What antibiotics are given to turkeys for illnesses and feeding scheme

Turkey meat is a dietary product and is therefore always in demand. However, raising poultry is considered labor-intensive, since young animals often die due to various diseases. Therefore, poultry farmers often use antibiotics to treat turkeys. The course of treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian based on the diagnosis and condition of the sick bird. A number of drugs are most in demand.

What antibiotics are used for turkey poults?

The presence of antibiotics and their timely, correct use significantly increase the bird’s chances of recovery. The most commonly used medications are:

  • "Enroflon" is available in the form of a solution, packaged in containers from 10 ml to 5000 ml. The product is intended to combat infections of the respiratory and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract. Also often used for prevention. Advantages: duration of impact on the bird’s body, good solubility in water, high bactericidal activity;
  • "Trichopol" is available in the form of powder, suspension, and tablets. The easiest way is to prepare a solution for turkey poults (daily dose – 1 tablet per 30 kg of bird weight). Advantages of the medicine: low cost, effectiveness, ease of use, suitable for the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes;
  • Furazolidone is produced in the form of 50 mg tablets and is used to treat colibacillosis, coccidiosis, enteritis, hepatitis, and salmonellosis. Advantages of the drug: effectiveness, microorganisms slowly develop resistance to Furazolidone, fights gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Most medications can be used not only to combat diseases, but also as a preventative against diseases.

Soldering scheme

"Enroflon" treats enteritis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, bronchopneumonia, mycoplasmosis. The bird is given water containing the medicine to drink. 0.5-1 ml of the drug is diluted in a liter of water, the course of treatment lasts 3-5 days. It is recommended that turkey poults drink the daily dose of Enroflon within 4-6 hours.

The bird receives the Trichopolum solution during meals. If symptoms of disease are observed in 30% of birds, then all birds receive the medicine three times a day. Dose calculation: 10 mg of powder per kilogram of turkey poult weight. Or 12 tablets are dissolved in 5 liters of water.

When treating with Furazolidone, the dose of the drug, based on the weight of young turkeys, is 3 mg per kilogram of weight. A common scheme for feeding the medicine is to add the medicine to the bird’s feed twice a day for 10 days. For prevention purposes, each turkey chick receives 2 mg once a day.

What to do if you are sick

When treating poultry with antibiotics, you need to remember that exceeding the dosage is harmful to the turkey body. It is recommended to adhere to a specific protocol for the use of antibiotics for diseases. Common first symptoms of illness in turkey poults are diarrhea and refusal to feed. A veterinarian is invited to make a diagnosis; sick individuals are placed in a separate room or pen. When using the drug, certain regimens are followed.

Most turkey diseases are considered contagious. Diseases spread quickly. To prevent mass infection, as well as for prophylactic purposes, all individuals are given medications.

When using antibiotics, it is important to remember that the effectiveness of the medicine depends on timely use. If you contact a veterinarian in time and maintain the dosage and duration of drinking, the bird will recover faster. Prophylactic feeding of turkey poults with antibiotic solutions also demonstrates good results.

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