What exactly is the difference between swans and geese, description and characteristics of birds

In Russian folklore there is a fairy tale “Geese-Swans”, in which both birds seem to be identified and merge into a single entity. Here they act as carriers of anxiety and danger that are not associated with the physical image of the characters. But is there any way in which geese differ physiologically from swans? What associations do these birds evoke in the human mind?


Geese and swans can be described quite scientifically in one general sentence: waterfowl of the order Anseriformes of the duck family. The Latin names are different: Cygnus - swans, Anser - geese. It's worth taking a look at these members of the duck family individually.


Geese have adaptations for swimming: webbed feet resembling flippers and a sebaceous gland, with which they carefully lubricate their feathers from getting wet. Those who read the classics remember that in the old days there was no better lubricant for shoes than goose fat. Taking advantage of this advantage, birds live near bodies of water: there the grass is juicier, and you can profit from high-calorie duckweed, and you can fish out something with a high protein content in a river, swamp or even the sea. Geese also eat insects. Still, plant foods form the basis of their diet.

The goose is a large bird, especially if you do not take into account the predatory representatives of this class. Weight of the ancestor of domestic geese, a gray representative of wild relatives, ranges from 3-4.4 kilograms. Body length is slightly less than 1 meter. The wingspan is 1.5-1.8 meters. The powerful plumage of these limbs allows birds to overcome enormous distances. A large down layer improves the aerodynamic performance of the bird's rounded body and retains heat excellently. Geese fly to warm countries and back at high altitudes at night. There are cases of collisions between these birds and airplanes.


The swans are also equipped with a “beginner diver kit.” Although in holding their breath they can compete with an experienced scuba diver. Having plunged their heads into the water, they dig a hole up to 1 meter in diameter, simultaneously eating all living things that come their way. These are not only crustaceans, larvae, fish, but also roots and young shoots of aquatic plants. Perhaps it is precisely such labor achievements that give the swan such a proud posture.

Possessing skills that provide him with guaranteed success in subsistence, the handsome feathered creature plies the surface of the water all day long.Therefore, few people saw his clumsy goose-like gait on land.

The body weight of the mute swan, whose fabulous beauty sets it apart even from its fellows, is 5.5-13 kilograms. The wingspan is up to 2.5 meters. Body length – up to 1.8 meters. The only bird that can attack a swan is an owl. It is most often hunted by medium terrestrial predators such as foxes.

How to distinguish a goose from a swan

Knowing how many similarities these birds have, it is still not difficult to determine who is who.

Swan Goose
Posture Slender, graceful Stocky, squat
Body size Large 1.5-2 times less
Wingspan Up to 2.5 meters Less
Neck Very long and thin Significantly shorter and thicker
Color It also happens to be black Gray and white like a swan
Where does he prefer to be? In a pond On the shore
Domestication Wild Sometimes homemade
Pair One for life Every year is different
In human nutrition On the table of the nobility For Christmas to the middle class
Voice Mostly silent Loud, piercing, audible even during a flight

Human perception

For people, the swan is a symbol of beauty and fidelity. Everyone knows the Swan Princess from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin, from “Swan Lake” by P. I. Tchaikovsky. Majestic birds swimming in city gardens always attract spectators. Craftsmen make festive tableware in the shape of swans, reminiscent of royal feasts.

Wild goose is an attractive hunting object. The domestic goose is feared in its live form and approved in the form of a gastronomic product. These are the relatives.

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