Types of biological products and what to choose to protect plants from pests and diseases

Preparations with components of biological origin are used in agriculture along with traditional synthetic products. They have both similarities and differences. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of biological products, pest control products, products based on plant extracts, for seed treatment, for soil disinfection, for treating plants during the growing season, and products for potatoes.

What are biological products, and what types are they?

Biological products that are used in agriculture are special means for controlling plant pests, pathogens and weeds. They work on the same principle as pesticides, but differ from them in that they contain microorganisms or are made from waste products, and are not made from completely synthetic compounds. Because of this, they become harmless to processed plants, soil, humans, insects, and animals.

Depending on the origin of the active substance, preparations of biological origin are divided into bacterial, fungal and viral. The first group is used mainly to combat phytopathogens, rodents and harmful insects. Products containing entopathogenic fungi are used against microorganisms that cause diseases and pests. Both plants and soil are treated with biological products. Viral biological products are produced on the basis of entomopathogenic viruses. They are specific in their focus and act on pests of a certain type.

Pros and cons of such drugs

Biological products for the garden and vegetable garden have properties that can be classified as advantages and disadvantages.

a lot of biological products

Advantages and disadvantages
do not accumulate and quickly decompose in the soil;
effective when used correctly;
can be used throughout the growing season, during fruiting and flowering;
short waiting period or no waiting time;
do not cause addiction to pests and pathogens;
increase crop yields;
are economically spent, have a moderate cost;
can be used together with fertilizers at the same time, which reduces processing costs;
can be used in agriculture and private plots, manual processing of crops is possible;
improve soil structure, increase the fertile layer.

Disadvantages of biological products: lower efficiency and protective period than pesticides, which is why it is necessary to apply more than once to achieve an effect.

Biological products for pest control

In this category of biological products for protection, there are enough products that protect against pests - insects of various types, destroy both adults and larvae.

• improve soil structure, increase the fertile layer.

"Aktoverm" destroys spider mites on cucumbers cultivated in a greenhouse and the Colorado potato beetle on potato plantings. The biological product works effectively against aphids, thrips, codling moths, cutworms, moths, leaf rollers on fruit and other crops. Application: solution concentration for nightshades - from 4 to 10 ml per 1 liter, for cabbage - 4, for flowers, including indoor flowers - 4-10, for shrubs and fruit - 4-8, for grapes - 3-4. Solution consumption – 5-10 liters per hundred square meters, 1-2 liters per bush, 2-8 liters per tree. Treat with the biological product 1-3 times with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks.

"Bitoxibacillin" protects crops from pests that damage fruits, leaves and flowers. The application rate for nightshades, cabbage, fruits, root vegetables, sunflowers, grapes and alfalfa is 35 ml per 4-5 l, for cucumbers – 70 ml. The number of treatments is from 1 to 4, with an interval of 1 or 2 weeks.

Products from plant extracts

Biological preparations of this group are made with extracts of various plants that can affect pests and microorganisms. "Extra Flor" contains extracts of cedar and clover seeds, fir oils and pine needle extract. Designed to accelerate seedling growth, ripening and flowering, and increases the number of flower stalks.Application of the biological product: dissolve the contents of the package in 1 liter of water, pour the warm solution under the root of the plant.

Extra Flor

"ExtraFlor", which is used against aphids and thrips, contains an extract of wormwood and pine needles. Application: dissolve the powder in 1 liter of very warm water, let cool, filter, spray the plants or water at the root.

The drug "ExtraFlor" is designed to combat ticks, caterpillars, moles, rats and mice, fleas, flies, mole crickets, ants, slugs and snails, scale insects and spider mites.

For seed treatment

A popular biological product – “Fitosporin”, contains a natural fungicide and Gumi fertility complex. The remedy is applicable for fungal and bacterial diseases, has a therapeutic and preventive effect, and has anti-stress and immunostimulating properties. Solution for seed treatment: 1.5 g per 1 l, for roots of seedlings and seedlings - 3 g per 1 l, for tubers - 10 g per 1 l.

Biological product Phytodoctor

The biological product “Phytodoctor” is a fungicide and at the same time a growth stimulator. A solution is prepared from 2 g per 1 liter for seeds, 3 g per 1 liter for seedlings and 10-15 g per 1 liter for bulbs and potatoes.

For soil disinfection

The universal and very effective biological product “Baikal EM” is applied to the soil to protect against disease pathogens that may be present there. Accelerates plant growth and fruit ripening. In the soil, it accelerates the conversion of organic residues into fertilizer. Restores soil fertility and removes toxic elements. To obtain 1 ton of high-quality compost, add 1 liter of the drug to the heap.

How to properly prepare the solution: dissolve 1 part of the product in 100 parts of water, add 50 g of sugar, mix and leave to infuse in the dark for 5-7 days. After this, the solution is ready for use.

“Glyokladin” is a remedy for bacterial and fungal pathogens in the soil, used for any crops. The speed of impact is 3-7 days. Consumption: 1 tablet per 300 ml of soil, apply to a depth of 1 cm.

Glyocladin drug

For treating plants during the growing season

Bioprotection of plants is carried out during the period of their active growth, flowering and fruiting, after harvesting. The drug "Albit" is used on crops during the season 1-3 times in the 1st half of the growing season at intervals of 2-3 weeks. Application rate – per 10 l – 102 ml, the solution can be used for watering, spraying, feeding under roots and foliage, for drip irrigation, for adding to soil and peat mixtures.

“Bactogen” is a treatment agent, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 100, sprayed for treatment and prevention after 2-3 weeks. The biological product is consumed at 0.2 liters per 1 sq. m. area.

“Trichodermin” against root and fruit rot, late blight and other fungal diseases is widely used on farms and private farms to treat a wide range of crops. The solution is sprayed on plants at a concentration of 20 g per 5 liters of water for powder, and 5-10 ml per 1 liter for concentrate. A volume of 5 liters is consumed per 1 hundred square meters.

Bactogen drug

For potatoes

"AlirinB" is recommended for combating fungal infections, including late blight, on potatoes. It is used on nightshades in open and closed ground. 20 tablets of the drug should be used for 1 hectare of area planted with potatoes.

The product "Gamair" is active against phytopathogenic fungi that parasitize potatoes. Can be used regardless of the growth stage in which the plants are located, in industrial and personal areas. The substance does not accumulate in the soil, acts selectively, protects crops for 20-30 days after treatment.

Biological agricultural products are a new word in protecting crops from pests and diseases. Their main advantage is non-toxicity for plants, land, water, animals and humans. And, although they are inferior in speed and effectiveness to classical pesticides, they do not cause harm. They have a moderate cost and are used sparingly. Another advantage is that biological products can be used not only on large areas of farms, but also in vegetable gardens and personal gardens. To achieve this, manufacturers produce products in packaging of various sizes that are convenient for use.

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