Pigeons can be purebred, which are specially kept in dovecotes, and wild. This can make their diet and diet very different. The owner watches over the former and feeds the birds properly. And the latter must find their own food. Wild ones are able to eat almost any food. However, for pets you need to carefully select the menu. Therefore, many poultry farmers are interested in whether it is possible to feed domestic pigeons with seeds.
Do pigeons eat seeds?
Pigeons of any breed will eat the seeds, regardless of whether they are given raw or fried, peeled or peeled.Surely, everyone at least once in their life fed birds on the street with bread or store-bought seeds. the birds immediately swoop in and sweep away the food in a matter of minutes.
But if you try to feed domesticated purebred and beautiful pigeons with such food, many will be surprised. They can avoid store-bought prepared sunflower kernels.
The main food for the inhabitants of the dovecote are grains of the following crops:
- millet;
- millet;
- rice;
- buckwheat;
- lentils;
- cereals.
They are also given some vegetables and herbs. It is recommended to sift and boil the food first. The diet of birds may include seeds, but only in raw form.
Benefits and harms of the product for birds
Sunflower seeds are quite beneficial for birds. The peel of this product fills the bird's body with a large number of microelements, and the oily kernels are saturated with essential fats and acids. The main thing is that the seeds do not undergo heat treatment. In this case they lose their importance.
Raw seeds are often added to the diet of domestic pigeons. More often it is used as an additive to the main food, and sometimes it forms the basis of the diet. Sunflower seeds improve metabolism and strengthen plumage. If birds have problems with moulting or feathering, it is recommended to increase the amount of seeds in the food.
Having lost all their vitamins after frying, especially with salt, the seeds become a slow poison for birds. They disrupt the digestive processes and have a bad effect on internal organs. As a result of consuming prepared seeds, birds may experience extensive poisoning. It is caused by the inability to digest fats that have changed under the influence of temperature.
Salt, which is often contained in such a product, kills pigeons. The mineral destroys the digestive organs from the inside.The body's defense system is not able to cope with such stress. As a result, the bird may die.
How to properly give seeds to pigeons
If you want to help wild pigeons who clearly need it, especially in the cold season, it is recommended to make a small feeder so that you can give them food. Place it in a quiet place, because sparrows and some animals can rob blue-winged birds.
In the summer, breeding doves are fed 3 times a day, approximately dividing the daylight hours equally into two equal intervals. And in winter, metabolic processes slow down a little. At this time they are fed 2 times a day. The first time food is given in the morning, before 8 o’clock, and in the evening you need to have time to feed the birds before sunset. Keeping pigeons is a responsible occupation. It must be remembered that the life of a bird depends on the amount of attention and proper nutrition and care. Therefore, the preparation and calculation of the diet must be approached very responsibly.