Description of everted sickle pigeons, pros and cons of the breed and care

Breeding pigeons is a fascinating activity with a long history and tradition. Over centuries of selection, numerous varieties of birds have been bred, surprising with their properties and unique external data. One of the most unusual and spectacular pigeons is the sickleback pigeon breed, which is distinguished by an extraordinary type of movement and a special structure of the wings.

History of the breed

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the ancestors of the breed were brought to Nikolaev in the south of the country. Presumably, the origins of sickle pigeons are in Asia Minor.Through the efforts of local lovers, the breed quickly became popular, and several new varieties of sicklebacks appeared:

  1. Kalachovskys.
  2. Garkushinsky.
  3. Muzikinskie.

Since the selection and breeding of the breed was actively carried out in Ochakov, a city not far from Nikolaev, the sicklebacks are often called Ochakovsky or Ochakovsky eversion. There are also other lines - Donetsk, Tula and so on.

Description and characteristics of sickle pigeons

The specific features of the breed are small size, correct proportions, and good physique. Sickleback pigeons are light-boned. Feather colors are:

  1. Plain.
  2. Motley, with white wings and tail, a bluish tint to the body, stripes on the wings, which can be bluish, yellow or red.
  3. Piebald, with spots on sides and wings.

Birds' wings are narrow, pointed at the ends, and folded onto the tail. It consists of 12-14 feathers 2 centimeters longer than the wings. When the tail opens, there are no gaps between the feathers. The main feature that gave the breed its name is the fourth, outermost wing joint.

It is convex, thanks to which birds manage to form a sickle. The flight of sicklebacks is impressive and unique. They love to fly alone. Training of chicks begins at two months of age, preferably in the mornings and evenings.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages
Unique flight style.
Unique appearance.
The relative rarity of representatives of different directions of the breed.
Easy breeding.
Disadvantages of education and training, which manifest themselves in violation of the correctness of flight, changes in its pattern, as well as systematic approaches to the circle.
Manifestations of external defects in case of problems with crossing and breeding: a pockmarked tail, split feathers in it, defects in the plumage pattern, noticeable deviations from size standards.
A tiny number of purebred sicklebacks as a result of selection.

For lovers and enthusiasts of breeding and keeping domestic pigeons, sicklebacks have more advantages than disadvantages, and difficulties do not frighten them.

Is it possible to keep a bird in captivity?

Crested pigeons are freedom-loving birds, so they need spacious premises to be kept in captivity. They come in the following types:

  1. Volnitsa is a room with narrow windows and small openings through which birds could fly out into the street.
  2. An aviary is an outdoor room made of mesh materials. In it, pigeons are “in the open air”, but cannot fly away.
  3. The dovecote with feeding area is an extension in the form of an aviary, located near the freemen. In such a place pigeons can walk and warm up.

sickle pigeons

For the health of the birds, it is important that the premises are clean and dry, regularly cleaned and disinfected. Sicklebacks tolerate cold well; it is only important to provide them with protection from precipitation. They must have perches, nests, feeders and drinkers. Dry and succulent food must be placed in different feeders.

Breeding direction

Crested pigeons are bred for their beauty and unusual flight. The best representatives of the breed are sent to insertions, where they are judged on the following qualities:

  1. Flight abilities.
  2. Constitution.
  3. The shape of the wings, the presence of a specific characteristic - “sickleness”.
  4. Ability to navigate in space.
  5. Quality and style of flight.

Based on the results of the competition, birds can receive the following categories:

  1. Elite.
  2. First grade.
  3. Second class.
  4. Third class.
  5. Culling.

Breeders and fanciers strive to get their pets into the highest rating categories.

Caring for sicklefish

These pigeons are considered unpretentious and undemanding. For successful keeping and breeding, it is important to keep the premises clean, regularly remove and clean the feeders and drinkers, monitor the availability of drinking water, and select a balanced diet.

Birds should not be overfed, because obese sicklebirds fly reluctantly, and spectacular flight is their main value. In addition, overfed birds can become ill.

You cannot keep more than 15 pairs in one room - pigeons love freedom very much and require space to live. Inside the dovecote you need to maintain a moderate temperature - within 20 degrees Celsius in the summer and not lower than 10 degrees Celsius in the cold season. Adult birds are not afraid of short-term drops in temperature, but this can kill chicks.

What to feed the breed

To feed sickle pigeons, a mixture of wheat, millet and legumes is made. The composition should be enriched with vitamins and mineral supplements. Food is given 40 grams per adult bird.

sickle pigeons

Also, pigeons need to be given wet mash with herbs and special feed. To make grinding coarse food easier, there should be containers with fine gravel and sand in the room.

Bird breeding

Crested pigeons are monogamous birds, meaning they mate once and for all. Males court the female, as members of the species do. In the first oviposition there is one egg, then the dove lays a pair at intervals of up to 45 hours. To ensure that the chicks hatch at the same time and are equally strong, the first egg is taken before the second one appears, and so that the parents do not abandon the nest, a dummy is placed in it.

Females incubate their offspring for 16-19 days. The hatched chicks are helpless. At first, pigeons feed on semi-digested food in the form of “milk”, which is produced in the crops of adult birds.

The offspring are separated at 25-28 days. The pigeons are transferred to finely crushed grain. It is important to teach them to drink clean water, to which vitamins must be added. Pigeons begin to be taught the specifics of flight at two months of age.

Possible diseases

Sicklebacks are strong and robust pigeons, but susceptible to infectious diseases. The risk increases with crowded housing, improper feeding and unsanitary conditions in the premises and nests.

It is necessary to monitor the balance of feed, avoid deficiency and excess of vitamins, provide fresh herbs and mineral supplements. This will help prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiencies and hypervitaminosis, as well as stomach and goiter diseases.

Infections in the avian environment spread quickly - from each other, through eggs and offspring, through contaminated water and food, through the air, so birds with signs of illness should be immediately separated from the flock and placed in quarantine. Pigeons suffer from dangerous infectious diseases - salmonellosis, coccidiosis, psittacosis and other diseases that can be transmitted to people. After caring for birds, people need to take care of their personal hygiene.

  1. Pyocyanosis - caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, transmitted through infected eggs and leads to the death of chicks aged from a couple of days to several weeks. You can protect pigeons by regularly disinfecting the premises, feeders, drinkers and nests.
  2. Psittacosis - enters through the respiratory tract. Chlamydia affects most internal organs, leading to inflammation and intoxication. Treated with tetracycline antibiotics.Prevention – cleanliness of the premises, limiting contact with wild birds.
  3. Salmonellosis - caused by the pathogen Salmonella, leads to the death of up to 40% of all birds. It occurs in several forms, is treated with the use of drugs such as “Koli-stop”, “Amoxiclav”, “Para-stop” and so on, requires vaccination of pigeons and sanitary measures.
  4. Coccidiosis is caused by coccidia that affect the intestines and liver. Infected with infected food, it is treated with the drugs “Coccidin”, “Furagin”, “Zoalen”, “Sulfaquinoxolone” and the mandatory addition of vitamins.
  5. Avian pox has 3 forms: cutaneous, diphtheria and mixed, with the last two variants leading to the death of half the livestock. Requires vaccination, and sick and healthy pigeons are given Afluron solution for 3 days. Premises and equipment are disinfected.

The expressive manner of flight, the original shape of the wings, and rare colors have made sickle pigeons a decoration for the dovecote of a true connoisseur.
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