Instructions for using the drug Zenkor against weeds on potatoes

Zenkor is a herbicide from the German company Bayer. Effective on annual weeds. Used by private farms and large farms to plant vegetables, including potatoes. Relatively safe for humans and the environment.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The basis The herbicide consists of the substance metribuzin (70%). Available in several convenient forms. The active substance is absorbed by all parts of the weed plant, reaches the root system and blocks the process of cell division. Has good selectivity in relation to cultivated plants. Zenkor is a systemic herbicide with selective action.

Retains protection on potatoes for a long time. Under favorable conditions (absence of rainfall, mechanical disturbance of the top layer of soil) up to 30 days. Light precipitation enhances the effect of the drug; this should be taken into account when preparing solutions.

Does not contribute to the development of immunity in weeds. Combines with other herbicides and pesticides. For a multiplied effect on monocotyledonous weeds (cornflower, blueberry, datura, field buckwheat, field pea, burdock, dandelion, wild oat, etc.), Zenkor is used in conjunction with the following preparations:

drug Zencor

  • Olitref.
  • Dual.
  • Vernam.

At high air temperatures, prolonged drought or, conversely, excess moisture, potato tolerance to the Zenkor herbicide decreases. The drug weakly inhibits:

chemical herbicide

  • creeping nightshade;
  • wheatgrass, bedstraw;
  • field loach.

More effective than other herbicides it destroys sow thistle, nettle, acorn grass, shepherd's purse, ragweed, and chickweed. It has a weak effect on very light soils, where the humus saturation is less than 2%, as well as on sandstones.

favorable conditions

Features of application

The instructions for the drug Zencor recommend using herbicide for potatoes twice per season:

  1. Before sunrise.
  2. After germination.

Not used when sprouting potato sprouts. Before use, the soil is leveled and large lumps are broken up. If the soil is dry, it is advisable to moisten it with water to a depth of 2 cm. Pre-emergence treatment is carried out 2-3 days before the appearance of potato sprouts. Consumption is calculated based on soil type:

application features

  1. Light 0.5–0.75 kg/ha.
  2. Average 0.75–1.0 kg/ha.
  3. Heavy 1.0–1.5 kg/ha.

For small summer cottages, 10 ml of Zenkor is diluted in 3 liters of water and evenly sprayed over an area of ​​one hundred square meters. Germinating weeds are not able to break through the protective film of the Zenkor herbicide.

The solution is used in freshly prepared form. Empty herbicide containers are thoroughly washed with water, and the contents are poured onto the treated field.

spray the area

For post-emergence potato processing the herbicide is used on plants up to 10 cm in height. On overgrown bushes, after applying the drug, a weakening of the intensity of the green color of the leaf is recorded. In most cases, the pigment is restored after 10–14 days. No other manifestations of phytotoxicity were recorded. The drug does not have a negative effect on the quantity and quality of potato harvest.

Security measures

The herbicide is used only in open ground. Use with caution on early and mid-ripening potato varieties. Pre-emergence treatment is not carried out on the following varieties of early ripening potatoes: Karatop, Alena, Riviera, Zhavoronok, Bellarosa and Ariel.

post-emergence treatment

Cultures are characterized by increased sensitivity to the substance metribuzin. It is not recommended to use maximum doses of the drug on light soils; the herbicide will negatively affect germination.

Zenkor is used in tank mixtures as a base, thus protecting potatoes from weeds, diseases and pests. The instructions for using the drug with sulfonylurea prescribe the addition of Zenkor to the ready-made mixture.

in tank mixtures

Mix carefully with insecticides; it is advisable to carry out compatibility tests before use. It is prohibited to mix Zenkor herbicide with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Avoid combining dry undiluted drugs. An overdose of the product leads to yellowing or complete burning of the seedlings.

At air temperatures above 25 °C, Zenkor is not used for potatoes, as the herbicide will have a toxic effect.The most favorable temperatures for spraying are +10…+20 °C. The active substance should saturate the ground by 2–3 cm.

mixed with insecticides

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding +40 °C. Residues of the Zenkor herbicide are disposed of in deep pits at a great distance from water bodies. Has restrictions on use in a sanitary zone.

Despite the fact that the decay period of metribuzin in the soil is 3 months, it is not recommended to plant the following on the field after chemical weeding next season:

  • onion;
  • cabbage;
  • beets;
  • sunflower, pumpkin.

metribuzin breakdown

These crops are particularly susceptible to the herbicide.

Release forms

The manufacturer "Bayer" presents several types of Zencor:

  1. WG 70 (granulated powder).
  2. Liquid (water-soluble powder, suspension).
  3. Zenkor ultra (suspension).

granular powder

The last two forms are more advanced. They do not have sediment when diluted with water and dissolve faster (within 30 minutes).

There are industrial packages of dry matter and tanks (5 l). Bottles for private use are available in volumes up to 100 g and bags of powder up to 20 g. In addition to potatoes, the herbicide is successfully used on carrots, soybeans, apple trees, and tomatoes.

Other advantages of the drug:

water soluble powder

  • does not contribute to the spread of mechanically transmitted viruses;
  • non-toxic to bees and other insects;
  • does not require special respiratory protection during operation;
  • does not have a pronounced odor;
  • suitable for use in any climate zones;
  • does not accumulate in the soil.

Instructions for use contain tables with exact doses of the drug. Shelf life 3 years from the date of manufacture. Long-term tests have confirmed the reliability of the Zenkor herbicide. Combines with other products from the manufacturer. Available for sale at reasonable prices.

Zenkor ultra
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