Features of growing potatoes of the Breeze variety, description and characteristics

Potato Breeze belongs to the mid-early category of nightshade crops. Brought out by Belarusian breeders from a scientific center at the Republican Academy of Sciences. It was included in the Belarusian register of varieties, and a little later the sample was included in the Russian register. Choosing the right variety for your garden is not so easy. In addition to taste, it is important to know what type of soil it is suitable for, how quickly the root crops ripen, and how well they are stored.

Description of the variety

Let's start listing the characteristics of the Breeze potato with the fact that it ripens in 2–2.5 months from the date of planting. Besides:

  1. It has a solid yield (more than 500 centners per hectare).
  2. Reaches medium height.
  3. The tubers are oval, with a smooth skin and small eyes.
  4. On average, the weight of the fetus is approximately 120 grams.
  5. The yellow color of the raw pulp remains even after heat treatment - the starch content is 13–15%.
  6. The Breeze potato variety is especially good for frying.

Advantages of the variety:

growing potatoes

  • high degree of preservation;
  • great taste;
  • attractive appearance of tubers;
  • resistance to most diseases.

The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • susceptibility to attack by the golden nematode;
  • weak resistance to late blight and scab;
  • When cooking, the tubers take a long time to boil.

Breeze variety

Stages of cultivation and storage

Planting potatoes starts when the soil warms up to plus 7 degrees Celsius. The holes are dug 10–12 centimeters deep. Usually sowing work is carried out at the end of April - early May.

Briz is not too demanding on soil quality, which makes it possible to cultivate the variety in almost all regions of the Russian Federation.

To get a decent harvest you need a plentiful watering potatoes. Planting frequency varies from 500 tubers per sq.m. for sandy soils and up to 400 tubers per sq.m. for loamy soils.

golden nematode

In order for potatoes to grow large, you need to add minerals to the soil. fertilizers - superphosphate or ammonium sulfate.

When describing a potato variety called Breeze, we note that in terms of reproduction it is no different from other potato varieties. It can be propagated by seeds, as well as vegetatively: cut tubers with eyes, offsets and bush division.

The vegetative method allows you to achieve abundant shoots, however, after five years, the yield decreases and the taste of the potatoes deteriorates. Therefore, the seed stock must be periodically updated.

oval tubers

The first planting of Breeze can be done with the help of small potatoes, from which tubers of normal and even large size will certainly grow later.

The characteristics of the variety are not limited to this: it is not afraid of mechanical damage, it does not require specific storage conditions - a dry basement with a temperature of 2 to 5 degrees Celsius will do for this.

Phytophthora resistance

About diseases and pests

Despite the fact that Breeze has turned out to be resistant to various diseases and fungi, it still needs some preventive measures. Some diseases attack young potatoes due to excessive feeding of the soil with manure, which can harbor spores and larvae of pests. Therefore, you need to be careful when applying organic fertilizers! Description of diseases:

preventive measures

  1. The most insidious potato disease recognized as late blight. To safely avoid it, the crop should be treated with fungicides. In addition, tubers with signs of disease should not be used for planting. As a preventive measure, periodic weeding of plants is not superfluous.
  2. The peculiarity of potato scab is that it can damage over half of the crop. At the same time, seed material is lost, since the surviving tubers are left without eyes. To scab left potatoes at rest, it is necessary to treat the seed fund with fungasil or some other similar chemical preparation. The application of fertilizers is also encouraged, with the help of which the slightly acidic state of the soil is maintained. Well, after harvesting the potatoes, it is advisable to sow lupine, beans or rye in this area.
  3. During the ripening process, the roots of Breeze may be favored by the golden nematode.Because of this harmful worm, the tubers either do not set at all, or degenerate into impossibly small ones. The nematode lays so-called cysts in the ground, where the larval eggs persist for about ten years.

Breeze roots

As soon as a potato disease is noticed, the infected tubers are dug up and the tops are mercilessly burned. As radical methods, it is worth risking using chemistry - heterophos or urea.

Reviews about the variety

The above-mentioned high yield, amazing taste, unpretentiousness of the crop to grow and store make Breeze a desirable product for gardeners of any type. Read the comments online, there are predominantly positive reviews about the Breeze variety. Farmers, potato growers, and gardeners speak in this spirit. All of them unanimously note the excellent taste properties of potatoes, resistance to diseases and the suitable size of the root crop. It is noted that if the basic storage rules are observed (temperature, humidity level), potatoes are stored without significant losses until spring, or even longer.

amazing taste

Consumers write that they will continue to plant Breeze - the variety is so good! Potatoes ripen quickly; already at the end of July, beginning of August you can try to dig up several bushes.

Many commentators admit that they purchased the seeds after reading reviews from the Internet, and everything was confirmed - the variety is excellent!

excellent variety

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