Instructions for use of Fitoverm against the Colorado potato beetle, how to dilute the product

The variety of modern means to combat this pest gives the summer resident the opportunity to choose a method on his own. Choosing the most suitable drug for your site. Fitoverm from the Colorado potato beetle is famous among vegetable growers for its biological origin. Since it contains components of natural origin.

Composition, form, storage of Fitoverma

The main component is an insecticide of natural origin. This is aversectin C, which is a product of the vital activity of microorganisms.The amount of active substance is 2 g per 1 liter of emulsion.

When a pest enters the body, it causes paralysis or inhibition of the nervous system. As a result, the insect stops moving and feeding, and accordingly destroys plants. After 10-18 hours it dies.


  • In ampoules of 4 mg.
  • Bottles of 50 and 10 ml.

Stored for 2 years. First of all, Fitoverm is separated from food products. Keep out of the reach of children, in a dark place. The temperature varies from -20 to +30 ⁰С.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Like any other substance there are positive and negative properties.

biological product for beetle


  • Efficacy and biological origin.
  • Relative safety for humans during processing.
  • Does not settle in fruits, vegetables and root crops.
  • It is used to treat crops against various types of pests.
  • It disintegrates very quickly without remaining on the plant.
  • Pests do not get used to Fitoverm.
  • As the ambient temperature increases, the degree of exposure to the insect increases.


  • Repeated treatment is required, since the drug does not destroy egg clutches and larvae, affecting only adult insects.
  • It does not adhere well to the plant; gardeners recommend using Fitoverm with additional adhesives, such as a soap solution or detergent.
  • The price is very high compared to chemicals.
  • Under no circumstances should it be mixed with other insect control agents.

fitoverma remedy

How to breed Fitoverm?

In the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, the use of the drug is effective in dry, hot weather.

In rain and cloudy weather, the effect of the drug on the pest is greatly reduced.

When treating with only a diluted substance, the summer resident must be prepared for the fact that it will not stick to the leaves. Therefore, it is diluted in a soap solution. To do this, take shavings of laundry soap and dissolve it in water.

Another feature of the drug is that in the hottest part of the day the effect is much stronger, unlike other substances that have no effect at all. It is allowed to be combined only with growth stimulants, fertilizers and pyrethroids.

fitoverma drug

Requirements that a summer resident must fulfill when working with Fitoverm:

  1. Prepare the necessary equipment in advance.
  2. Destroy the packaging and ampoules of the drug after use.
  3. Do not dilute the solution in advance, the effect will be reduced.
  4. Remove people and animals from the treated area, limit the number of bees. Do not use near bodies of water; fish will die if the substance gets into the water.
  5. Do not deviate from the instructions.

The drug is diluted in water at a temperature not lower than +15 and not higher than + 30 ⁰С. First in a small volume, then add a little more, mix and only then pour in the full volume.

Before starting work, carefully study the instructions for use. All points are strictly observed.

man with potatoes

Consumption rates for the drug Fitoverm to combat the Colorado potato beetle are 4 ml of the substance per 1 liter of water. Then pour water into a bucket. Spray the plants, then monitor the effect, then re-treat. And so 3-4 times per season.

Harm to humans

Despite the fact that the drug is not of chemical origin, do not forget about precautions when processing potato bushes. Toxicity of Fitoverm 3 class. First you need to put on rubber gloves. If possible, wear protective clothing, a protective eye mask and a respirator.

During spraying you must not:

  • Drink.
  • Smoking.
  • Eating.

After completing the treatment, wash your face and hands with soap.

Colorado beetle

If the drug gets inside, you must:

  • Drink as much water as possible.
  • Take activated carbon.
  • Induce vomiting.
  • Consult a doctor.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water for 5-10 minutes. If Fitoverm gets on an open area of ​​skin, wash it with soap and water.

You cannot water plants with the drug; it is intended only for treatment against pests.

After spraying, vegetables are eaten for 3-4 days, without harm to health.

beetle sitting on a branch

What else is Fitoverm used for?

The drug is used not only for treating potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle. It is effective against:

  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • ticks;
  • scoops;
  • whites;
  • moth;
  • sawflies;
  • leaf roller;
  • codling moths.

Consumption rates differ depending on what insect needs to be destroyed and on what crop.

The drug is used to treat plants indoors, greenhouses and greenhouses.

Opinion of gardeners who used the drug to treat plants

The manufacturer, when advertising Fitoverm, praises its effectiveness, safety and other positive properties. But the summer resident will believe the gardeners by reading their reviews. In their comments, vegetable growers write how to breed Fitoverm for treatment against the Colorado potato beetle and other insects.

Nikolay: “There is no more effective drug to combat insects that eat crops, causing damage to plantings. The instructions are clear, there have never been any difficulties during breeding. My potatoes do not suffer from beetle attacks.“I am grateful to those who created such an effective remedy for combating the Colorado potato beetle, which is capable of destroying the result of several months of work in a few days.”

harvest with the drug

Maria: “In addition to processing potato beds, I process currants and cabbage. Only the application rates of the drug change, depending on the crop being treated. The product is effective and practically safe, and copes well with any pests on the site.”

Valeria: “Fitoverm saved my potato harvest. 2 years of unsuccessful fight against the Colorado potato beetle forced us to turn the entire Internet upside down in search of an effective way to combat the insect. Numerous positive reviews about the drug helped make the decision. I installed it without any problems, everything in the instructions is clear and simple. It was a very hot day for spraying; finally, the problem was eliminated, the beetle was defeated. In addition to potatoes, I process apple trees in a ratio of 2 to 1000.”

Vladimir: “The effectiveness in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle is amazing. But what I like most is that the drug is used, no less effectively, to combat other insects that prevent plants from developing normally. Fitoverm is used to control rodents. When treating melons and melons, I dilute the product in a ratio of 4 ml per 1 liter.”

Maria: “I fought all the time using folk remedies. But this year, insects simply overran the plantings, threatening to destroy the entire crop. I decided to use chemistry, but found the drug Fitoverm in time. The effect is excellent, the problem is fixed. Now I recommend it to all my friends and acquaintances.”

Fitoverm is a preparation of biological origin, therefore it causes virtually no harm to the human body, quickly disintegrates, without remaining in the leaves or fruits of the treated crop.
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