Instructions for use and composition of Metaphos, dosage of insecticide and analogues

Pests cause enormous damage to agricultural crops. Dozens of specialized and complex drugs are used to combat them. The good application effect and excellent effectiveness of Metaphos against a variety of pests have made the insecticide-acaricide popular among farmers, summer residents and mass producers of agricultural products.

Composition and release form of the insecticide "Metaphos"

The active component of the drug "Metaphos" is parathion-methyl.This is a chemical substance, an organophosphorus insecticide, used to protect plants from pests of dozens of varieties that damage both foliage and shoots, and branches, ovaries and fruits. "Metaphos" is produced in packages containing 2 ampoules of 5 milliliters of preparation for the preparation of the active agent - 20% emulsion concentrate.

How does the drug work?

"Metaphos" refers to contact substances intended to destroy a wide group of insect pests of agricultural crops. It covers the surface of the green mass, affecting even hidden pests.

The principle of action of Metaphos is based on disruption of the acetylcholine metabolic cycle, affecting the functioning of the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death of pests.

In what cases is it used?

"Metaphos" is intended for use against the following harmful insects:

  1. Ticks.
  2. Aphid.
  3. Caterpillars and other pests that eat green mass and fruits.
  4. Whitefly.
  5. Weevils.
  6. Sawflies.
  7. Codling moths.
  8. Scale insects.
  9. Mealybugs and other bugs.


The advantage of Metaphos is its acaricidal activity, that is, it is able to destroy ticks and insects with hard shells. With its help, in one treatment you can rid your plantings of a group of pests without causing resistance in them. The drug does not accumulate in soil and plants, decomposing within a week.

Instructions for use

2 ampoules of Metaphos, 5 milliliters each, are diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting emulsion is used as follows:

Plants Processing times
Stone fruit and pome trees, berry bushes, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers grown in open ground No later than 30 days before harvest
Grape 45 days before harvest
Citrus crops 60 days before fruit harvest


Some insects die immediately, the rest die within 2 days. Effective protection lasts up to 20 days. If necessary, 2-3 sprayings are carried out.

Safety rules for use

Treatment is carried out in calm, dry weather, in the morning or evening. Do not spray the product in direct sunlight. Vegetables are processed during the growing season, observing a waiting period before harvesting, and fruit and berry crops - before and after flowering.

Safety precautions

The drug "Metafos" is characterized by a high degree of toxicity for all aquatic organisms and for bees (class 1), animals and people (class 3). It is prohibited to use it near natural and artificial bodies of water with inhabitants, for example, ornamental or fish ponds, as well as near apiaries, single hives or feeding areas of honey bees.

Instructions for use and composition of Metaphos, dosage of insecticide and analogues

Do not eat, drink, smoke or talk while spraying. It is necessary to use protective clothing: a long-sleeved shirt, trousers, a hat, gloves, masks and special glasses.

When spraying, you need to monitor the direction of the wind so that particles of the emulsion do not fly into the worker’s face or fall on open parts of the body, especially mucous membranes.

If Metaphos gets on your skin or eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water and seek medical help. The substance is first removed from the skin with a cotton or gauze swab moistened with an alcohol solution, then washed with water.

Since the main active component of the product is an irreversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, its effect can irritate the skin, mucous membranes, and damage the eyes.It is dangerous if inhaled in any form (powder, aerosol, vapor, etc.), so it is extremely important to use high-quality personal protective equipment.

If swallowed or inhaled, drink large amounts of water to induce vomiting, then seek medical attention. Of particular concern is the fact that symptoms of poisoning may be delayed, since the substance may not act toxic immediately. After completing work, you need to change clothes, wash your hands and face, and take a shower.


Compatibility with other substances

The active substance "Metaphos" - parathion-methyl - is compatible with most modern insecticidal preparations and fungicides, with the exception of alkaline and copper-containing ones.

Storage rules and periods

The guaranteed shelf life of the drug is 24 months. Keep it in specially adapted rooms, in hermetically sealed containers, away from sources of heat and light, especially direct sunlight.

Significant temperature fluctuations and access to the product by unauthorized persons, especially children and pets, should not be allowed. It is prohibited to store Metaphos and its analogues near food products, as well as in unmarked containers and boxes.



Complete analogues of the drug "Metaphos" are the following:

  1. "Nitrox-80".
  2. Votafox.
  3. "Folidol"
  4. "Parachute".
  5. "Metacide."
  6. "Dalph."
  7. "Methylparathion" and a number of others.

They use the same active ingredient. The well-known insecticide-acaricide “Chlorophos”, which is an irreversible cholinesterase blocker, has similar qualities.

The use of Metaphos allows you to protect various crops from a wide range of pests, preserve the harvest and achieve high quality products.With the correct dosage and strict adherence to safety rules and application techniques, it is possible to avoid negative impacts on the environment and not endanger people, animals, fish and beneficial pollinating insects.
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