Pathologies of the digestive system in kids provoke stool disorders. In this case, there is a change in the consistency of stool, the appearance of impurities and pain. If your goat is constipated, your veterinarian will tell you what to do and what signs may appear. He will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and, depending on this, select effective treatment.
Possible causes of constipation in a baby goat
There are quite a few abnormal conditions that provoke constipation in kids.
The appearance of this pathology is due to improper nutrition. The following leads to it:
- excess feed that is difficult to digest - straw, low-quality hay;
- excess concentrates in the diet - grain, feed or bran;
- long-term use of watery feed - stillage, beet pulp;
- impurities of soil or sand in food;
- use of spoiled food.
The development of atony is possible against the background of changes in living conditions - microclimate disturbance and high humidity lead to it. Secondary pathology is caused by traumatic injuries to the digestive organs, general intoxication, infections or helminthic pathologies. Sick goats have a deterioration in appetite and lack of chewing gum. Constipation is usually replaced by diarrhea. General weakness, exhaustion, loss of luster and turgor also occur.
To cope with the pathology, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors. To rinse the proventriculus, an infusion of 5-10 liters of a solution of Glauber's salt with a concentration of 1% should be done. You can also use a solution of baking soda or acetic acid.
Normalization of nutrition is of no small importance. On the first day, a fasting diet is recommended. To prevent exhaustion, nutrients are administered parenterally - glucose solution, calcium preparations. On the second day, it is permissible to use hay and fermented milk products.
Infectious diseases
The infection of goat kids with infectious diseases is most often caused by 2 factors - infection from the mother and violation of sanitary and hygienic recommendations. In the second case, the disease quickly spreads between kids. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a disorder, it is worth isolating the infected animal.
In addition to constipation, the development of infectious pathologies is indicated by the following signs:
- increased body temperature;
- depressed state;
- disruption of the digestive system;
- nasal discharge;
- cough;
- mobility impairment.
If the kid loses his appetite and becomes less playful, this is considered an alarming symptom. In this case, it is important to check the composition of the mother’s food or diet and treat the room with disinfectants. If your pet's condition does not improve, you should contact your veterinarian.
Parasitic infestation
Constipation can be caused by fascioliasis or piroplasmosis. With the development of chronic fascioliasis, goat kids experience alternating constipation and diarrhea. The pathology is caused by flatworms, which belong to the Fasciolidae family. They lead to liver damage. The most dangerous form of pathology for young animals is the acute form of pathology caused by the migration of larvae.
As the disease develops, general weakness, paleness of the mucous membranes, and impaired digestive functions in the form of constipation and diarrhea are observed. Swelling of the limbs, abdomen and chest also occurs, the urine turns red, and hair falls out.
Another dangerous disease is piroplasmosis. It is caused by blood parasitic unicellular organisms – Babesia. They infect red blood cells, which provokes lysis. Infection occurs through tick bites. 5-12 days after the bite, the temperature rises to 42 degrees, severe weakness occurs, and the frequency of heart contractions and breathing increases. Kids also suffer from constipation, rumen hypotension, and cloudy urine.
With this diagnosis, infusion therapy is performed.In this case, saline solution, glucose with a concentration of 5%, and “Hemodez” are administered intravenously. Specific therapy includes Azidine solution with a concentration of 5%.
Diagnostic measures
To make an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. Studies are prescribed taking into account the clinical picture. Fecal samples help identify helminthic infestations.
A hematological study is often performed. This procedure is usually required if piroplasmosis is suspected. Microscopy reveals many destroyed red blood cells, and pear-shaped parasites are present in the blood cells.
How to treat intestinal obstruction in an animal
Constipation may indicate an intestinal obstruction. It develops under the influence of various factors. Most often, the problem can be dealt with promptly.
Medications will only help with mechanical blockage of food. In such a situation, laxatives are prescribed. You can also do an enema.
Possible problems
In the absence of timely treatment, there is a risk of undesirable consequences. Many diseases can cause death of animals or disturbances in their development. There are also a number of infectious pathologies that can cause the death of the entire livestock.
Preventing constipation
To avoid bowel disorders, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- feed kids correctly, taking into account age and productivity;
- do not give your pets spoiled vegetables, hay, straw;
- balance the diet by including nutrients depending on the physiological state;
- do not allow pets to suddenly switch from one food to another;
- mix roughage with succulent feed;
- give animals only clean and fresh water;
- Provide the kids with active walks lasting at least 2 hours.
Constipation in kids is quite common and can indicate dangerous pathologies. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis and strictly adhere to the veterinarian’s recommendations.