Instructions for use and composition of Shar Pei insecticide, dosage and analogues

To preserve cultivated plants from insect pests, gardeners and farmers are forced to use insecticidal preparations. It is important to choose a chemical that will effectively deal with parasites and will not harm the crop. The Shar Pei insecticide is used to combat a wide range of pests that destroy plantings of vegetable, fruit and field crops. Before starting to use the drug, you must read the instructions.

Active substance and release form

An insecticide characterized by contact-intestinal action, contains one active component - cypermethrin, which is part of the chemical class of pyrethroids. One liter of the chemical contains 250 grams of the active substance.

The Shar Pei insecticide goes on sale in the form of an emulsion concentrate, which is packaged in 5-liter plastic canisters. This packaging is intended for farmers sowing large fields. Also on the shelves of gardening stores there are 10 ml bottles and 1.5 ml ampoules for owners of small garden plots.

Principle and range of action

The instructions indicate that the insecticide is intended to combat insect pests of almost all cultivated plants, both in open ground and in greenhouses. "Shar Pei" effectively destroys parasites such as aphids, apple moths, cutworms, leaf rollers and Colorado potato beetles.

The active substance of the chemical, cypermethrin, suppresses the nervous system of insect pests and causes paralysis, as a result of which the parasites die. After 15 minutes after the drug hits the insects, they stop moving, feeding and die. In addition, the active substance disrupts the nutrition of larvae and egg laying.

Shar Pei insecticide

Since the insecticide is produced in the form of a microemulsion, it instantly penetrates the tissues of the crop plant after application. Thanks to the intestinal contact action, not only adults die, but also larvae and adults. The protective period after treatment is up to 3 weeks.

Gardeners and farmers who use Shar Pei on their plots and fields have noted several significant advantages of the chemical that distinguish it from other similar products.

The advantages of Shar Pei include:

  • economical consumption of chemicals and low cost of the drug;
  • a wide range of insect pests against which the insecticide is effective;
  • the ability to destroy parasites at all stages of their development;
  • absence of toxic effects on cultivated plants, subject to compliance with the application rates specified in the instructions;
  • long period of protective action;
  • possibility of use on almost all fruit, vegetable and field plants;
  • immunity to high air temperatures;
  • speed of action after use;
  • Possibility of use even on medicinal plants.

Shar Pei insecticide

Dosage and use of the drug "Shar Pei"

The instructions for use from the insecticide manufacturer indicate the chemical standards for each plant and pest. To achieve a positive result from using the drug, you must adhere to the recommended dosages.

The insecticide rates are indicated in the table:

cultivated plant insect pest Preparation rate/working fluid consumption Frequency of application
Cabbage Moth, white moth and cutworm 1.5 ml per 5 liters of clean water/5 liters of working solution per hundred square meters of garden Three times, with an interval of 25 days
Potato Colorado beetle 1.5 ml per 5 liters of clean water/5 liters of working solution per hundred square meters of garden Twice during the growing season, with an interval of 20 days
Grape leaf roller 3 ml of insecticide per 10 liters of water./Depending on the age of the plant - from 2 to 5 liters per specimen Three times per season, maintaining an interval of 25 days
Apple tree Apple codling moth 2 ml of the drug per 10-liter bucket of water./From 2 to 5 liters per tree, depending on its age Twice per season, with an interval of 20 days
Corn Corn borer 0.15 ml per hectare/From 200 to 400 liters per hectare of field Twice per season, with an interval of 20 days
Wheat Cereal gall midges From 0.15 to 0.20 liters per hectare / From 200 to 400 liters Twice per season, with an interval of 20 days

Shar Pei insecticide

To prepare the working solution, the recommended amount of the drug is dissolved in water, stirring constantly to prevent precipitation. The treatment is carried out immediately after preparing the liquid so that it does not lose its working qualities. Spraying is done either in the morning or in the evening, at minimum wind speed.

Toxicity and safety precautions

The Shar Pei insecticide is especially dangerous for honey insects (toxicity class 1), so it is necessary to warn the owners of nearby apiaries in advance about the proposed treatment so that they can limit the number of years of bees.

The drug is less dangerous for humans (toxicity class 3), however, when working with it, safety rules must be followed.

Before starting treatment, wear protective clothing that completely covers the body, rubber gloves and a mask or respirator. At the end of the work, all clothes are washed and showered. During spraying, it is forbidden to eat, drink, or smoke so that the substance does not get on the mucous membranes.

Shar Pei insecticide

Compatibility with other substances

The chemical "Shar Pei" is allowed to be used in tank mixtures with other insecticidal preparations. The only exception concerns those chemicals that react alkaline.

Storage rules

The instructions from the manufacturer indicate that the drug retains its working qualities for 3 years from the date of manufacture, subject to storage rules. Keep the chemical in a separate utility room, where moisture and direct sunlight do not penetrate. The temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.

What can be replaced?

If Shar Pei is not available for sale, it can be replaced with another insecticide, for example, Arrivo or Cyperon.
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