Rock pigeons are considered one of the most famous bird species found in the city. Birds can often be seen in city squares, parks and squares. At the same time, birds are characterized by a wide distribution. They are undemanding when it comes to food and living conditions. Such pigeons have certain features in appearance.
General description of the rock pigeon
The rock pigeon, or Columba Livia, has been known to people since ancient times. These birds are characterized by a number of features.They are distinguished by a large and slightly elongated body. It reaches 37-40 centimeters.
The birds are distinguished by their small heads. In this case, the beak is slightly blunt and rounded near the end. Its length practically does not exceed 2.5 centimeters and is distinguished by a dark shade.
Birds are characterized by a short neck. At the same time, the crop is clearly expressed and has an interesting color of feathers. The tail is rounded at the end. Its length is 13-14 centimeters. The tail feathers are covered with a contrasting black border.
These birds are characterized by wings with a wide base and a pointed tip. The flight feathers have dark thin stripes. The wingspan can be 65-72 centimeters. They are usually quite strong and sturdy.
Pigeons most often have yellow or golden eyes. They are characterized by clear and three-dimensional vision. Birds have no problem finding the right points in open areas and are able to distinguish shades.
Birds are characterized by short legs. Most often they are black or pink in color. Chubby and shaggy-legged birds are also found.
This bird species is found on all continents. They are absent only in Antarctica. Most often, birds settle in Eurasia and Africa. Wild birds like mountainous terrain. They are found at a height of 2.5-3 meters.
Birds often live not far from grassy plains, near which there are flowing bodies of water. Pigeons make their nests in rocks, ravines and other secluded places away from people. However, birds do not like to live in dense forests or open areas.
In addition, rock pigeons can also live in urban areas - in large garden areas, in parks, on the roofs of houses, in buildings. In villages, flocks of birds meet at the threshing floor where they keep and grind grain.However, in such an area, birds can be seen much less often.
Habits and lifestyle
Rock pigeons are exclusively diurnal. During this period they eat and fly a lot. However, in urban conditions other behavior patterns are also possible. Pigeons are able to remain active after sunset if the streets are well lit. Most of the time, birds move along the ground in search of food. If necessary, they can rest sitting on the ground. Pigeons spend a maximum of 30% of their waking time on flights.
In terms of activity level, city pigeons are less active than birds that live in rural areas. This is not surprising, because in the city there are many buildings and suitable food. At the same time, wild pigeons are considered very active. During the day they can fly a distance of 50 kilometers. Birds make the longest flights in winter, when it can be difficult to find food.
Breeding rock pigeons
Rock pigeons are characterized by certain breeding characteristics. This process includes a number of steps.
Rock pigeons are considered monogamous birds. Their pairs remain throughout life. Puberty begins at 5-7 months. For birds that live in the south, the nesting period lasts all year. For residents of the northern regions it occurs between March and October.
At the initial stage of mating games, the male courts the female. He accompanies her everywhere. At the same time, the male performs a special courtship dance.It inflates its neck and bends towards the ground with its wings spread. At this time, birds make specific sounds - mating cooing. Sometimes such games last for several weeks. When the female accepts the male's advances, the pigeons preen their feathers. The completion of the mating season is considered to be a cloacal kiss, which represents sexual intercourse. It lasts several minutes.
Preparing for nesting
Pigeons make their nests in secluded places, out of reach of predatory animals. In the wild, this occurs in caves or rocks. In the city, birds nest in attics or secluded areas of buildings.
Branches, grass, and fine clay are used to form nests. The male looks for materials, while the female makes the home. Pigeons use their nests several times. They have a simple structure and resemble a bunch of branches held together by blades of grass.
Raising offspring
Chicks appear on the 17th day from the start of egg laying. Baby pigeons are born completely blind. At the same time, their body is covered with sparse and long yellow fluff. From the first day, parents feed the cubs pigeon milk. This is done 4 times a day.
At week 2, seeds are introduced into the diet, which are digested in the parent crop. At this time, 2 feedings are enough. Gradually, the yellow fluff gives way to gray, and after that feathers grow on the chicks’ bodies. City pigeons leave the nest after 17 days, wild ones after 25. However, the male continues to watch them. Birds reach full maturity by the 32nd day of life. At this stage, they fly well and are able to find food.
Role in a person's life
Rock pigeons play an important role in people's lives. Moreover, they have positive and negative effects.The main danger of birds lies in the fact that they are considered carriers of various pathologies. People can catch bird flu or psittacosis from birds. However, direct infection is rare. Quite often, these birds spoil the appearance of streets and buildings by leaving droppings.
The advantages of coexistence between birds and people include the fact that birds quickly destroy various wastes. This helps minimize the risk of spreading bacteria.
Not everyone knows that rock pigeons are able to determine the weather. These birds subtly sense any changes in atmospheric pressure. They have excellent vision and can easily navigate the terrain. Therefore, in ancient times, birds were used as messengers.
Natural enemies
These birds are threatened by feathered predators - primarily hawks. They are very dangerous during the mating season. In addition, quail and black grouse can eat pigeons. Hawks are more dangerous to wild pigeons. “City dwellers” should beware of peregrine falcons. Crows have a negative impact on the number of pigeons. Ordinary cats are also dangerous for them.
Pigeon nests are destroyed by foxes, snakes, ferrets, and martens. Massive epidemics also destroy birds. Pigeons live in crowded conditions, so infections spread very quickly. People who can deliberately poison birds are also considered enemies of pigeons, because they consider them carriers of infections.
Population and species status
The distribution area of pigeons is quite wide. These birds are found in many cities. The number of livestock does not cause concern among scientists. However, they note that their number is decreasing. Rock pigeons often interbreed with city pigeons.
In some areas there are a lot of pigeons.In such a situation, you have to get rid of them by pestilence. This is due to the fact that birds negatively affect the appearance of cities, have a bad effect on buildings and other structures, and their excrement corrodes car surfaces.
Pigeons can be sources of torulosis, bird flu, and psittacosis. Therefore, the rapid increase in their numbers poses a certain danger.
Thus, rock pigeons are not a vulnerable species. Their number is quite large, and sometimes exceeds the permissible norms. Rock pigeons are not included in the red lists. They face no existential threats. Therefore, security measures are not applied to them.
Rock pigeons are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to conditions and food, and therefore their population is rapidly increasing. At the same time, it is important for people to be careful when contacting birds, since they are sources of dangerous pathologies.