Description of the Rogneda potato variety, features of cultivation and care

The Rogneda potato was bred by Belarusian breeders relatively recently. During this time, he became popular not only in Belarus, but also abroad. The reason for this is good taste and resistance to pests. The northwestern and central regions of the Russian Federation are most suitable for growing Rogneda.

Description of the variety

Rogneda potatoes are a medium-late variety, the ripening period of which takes from 95 to 110 days. The bushes are spreading, tall, with dark green leaves. The tops grow intensively, the flowers are medium-sized.

Belarusian breeders

The variety is characterized by smooth, oval tubers. The weight of 1 fruit varies from 80 to 120 grams.Potatoes have a thick, yellowish skin. It cooks well, but does not lose its taste. The starch content in it varies from 12 to 16%. The variety is suitable for any cooking options.

The properties of potatoes allow them to be transported over long distances and stored for a long time. At the same time, the taste and attractive appearance are preserved.

Potato yield varies from 200 to 350 centners per hectare.

Rogneda potatoes


In order for the yield to be high, it is important to adhere to basic recommendations for cultivation and care. Potatoes are planted in an open area, not deprived of sunlight. Light to medium soils are ideal; heavy soils can impair yields.

In the fall, the site is dug up and fertilized. It is best to use organic matter or wood ash. In the spring, the beds are dug up again, after which complex fertilizers or rotted manure are added.

stick to the basics

Planting potatoes are selected in the fall, immediately after harvest. It is important to choose high-quality root vegetables that will produce powerful shoots. It is recommended to germinate the tubers before planting. To do this, root vegetables are placed in special boxes or boxes, where the air temperature is about 8 degrees. It is recommended to turn the potatoes periodically.

Rogneda is planted under favorable weather conditions. The soil should warm up to 8 degrees. When disembarking, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  • make deep enough holes;
  • the holes should be at least 35 cm apart from each other, since Rogneda is characterized by spreading bushes;
  • Dense planting of tubers reduces yield.


Features of care

After 1.5–2 weeks, the first shoots appear.At the same time, the weeds emerge earlier, so after 7–10 days the soil is carefully loosened using a rake.

The variety is resistant to dry weather and does not require frequent watering. Abundant moisture is required only at the stage of bud emergence and flowering. Watering is also required before hilling, which is carried out at least 2 times. The first hilling is carried out when the sprouts reach 10 cm, the second - after 1.5–2 weeks, when the tops in the row begin to close. Before the second procedure, watering is also carried out and nitrophoska is added. Each bush requires approximately 10 g of the substance.

rises earlier

Harvest occurs in mid-September. After digging up the tubers, dry them for several hours in the open air, so they will quickly be cleared of adhering soil. The tubers are immediately sorted and selected for seeds.

Advantages and disadvantages

Potatoes have virtually no downsides. The only thing is that in unsuitable soil, small fruits may appear and a large amount of liquid may accumulate in the potatoes. The positive features of the variety are as follows:

digging up tubers

  • good taste;
  • possibility of long-term storage under the right conditions;
  • high concentration of vitamin C, which makes the variety extremely beneficial for the body;
  • high yield with minimal effort;
  • unpretentiousness to the soil (the harvest will be good even in poor-quality soil);
  • attractive presentation, which allows grow potatoes for implementation.

The characteristics of the variety clearly indicate that potatoes have no disadvantages.

the right conditions

Pests and diseases

The main pest of the variety is the Colorado potato beetle.You can fight it with a strong solution of salt water, the rotting smell of onion peels, wood ash or pine sawdust, which are placed in each hole when planting.

As for other pests and diseases, the Rogneda variety is resistant to them. Potatoes have average resistance to the following diseases:

  • blackleg;
  • fusarium rot;
  • scab.

strong solution

Shows absolute resistance to the following diseases:

  • cyst nematode;
  • late blight;
  • potato cancer.

cyst nematode

Collection and storage

Rogneda is harvested in mid-September. The bushes are carefully dug up with a shovel to prevent damage to the potatoes. Root crops are thrown onto the ground and lie in the open air for several hours until they are completely dry and clear of soil. After this, the tubers are sorted. Close attention is paid to damaged, cut and rotten fruits. Under no circumstances should they be stored with the rest of the potatoes. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing a significant amount of the crop.

Tubers with the slightest damage are put aside and eaten first.

The room where potatoes are stored should be cool, dark and well ventilated. As a rule, a basement is used for this. But you can also dig a special hole for potatoes, but it must be insulated from the inside using boards. Potato storage temperature should be within 2–4 degrees. Higher temperatures will promote germination of tubers, and sub-zero temperatures will cause spoilage.

digging with a shovel

For storage, the tubers are placed in bins or special boxes, which are placed on wooden stands.The word “special” means that their walls must have small holes for air to enter. Many gardeners arrange the tubers with elderberry or fern leaves, this ensures better preservation.

Note! The boxes in which potatoes are stored should not be placed close to the walls, as this will impede the passage of air.

special boxes

If you periodically ventilate the room, throw away rotten potatoes in a timely manner, deal with excess moisture and do not forget to maintain the desired temperature, the safety of the Rogneda potato variety will be excellent.

Thus, the description of the variety allows us to conclude that Rogneda is an attractive variety that is suitable for home and industrial cultivation. The good preservation and taste of potatoes make them popular not only among gardeners, but also among buyers.

throw it away on time
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