Spider mites and other types of mites often infect various cultivated plants. Let's consider the composition and preparative form of "Nisoran", the purpose and mechanism of action, technology of application and consumption rate. What agricultural products is it compatible with, how much and how to store it, under what conditions, what means can be replaced, safety rules.
Chemical composition and release form of the product
"Nissoran" is produced by the Japanese company "Nippon Soda Co" in the form of a suspension concentrate, in 0.5 and 1 liter bottles, 5 liter canisters.The active compound is hexythiazox in an amount of 250 g per 1 liter.
Mechanism of action and purpose of the drug
"Nissoran" refers to those insecticides that affect the larvae and eggs of many varieties of mites. It has a weak effect on adults, but after treatment the females are not viable. The drug has a long-lasting protective effect.
The solution is absorbed into the plants and distributed in them, therefore it controls the population of even those pests that are located in hard-to-reach places.
Hexythiazox belongs to a class of substances that can regulate the growth of mites. The compound stops the processes of chitin formation, disrupts the normal course of pupation and molting, and as a result destroys the larvae and nymphs of the pest. The death of adult ticks occurs 7-10 days after treatment, at which time you can notice the visual effect of using Nissoran.
Pests do not develop resistance to insecticides, even if they have become accustomed to drugs from other classes. The protective effect lasts a long time – up to 50 days.
The drug "Nisoran" is non-toxic to most agricultural crops, can be used in plant protection schemes, and is low-hazard for pollinating insects and beneficial entomofauna.
Consumption rate and technology for using "Nisoran"
According to the instructions, spraying with Nissoran should be carried out before the appearance of adult ticks of the 1st generation. If there are a lot of them, the treatment should be done together with other acaricides with which the product combines well.
Application rate of "Nisoran" in l per hectare:
- apple trees and grapes from spider and brown fruit mites – 0.15-0.25;
- soy for spider mites – 0.1-0.2.
The consumption of the Nissoran solution is different: for apple trees - 600-1200 liters per hectare, for grapes - 600-1000 liters, for soybeans - 200-400 liters. Frequency of spraying – 1, waiting period – 50 or 47 (grapes) days.
Safety precautions
Nissoran is slightly toxic to humans and belongs to class 3 products. The same toxicity is noted for bees. The substance may be toxic for fish, so it should not be used near water bodies and fish farms.
Do not remove them until work is completed. Afterwards, you need to wash your hands and face; if the solution accidentally gets on your skin or eyes, you need to rinse them with a large volume of water. In case of poisoning, if symptoms appear, you need to rinse. If this does not help, seek help from a doctor.
Nissoran combines very well with pesticides, except for alkaline agents and plant growth-regulating drugs. If the compatibility of substances is not known, you need to conduct a test: take a small amount of drugs and combine them together in a separate container. If they do not react with the release of heat, there is no change in color, no precipitation, they can be considered compatible. Otherwise, you cannot mix the products.
Storage conditions and periods
Nissan can be stored for 2 years from the date of its manufacture. Store in original packaging. Storage conditions: dark, dry, ventilated room. Along with the insecticide, you can add other pesticides and various fertilizers. The warehouse must not contain food, medicine, or animal feed.Keep children and animals away. After the expiration of the shelf life, the drug must be disposed of.
Store fresh solution only for 1 day, prepare in a volume that is planned to be consumed in 1 working day. Do not use any remaining solution due to its ineffectiveness.
An analogue of Nissoran for hexythiazox is the drug Hexoran, which contains more active substance - 450 g per liter. In the fight against ticks, another Japanese-made product is used - “Sunmite” with pyridabene as an active substance. Insecticides are used in agriculture and are not intended for personal use.
"Nissoran" is a unique insecticidal preparation designed to exterminate almost all types of mites on agricultural plants. It has advantages in the form of the ability to destroy larvae and eggs, as a result of which it is possible to remove the entire pest population in one treatment. It is economical, has a low concentration, moderate solution consumption, excellent compatibility with pesticides (by mixing products you can reduce their consumption, save money on purchases and make caring for plants easier).
Almost non-toxic to people, bees, animals, plants and soil. The drug "Nissoran" is capable of destroying even ticks that have become addicted after being treated with common agricultural products. It protects plants from being colonized by new mites for 50 days, which often means that crops will no longer have to be sprayed this season.
The disadvantage of Nissoran is the long waiting period, which is also 50 days. Given the duration of this period, spraying should be carried out as early as possible. Not only so that the mites do not have time to grow, but also so that the harvest can begin on time.