Not only people, but also poultry, including pigeons, suffer from infectious diseases. Infections can claim the lives of dozens of birds, which is a big loss for the poultry farmer. The problem can be solved by vaccinating pigeons. Let's consider the causes of diseases, when and why vaccination of domestic pigeons is needed, which vaccine to choose and how to prepare the bird.
Causes of poultry infection
Pigeons are vaccinated against 3 infections - whirlwind (Newcastle disease), salmonellosis and smallpox. Smallpox is vaccinated later than other vaccines. A certain amount of time must pass between vaccinations against different diseases, about 1.5 weeks.During this time, immunity against each disease will be formed in the birds’ bodies.
Pigeons can become infected with infections due to a violation of the temperature and humidity conditions, if the house is too warm, cold or damp. Keeping them on dirty bedding leads to the fact that birds become infected from each other when they eat food that contains particles of droppings from sick individuals. Pathogens can be carried by blood-sucking insects, wild and farm birds. The infection can enter a farm with new pigeons acquired from other farms.
Do pigeons need vaccination?
The answer to this question is obvious: the vaccine helps develop the body’s immune response to pathogens. Thus, the pigeons’ body becomes able to resist infection while the vaccine lasts. The body of unvaccinated birds does not have time to produce antibodies and dies.
Preparing the animal
It is imperative to vaccinate young animals, which are more susceptible to infections than adults. The entire flock is vaccinated at once, except for sick birds. If a bird is depressed, eats poorly, is inactive, it is not vaccinated. The introduction of pathogens, although inactivated, into a weakened body can worsen the pigeon’s condition. Only completely healthy birds can be vaccinated. Individuals with signs of disease should be kept separately and vaccinated only after the condition has been restored or treatment has been completed.
Before the vaccination period, pigeons are fed intensively to strengthen the body.Thin birds are more difficult to tolerate the introduction of foreign elements into their bodies. Instead of benefit, drugs can cause harm in the form of complications or diseases against which they fight.
A month should pass between vaccinations against different diseases. It is impossible to inject all drugs at once, so as not to burden the bird’s body.
Selection and instructions for use of the vaccine
Vaccines for pigeons are produced by different manufacturers, but when used correctly they are equally effective. Among pigeon breeders, both live and inactivated vaccines are used. Many people prefer to use the latter, although both have their advantages and disadvantages.
The use of inactivated vaccines has become widespread due to their advantages over the use of live vaccines. After administration, no symptoms or outbreaks of the disease are observed, immunity lasts for a long time. No side effects are observed even with an overdose. The disadvantages are the long development of resistance to infection and the high cost of drugs.
Let's look at examples of drugs against salmonellosis, whirlwind and smallpox. The vaccine against salmonellosis is valid for one year from the date of its release if stored in a dry and dark place. Immunity is developed after the 2nd treatment and lasts for 3 months. Poultry are vaccinated against salmonellosis twice a year.
The drug Avivak is popular among poultry farmers against whirligig. It is made from chicken embryos, chemicals and oil. Immunity is formed 28 days after administration of the vaccine. The drug is administered to pigeons from the age of 3-4 months once into the pectoral or neck muscles, 1 vaccination dose. Use disposable or reusable syringes, boiled for 20 minutes.Drops into the nostril or eye are also used. The vaccine is diluted with saline solution at the rate of 1 dose per 0.1 cubic meter. cm. For each bird - 2 drops.
To prevent vertigo, the drugs “Golub-NB” and “La-Sota” are also used. "Golub-NB" is sold in bottles of 20 and 100 vaccination doses. The vaccine is injected into the pectoral muscles at a dose of 0.25 cm3 per bird. The drug "La-Sota" is instilled with an eye pipette into the nasal slit in a volume of 0.1 cm3 (2 drops). Immunity is developed within 2 weeks and lasts 1 year. The vaccine is not used together with antibiotics and immunobiological drugs.
Birds are vaccinated against smallpox in regions where there are outbreaks of the disease, which is why this vaccination is done least often. To administer drugs, injectors are used, which are disinfected by calcination or boiling. Immunity is developed within a week and lasts a year. The vaccine is also good for a whole year; if sediment, turbidity, or discoloration appears in it, it should be thrown away. The solution is injected into the wing membrane or into the thigh muscles.
Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the poultry house. The treatment is done in the absence of pigeons; after the product has been active, the room is ventilated. For some time after vaccination, the birds are fed with vitamin preparations and nutritious food so that the pigeons’ body can quickly produce antibodies to pathogens.
If vaccination is done on time, one can hope that the pigeons will not get sick. It is carried out 2 times a year; Despite the fact that this is quite a troublesome matter, it should not be ignored. It is better to protect the farm from possible problems than to treat sick livestock later. As has been established in practice, on treatment of pigeons you will have to spend more time and money than on vaccination.And even in this case, not all sick people will be able to be helped; some of them will die.