How to quickly and easily pluck a goose at home, 7 methods and rules

How to quickly pluck a goose well is known to those who have long been breeding poultry, including geese. There are many techniques, they are divided into dry and also using moisture. Experienced goose owners know that the main thing is to choose the right time for slaughter. Plucking a carcass is considered a labor-intensive task that requires skill and patience. During the process, it is important not to spoil the down and feathers, since they can be used to make pillows and blankets.

Preparing a goose for the plucking procedure

Before sending poultry to slaughter, a number of preparatory measures must be taken. For example, 12 hours before the procedure, you should send the goose to a dark, dry room so that the bird does not stain its plumage or peck droppings. A day before, the goose is taken to a pond to swim, and then, instead of water, they give it a weak salt solution to cleanse the intestines. The last feeding is done 12 hours before, and water is given 6 hours before slaughter.

Correct technique preserves the presentation of the carcass
Correct technique preserves the presentation of the carcass

After slaughter, it will take some time for the blood to gradually drain from the carcass. She is suspended by her paws for several minutes. During this time, the blood completely flows out, and further work with the carcass is much easier, and the meat acquires an attractive presentation. At the same time, the subcutaneous fat hardens a little, which prevents damage to the skin during the process of feather removal.

In order for the procedure to go quickly, it is important to choose the time of slaughter wisely. According to tradition, the procedure begins immediately after the end of molting, since during this period it is easiest to remove the feather. Readiness is determined simply by lifting the goose’s wing and running your hand under it against the direction of feather growth. If the so-called stumps that remain after changing the feathers are felt in the palm of your hand, then the molt has passed and you can begin slaughtering the bird.

How to quickly pluck a goose at home

Before slaughtering poultry, the owner selects a suitable method for removing feathers. There are many methods. Some of them involve the use of improvised objects. Some of them do not preserve feathers and down in proper form during the plucking process. You should know this in advance if you plan to use this valuable material in the future.

Dry method

Dry plucking
Dry plucking

The dry method is used only after slaughter. The advantage of this method is that it does not require special equipment. The entire procedure is performed manually. First you need to tie the wings and legs of the carcass with rope. Next, you need to conveniently place it on some surface, for example, a table. You need to pluck the goose with your hands, starting with large and ending with small feathers.

You need to understand that large feathers are attached to the skin more tightly, so it will be more difficult to deal with them. First of all, you should start with the wings and tail. Then move on to the breast, neck and legs. The tail is processed last. Feathers removed from the armpits of the wing must be discarded. You can throw them away.

When choosing this plucking method, it is important to keep in mind that it severely injures the skin of the carcass, since it is subjected to intense exposure.


Pre-scalding of the carcass
Pre-scalding of the carcass

The scalding technique is popular because it has a number of advantages. The method is considered the fastest and most effective of all, because feathers are easily removed after scalding, while the skin is elastic from exposure to boiling water. The disadvantages include: difficulty in pulling out a hot pen and the impossibility of using it after getting wet.

Correct action algorithm:

  1. Prepare a metal basin and a kettle.
  2. Heat water to 80 °C.
  3. Tie the wings and legs of the bird with rope or wire.
  4. Place the goose in a metal basin and pour hot water from the kettle until completely immersed.
  5. Remove the carcass and immediately begin the plucking procedure.

You need to act quickly before the skin on the goose carcass cools down.

Cold way

Using the cold method also does not require the use of special tools or tools. All you need to do is place the goose carcass in the refrigerator or other cold place. 3-5 hours is enough. Only then can you clean the pen. This way the goose carcass will cool after slaughter, and the subcutaneous fat of the bird will solidify. This will allow you to remove feathers much more efficiently and quickly.

An important nuance: to avoid contamination of the feather, you should place a small piece of cotton wool in the bird’s beak. The popularity of this method is that during the procedure you can simultaneously sort the feather according to size, saving time in the future. In this case, the skin of the goose remains intact. This method is often used by hunters against wild birds.

Pump application

Carcasses after plucking procedure
Carcasses after plucking procedure

This method will require a pump to inflate a mattress or bicycle tires. The procedure is performed strictly in a certain sequence. First of all, it is necessary to position the pump correctly. The hose should lie in the cavity between the skin and the neck. The carcass is pumped with air until the feathers begin to rise on the skin at its base. To prevent the pumped air from escaping, the bird’s throat should be tied with a rope in advance.

It is important to start removing feathers from the back, gradually moving from large feathers to small specimens, and then down.

Using an iron

You can remove the feather using an iron that has a steam function. However, in addition to it, you will additionally need:

  • pump;
  • rope;
  • a small piece of cotton fabric or regular gauze, folded in 3-4 layers;
  • cool water.

Carefully insert the pump tube into the space between the skin and neck.The neck should first be tied with a rope. It is necessary to operate the pump until the feathers take a vertical position. It is important not to over-pump so that the skin does not start to burst.

Next, wet a piece of cloth with cold water and wrap it completely around the carcass. Now you can iron it from all sides by turning on the steam function. The cloth can be removed when it becomes dry. You should immediately begin removing the feathers with your hands, periodically tugging at the goose. If plucking is difficult on any part, then the procedure must be repeated, again using the iron and steam.

Drill attachments

The most labor-intensive, but at the same time, the fastest procedure for removing a feather using a variety of drill attachments. This method is used by those who have a large flock of geese. The drill clamp (you can also use a screwdriver) is attached to the table, then the device is turned on and the carcass is cleaned.

Removing a pen using a drill
Removing a pen using a drill

Before starting work, the carcass can be cut, and in the process of removing the feathers of the goose, you need to stretch it, holding the legs with your hand. Owners with experience clean one carcass in 3-5 minutes.

Easy feather removal technique

Container with punching fingers
Container with punching fingers

The simplest and fastest methods include removing the feather using a special device. The bird must be cleaned independently after exposure to the device, but the time for the procedure is significantly reduced.

Such equipment can be purchased in specialized stores or made with your own hands. To do this, you will need a suitable cylindrical metal container. Many people use drums from washing machines.

The principle of operation is based on the use of special structural parts made of rubber - pins. By rotating, they remove the feather cover of the goose.The device will be especially useful for owners of large numbers of birds, since it performs a large amount of work in a short time.

Singing the hairs of a goose carcass after plucking

It doesn’t matter which method was chosen to remove feathers and down, after the procedure the carcass must be scorched. You will need a soldering iron or gas torch.

During this process, you need to stretch the skin of the carcass a little so that it does not roll. Soot should be avoided, so do not bring the bird too close to the flame. If this does happen, you need to roll the carcass in bran or wheat flour. In this way, the appearance of a characteristic taste and smell is avoided.

Collecting feathers from live birds

Feathers from a live goose are collected during its molting period. In this case, only old feathers are removed. Before starting the procedure, you need to tie the bird. Only the chest and back should be plucked. However, you cannot remove all the feathers at once, because the bird will experience discomfort. If blood appears on the skin during the process, you should stop the manipulation.
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