The insecticide "Dexter" is a two-component product with a broad spectrum of action. The drug helps protect cereals and sugar beets. In this case, you should strictly follow the instructions for using the composition. Compliance with safety regulations is of no small importance. This helps to cope with parasites and not harm agricultural plants.
Composition and release form of the drug "Dexter"
The drug is released in the form of a suspension concentrate.It contains several ingredients at once. The active ingredients are lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid. 1 liter contains 106 grams of the first substance and 115 grams of the second. The drug is sold in 5 liter packs.
Advantages of the drug
This product has the following advantages:
- unique combination of active ingredients;
- toxic effects on adults, eggs, larvae;
- rapid impact on insects;
- high efficiency in hot weather;
- long protective period;
- destruction of many varieties of parasites.
Principle of action and purpose of the product
"Dexter" has a contact-systemic effect and helps against a wide range of parasites at different stages of the life cycle. The composition can be used from the larval stage to the imago. The mechanism of action of a substance is related to its composition. Lambda-cyhalothrin is a contact-intestinal insectoacaricide that affects the nervous system of pests. In this case, the composition impairs the permeability of cell membranes and causes blocking of sodium channels.
The active component immediately overcomes the cuticle of the parasite and produces a noticeable effect. This means that the substance leads to immediate paralysis and subsequent death of pests. Lambda-cyhalothrin does not enter the structure of plants, but is stored on the surface of crops.
Acetamiprid has a systemic effect. Once ingested, it remains there for up to 3 weeks. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve protection from pests that lead a hidden lifestyle. The composition also destroys those parasites that attacked the plantings after spraying.
Thanks to the described characteristics, “Dexter” quickly destroys parasites due to the presence of lambda-cyhalothrin in the composition and gives a long-lasting effect due to the content of acetamiprid. The composition reliably protects crops. It can be used for routine spraying or used in critical cases.
Moreover, the composition is suitable for treating different plants:
- On cereal grain plants, “Dexter” helps get rid of harmful bugs, aphids, and thrips. The composition also effectively destroys stem sawflies and flea beetles. With its help, it is possible to cope with intra-stem flies.
- On sugar beets, the composition helps to cope with beet flea beetles and weevils. The composition also allows you to get rid of meadow moths and aphids.
The drug is characterized by a high speed of obtaining results. Within a few minutes, the parasites become disoriented and their feeding activity completely stops. Then paralysis occurs, which leads to the death of the pest. Over the next 24 hours, the parasites die from dehydration. The period of protective action of the product is 2-4 weeks after treatment. It depends on climatic conditions, period of use and type of parasites.
Instructions for use of insecticide
Spraying with Dexter should be done during the growing season of the crop. This is done when the economic threshold for the harmfulness of parasites is reached. To cope with bedbugs, it is recommended to strictly follow the dosage. To destroy overwintered adults in the spring, it is necessary to treat the plants with the drug. To do this you will need 0.1-0.2 liters per 1 hectare.In this case, the wheat is at the stage of emerging into the tube.
This treatment will help further reduce the number of other parasites on cereals - thrips, wheat gnats, aphids. As a rule, such spraying is combined with fungicidal substances. When there are a large number of bedbugs, such treatment is not enough. If it is necessary to protect against larvae, at later stages of development the next treatment should be carried out with the Zeppelin insecticide. It is used in a dosage of 0.15 liters per 1 hectare.
The minimum volume of the substance is used if it is necessary to destroy the larvae. The maximum volume is used when the number of parasites is high and when imagoes are destroyed. It is also required when combined with fungicidal substances. During the season it is necessary to perform 1-2 sprayings.
Since Dexter contains 2 active components that belong to different chemical classes, the likelihood of resistance occurring is low.
Safety precautions
Dexter is highly toxic to bees. The border zone for them is at least 4-5 kilometers. At the same time, a summer restriction is required for at least 4-5 days. Beekeepers must be notified of the planned processing. This is done in 4-5 days.
Compatibility with other tools
The drug does not need to be combined with other insecticides, since it helps to cope with a large number of parasites. The composition goes well with other products used to protect plants. It is also permissible to combine it with microfertilizers, which must be used within the same time frame.
Before using a substance, it is worth assessing the compatibility of drugs. To do this, it is recommended to make a small amount of working solution.
Terms and conditions of storage
The substance should be stored in a dry and dark place. This is done at temperatures from 0 to +30 degrees. The shelf life is 2 years.
Analogues of the product
Organza is considered an analogue of the drug in terms of the active substance.
"Dexter" is an effective insecticide that helps control a wide range of pests. In order for the substance to produce results, you must strictly follow the instructions.