpretentiousness in content;
high popularity in the South of Russia;
beautiful plumage.
the likelihood of genetic defects;
requires long training;
Young animals do not always return home during their first training sessions.

Leninakan pigeons

Cheerful birds who love freedom. They are part of the group of Caucasian fighting birds. Easily perform complex tricks. The flight duration can be up to 8 hours. They are characterized by medium size and strong build.

Advantages and disadvantages
low maintenance requirements;
create pairs for life;
easy to train;
well oriented in space.
do not get used to cells well;
A married couple cannot be released into the air at the same time.

Turkish pigeons

The most popular is the Takla breed, from which most bird species originated. They differ in medium size with a typical body structure. The color may contain different colors.

Advantages and disadvantages
endurance even in harsh climatic conditions;
flight duration reaches up to 10 hours;
valued for the play of their wings in the air.
increased attention to training is required;
The peculiarity of screw flight is related to the color of the bird; the brighter the plumage, the worse it performs the trick.

Asian pigeons

The Central Asian type has a shortened beak and shiny plumage. They laid the foundation for many breeds of pigeon families. They are especially valued among pigeon breeders.

Advantages and disadvantages
reproduce well;
have good memory;
good wing play;
have high immunity;
flight duration is up to 9 hours.
possible genetic defects;
daily training is required.

Leushkovsky fighting pigeons

They are a type of Maikop pigeon. They have unusual feathering on their legs and wide wings. Individuals are small in size with a single or multi-colored color.

Advantages and disadvantages
fly quickly and rhythmically;
sharply emerge into a pillar;
decorative appearance;
loud noise during takeoff.
small head;
bulging eyes.

Content specifics

Slaughter poultry requires regular care and proper nutrition. Pigeons are kept in spacious enclosures or dovecotes. Inside the poultry house, high-quality bedding is laid and a proper perch is arranged. If the conditions are not met, pole fighting birds suffer a curvature of the spine, which negatively affects the quality of flights.

Feeding for birds is selected depending on the length of the beak, so that it is convenient for the birds to take food. Pets eat twice a day, morning and evening. Fighting pigeons are given daily training. Pigeon farming is a profitable business. Subject to proper housing conditions and diet, a healthy tribe grows, which later participates in competitions and takes leading positions.

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