Not long ago, Belarus took a leading position worldwide in the cultivation and selection of potatoes. All their varieties differ in productivity and fruit quality. However, among all crops, fruit and vegetable growers single out the Liley potato. The variety gained such popularity due to the stable yield of tasty tubers, good immunity and ease of care. In addition, the plant can grow on all types of soil, which expands its distribution area.
Description of the variety
Potatoes of the Lileya variety are early-ripening vegetable crops. The growing season from the first emergence of seedlings to harvest is 50–65 days.The yield of the variety is high, reaching 680 c/ha. At the same time, more than 8 tubers are formed in one bush, without non-commercial fines.
Description of Potato Liley:
- The bush is strong, highly branched.
- Stems are semi-vertical.
- The foliage is numerous, medium-sized, dark green in color.
- The inflorescence is 2–3 fork-shaped, white.
- The tubers are uniform, yellow in color, round-oval in shape, weighing from 100 to 250 g.
- The pulp is boiled, moderately sweet, tasty.
- Purpose: dining room.
- The value of the tubers is their starchy content 11–18%, rich in carotene.
According to its intended purpose, the variety is used in the preparation of stews, frying, mashed potatoes, soups and casseroles. In addition, it produces good semi-finished products that are valued on the trade market.
The characteristics of the Lileya variety indicate that it is a fairly high-yielding crop. However, the quality and quantity of fruits are influenced by the nuances involved in growing the plant. Thus, according to the recommendations of fruit and vegetable growers, potatoes should not be planted in the place where nightshade crops grew before. The best predecessors for the variety will be:
- cucumbers;
- annual herbs;
- legumes;
- cabbage crops.
In this case, the soil should be fertile, loose and light. You can improve the quality of the soil in the fall by plowing the soil to a depth of 30 cm and adding humus with complex fertilizers.
Pre-sprouted potatoes are planted. The best time for this will be the end of April or the beginning of May, when the soil warms up to 10 degrees. Planting pattern: 35 cm between bushes and 80 cm between rows.
Features of care
To create comfortable conditions for the variety, it will be enough to follow simple agrotechnical work.
Plant care includes:
- Watering. Irrigation is carried out as the soil becomes dry.The best option for irrigation is the drip method. Using this method, all bushes will evenly receive the required amount of water.
- Weeding. Timely removal of weeds and loosening of the soil will contribute to the quality development of the root system.
- Hilling. Rolling the soil to the lower parts of the plant increases the space for the development and growth of tubers. This manipulation is carried out at least 2 times during the entire period of growing potatoes.
- Feeding. For intensive plant growth, complex fertilizers are used. They are introduced in liquid form, having previously been combined with droppings.
By following these rules of care, it will be possible to increase the merits of the variety.
Advantages and disadvantages
The peculiarity of the Liley variety is that it has no disadvantages. According to reviews from gardeners and summer residents, potatoes can grow in any territory of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. It is unpretentious in the choice of soil and is resistant to temperature changes.
In addition, the variety is endowed with the following advantages:
- early ripeness;
- high productivity;
- good commercial quality of fruits;
- long-distance transportation;
- versatility;
- unpretentiousness in agricultural technology;
- long storage.
In addition, the variety is immune to potato diseases and pests.
Pests and diseases
Judging by the characteristics, Lileya potato varieties are endowed with increased resistance to diseases such as golden cyst nematodes, bacterial rot, cancer, and aucuba mosaic. In addition, the variety has good immunity to pests that are attracted to the green leaves and inflorescences of the plant.
However, a sudden attack of a large number of insects and the development of common scab can negatively affect the yield of the variety. To prevent such consequences, it is recommended to follow a number of preventive measures:
- Before planting, potato bulbs are treated with special disinfectants.
- During growth, the plant is sprayed at least 3 times with insecticidal preparations.
- All damaged stems and leaves are promptly disposed of from the site.
By observing this simple prevention and appropriate care, potatoes will reward you with high yields both in cultivation on small plots and in large-scale industry.
Harvest and storage
You can estimate the harvest period yourself. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the tops of the plant. If green foliage is observed on the potatoes, it means that the process of growth and development of the tubers has not yet ended. Therefore, it is too early to harvest. As soon as the tops acquire a yellowish tint and begin to dry out, you can safely begin digging potatoes. To facilitate this process, it is recommended to completely cut off the stems and leaves approximately 2-3 days before harvesting.
After the potatoes are dug, their tubers must be dried. To do this, they are laid out on plastic wrap and left in the sun for about 3–4 hours. After this, the potatoes are cleared of soil and sorted into food, small items and planting material. Then the harvest is put into bags and taken for storage.
The Lileya potato variety is stored exclusively in the cellar, at a temperature of 2–3 degrees above zero. In this case, the underground room must have a ventilation hood. For ease of storage, wooden boxes and mesh bags are used. Such recommendations are due to the fact that the bulb should be removed from rot once every 3 months.
Having considered the above characteristics, advantages and features of the Lileya variety, you can independently verify its uniqueness. Having planted this crop, either in agricultural enterprises or in small gardens, every fruit and vegetable grower will be satisfied with the quality of its products.