Description and characteristics of the Zenith strawberry variety, planting and care

Among the variety of varieties of garden strawberries, it is worth paying attention to the Zenith strawberry. In terms of its characteristics, it is ahead of many hybrids. Its cultivation has some nuances that you need to become familiar with before you start growing the berry crop.

Description and characteristics of the garden strawberry variety Zenit

The mid-ripening strawberry variety Zenith was obtained by crossing the Zenga Zengana and Redcoat varieties. A low-growing, medium-sized herbaceous shrub with compressed, wrinkled leaves, dark green in color, with a slight waxy coating.

Peduncles are short, medium in thickness, located below the level of the leaves. Inflorescences are compact, few-flowered. The Zenit variety is prized for its round berries and deep red color. The average weight of one fruit varies from 16 to 30 g. The juicy pulp is dense, aromatic with a dessert taste.

You can enjoy the taste of the aromatic fruits of the Zenit variety from mid-July.

Main positive and negative aspects

The advantages of the Zenit strawberry variety, for which it is valued by gardeners, include:

  • high and stable yield;
  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • resistance to diseases inherent in the culture;
  • resistance to winter frosts and adaptation to sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • transportability without loss of commercial qualities;
  • versatility in use, which allows you to consume berries not only fresh, but also when preparing them for the winter;
  • Ideal for both amateur gardening and commercial cultivation.

strawberry zenith

The disadvantage of Zenith strawberries is that they are susceptible to fruit rot and require regular watering.

Specifics of growing strawberries

Planting Zenith strawberries must be carried out according to certain rules, and planting material must be selected with special care. Only if these conditions are met is a good harvest guaranteed.

Planting material

When choosing planting material, you need to pay attention to the number of real young leaves, of which there should be at least 3, having a healthy green color without dark and white spots.The root system of seedlings must be branched and at least 7 cm long. Before planting, the roots of the seedlings must be treated. To do this, place the bushes in a weak saline solution for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse them under running water and shorten them to 5-8 cm.

planting strawberries

Dates and place

Seedlings should be planted in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, or closer to autumn, at the end of August, beginning of September in cloudy weather or in the evening. The landing site should be level, sunny and protected from the wind. The plant prefers loamy soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It is better to choose an area with light, moisture-absorbing and breathable soil.

The plant does not tolerate stagnant water, so if there is a possibility of flooding of the bushes, you need to build high-quality drainage.


Zenith strawberry planting technology includes several stages:

  1. Make holes, keeping a distance of 20 cm between bushes and 40 cm between rows.
  2. Place the seedlings so that the root collar is flush with the surface.
  3. Compact the soil, water well and mulch.

planting strawberries

Important! In the first days after planting, plants need to be shaded so that they can take root faster.

Tips for caring for garden strawberries

Productivity largely depends on proper care, so Zenit strawberries need to be surrounded with attention and care.

Watering and fertilizing

An important agricultural technique is to keep the soil moist. It is recommended to water according to the following schedule:

  • after disembarkation every day for 2 weeks;
  • then reduce watering to 1 time every 2 days;
  • when the plants take root and get stronger, as necessary, preventing the soil from drying out.

watering strawberries

It is better to water Zenit strawberries in the morning or evening, using a small amount of water.In the spring, before fruit formation begins, universal or organic fertilizer should be applied. During the flowering period, feed with mullein infusion.

Loosening and mulching

The plant is responsive to loosening the soil. This helps retain moisture in the soil, improve oxygen access to the roots, and remove perennial weeds. Loosen the soil between the rows to a depth of 10 cm, and shallowly near the bushes, so as not to harm the root system, which is located superficially. When loosening row spacing, pay attention to exposed roots. They need adding soil or hilling.

Zenith strawberries love moist, well-drained soil, and a mulch layer will retain valuable moisture for it and create a favorable water-air regime for the roots. Straw, sawdust, pine needles, and mown grass are suitable as mulch.

mulching strawberries


During the cold season, it is important to prevent plants from freezing. To do this, you need to cover the strawberry bushes with a special material, which can be a layer of straw or dry leaves.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Strawberries of the Zenit variety are not immune to powdery mildew, gray rot, brown spot and attacks of nematodes, strawberry mites, and aphids. There are simple recommendations that will help prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests:

  • maintaining crop rotation and not growing strawberries in one place for more than 4 years;
  • processing of acquired seedlings before planting and immediately after it;
  • purchasing planting material only in trusted places;
  • timely destruction of infected plants and weeds and spraying of bushes with special protective agents;
  • planting plants between rows that repel harmful insects.

spraying strawberries

Preventive techniques take less effort and time than subsequent fight against diseases and insects.

Strawberry propagation method

The crop can be propagated using methods such as dividing the bush, seeds and mustaches. To divide the bush, use 2-3 year old plants with a developed root system. In autumn or spring, dig up a productive bush and divide it so that each horn has roots and a leaf rosette. Then place the resulting parts in the designated place.

When propagating a crop by seeds, you need to buy or collect seed material yourself, which is planted in small boxes with soil mixture. Then send the containers to a cool place until the first shoots appear. Then transfer the seedlings to a warm, well-lit room for 10 days. After time, plant the seedlings in open ground.

strawberry propagation

To propagate Zenith strawberries using mustaches, it is necessary to identify developed bushes with large berries during fruiting. Select large rosettes and root them. When 4-6 leaves form on the rosettes, cut off the tendrils and replant them in a permanent place without shaking off the soil from the roots, then water.

Harvest and storage

Experienced gardeners advise harvesting Zenith strawberries in the morning, while picking the berries with the stem. When removing, try not to touch the pulp. After picking the berries, place them in a cool place for 2 hours at a temperature of 2 degrees.

Strawberries should be stored in a well-ventilated container, such as a plastic container, cardboard or wooden basket. Growing and breeding the Zenith strawberry variety in a garden plot is not a difficult task, as it might seem at first glance.It is important to plant correctly, take into account all care recommendations and enjoy the delicious berries.
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