Description and characteristics of Danish Legard geese, breeding rules

Danish Legard geese are considered quite popular among many farmers. These birds have many advantages. These include high productivity parameters, high-quality fluff, and excellent survival rates. In addition, birds have excellent decorative properties. To achieve success in raising birds, they need to create suitable conditions and properly formulate a diet.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Danish Legard is considered a common breed that is grown for industrial purposes.As the name suggests, it was developed in Denmark. The birds are characterized by a medium, elongated body and impressive weight. The only fat deposit is located in the abdominal area. A characteristic feature of birds is the white tint of their plumage. At the same time, the paws and beak are distinguished by a rich yellow color. Birds are characterized by a flat and straight back. It is quite wide. Eyes may be blue or light blue. At the same time, the head is distinguished by its regular shape and medium size. Birds are also characterized by a short, massive neck.

Legard geese have a graceful gait and graceful skeleton. Males weigh a maximum of 9 kilograms. The body weight of females does not exceed 6 kilograms. This breed is characterized by a clearly expressed sexual characteristic. To distinguish a male from a female, you should pay attention to the physique of the bird. The gander is characterized by a larger and more massive body.

Geese of this breed are characterized by high productivity parameters. At the same time, not a lot of cereal mixtures are required to raise birds. Young birds up to 2 months old can eat grass alone and gain up to 6 kilograms of weight. By the age of three months, the weight increases to 7 kilograms.

To speed up weight gain, experienced farmers advise feeding birds with cereals and mixed feed.

The meat of geese of this breed is considered very popular. This is due to its excellent taste, nutritional properties and low fat content. Most of the fat is above the skin and does not get into the meat fibers. Goose liver is in great demand. Its weight can reach 800 grams. Birds are also raised for their down. Over the course of a year, a bird can produce 1 kilogram of high-quality raw materials. Partial feather plucking can be done at intervals of 2 months.

Pros and cons of Danish Legard geese

Advantages and disadvantages
ease of care;
excellent survival rate of chicks;
high quality down;
decorative properties;
ease of breeding;
low costs for cereal feed.
low egg production - during the entire egg-laying period, the female is capable of laying no more than 40 eggs;
low hatchability of chicks - it is only 60-65%;
the need for vaccination;
the need for the use of vitamin supplements.

Maintenance and care

Geese of this breed are easy to care for. They are characterized by rapid development. It is worth considering several features.

Premises requirements

Geese of this breed are considered very heat-loving birds. When organizing a poultry house, it is recommended to prevent drafts or moisture from getting inside. In winter, the floor and walls should be insulated. It is permissible to use wood for this. It is better to build a poultry house on a hill. Nearby it is worth setting up a walking area and creating a pond.

Of no small importance is the division of the room into zones. It is important to provide separate sections for adult birds and for young birds. Each zone should have places for eating and sleeping at night. It is recommended to place nests in a shaded area. This should be done away from the entrance. It is best to place structures on the south side. There should be 1 nest per 2 females.

Danish legard geese

Walking yard

Birds should not be kept indoors all the time. For birds to walk in the fresh air, you need to make a special enclosure. There should be 10 square meters per individual. It is best to make a platform on the south side of the poultry house. To prevent the geese from flying away, it is recommended to fence the pen with netting or make a wooden fence.It is also worthwhile to provide a canopy that will help the birds shelter from rain and sun.

In order for birds to graze, various herbs must be sown in the walking area.

What to take care of in winter

In winter, birds experience serious discomfort because they require movement and a lot of greenery. To minimize negative health consequences, birds require proper care. It is important to ensure that there is always water in the drinking bowls. Maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the room is of great importance. It should be +22-30 degrees. Humidity parameters should be 60%.

How to feed geese

Geese of this breed do not require large amounts of grains. In summer, birds quickly gain weight by eating only grass. They must have constant access to greenery. If you need to increase the fat layer, birds should be given grain or mixed feed. It is also permissible to use fruits and root vegetables for feeding.

For the winter, it is recommended to store dry wheatgrass, barley, and clover. Half of the diet should come from grains. They should be given at least three times a day. It is also worth feeding geese with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Breeding Features

Oviposition of females begins in April. To do this, they need to create a nest. 1 goose can hatch up to 12 eggs. However, females of this breed are capable of laying eggs. To avoid this, it is recommended to use an incubator. The goslings hatch after 28 days. During the first day they should be kept in a brooder.

Danish legard geese

What do birds get sick with?

Geese of this breed have strong immunity. However, sometimes they encounter diseases. Birds may suffer from aspergillosis, colibacillosis, vitamin deficiency and other pathologies.To avoid problems, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • maintain optimal temperature;
  • disinfect the poultry house;
  • systematically change the litter;
  • clean feeders and drinkers;
  • provide adequate ventilation.

Danish Legard geese have many advantages. These birds have strong immunity and develop quickly. At the same time, they are able to gain weight even without using a large amount of cereal feed.
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