Symptoms and treatment of ear diseases in rabbits at home

The ears are considered a vulnerable spot of the rabbit's body. The causes of diseases and ear infections in rabbits can be different. To notice the disease in time, you need to monitor the health of your pets. It is important to have an understanding of the symptoms of common diseases and the rules of first aid. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of infections.

Possible ear diseases in rabbits

Diseases can be divided into contagious (tick-borne infestation) and non-contagious (otitis media, mechanical damage).The most common are several diseases:

  • With ear scabies (otodectosis), the ear canals are affected. The causative agent of the disease is Otodectos mites, round in shape, 0.32-0.75 mm in size. If the parasite is not neutralized in time, pus forms and flows into the inner cavity of the ear. The infectious process spreads to the middle and inner ear, the meninges. Otodectosis most often affects rabbits older than 4 months;
  • purulent otitis media is caused by bacteria and fungal infections. The inflammatory process develops behind the eardrum. An advanced disease leads to its destruction. Death is inevitable when the infection spreads throughout the body;
  • Psoroptosis affects rabbits older than two months of age. The Psoroptes mite infects the inner surface of the ears, the auricles. Without treatment, the inflammatory process spreads to the neck, moves to the middle and inner ear and causes further complications in the form of meningitis.

Owners may also experience bleeding caused by scratching. The damaged area is treated with hydrogen peroxide and cauterized with alcohol and iodine. To prevent inflammation, the wound is lubricated with antiseptic ointment.

Main symptoms

It is difficult for an owner to independently diagnose a sick pet due to the similar symptoms of some diseases. The most common signs of infection in pets:

  • the rabbit rubs its ears on the bars or other surfaces;
  • the animal loses its appetite and becomes lethargic;
  • the pet holds its head unnaturally, the ears are in a lowered position;
  • when the ears hurt, nervousness appears in the behavior of the rabbits, the animal refuses to be handled, loses orientation;
  • There are frequent cases of swelling of the ears and the appearance of purulent discharge.

With psoroptosis, small bumps appear inside the ears, which eventually burst. Scabs form. When scratched, the crusts mix with blood, closing the ear canal.

ear diseases

With purulent otitis, discharge and an unpleasant odor are observed. The animal shakes its ears, may bump into objects or constantly fall. Keeps his head in an inclined position.

Dropping ears can be caused by mechanical injuries or various diseases: otitis media, mites, foreign objects. If an object gets into the ear, remove it with tweezers.

Diagnostic methods

Caring for a rabbit involves constant inspection of the animal. The pet is examined especially carefully if it exhibits atypical behavior. The condition of the ears is assessed visually: the integrity of the skin, the presence of discharge, and ulcers are checked. You need to check for seals by touch.

Only laboratory tests will make it possible to make a more accurate diagnosis. If the presence of mites is suspected, a scraping is taken from the inside of the ear. Experienced owners sometimes check for the presence of parasites at home. To do this, a scraping is also made from the inside of the ear, and the material is placed in Vaseline heated to 40-45 ° C. Using a regular magnifying glass, you can examine the parasites.

ear diseases

Rules for treating rabbits at home

To cure a pet, owners use both chemicals and traditional medicine.


To treat purulent otitis media, antibiotics are used. Good results are observed when using Chloramphenicol and Bicillin. Ciprofloxacin is also used to treat otitis of the inner ear. The course of treatment usually lasts about one and a half months.

To rid the animal of ear mites, local treatment in the form of ointments is prescribed. First of all, the skin is cleaned of crusts and scabs, lubricating the damaged areas with Psoroptol spray. In case of severe spread of the disease, the veterinarian may prescribe subcutaneous injections of the drug “Baymek” and “Decta” drops.

Baymek, Dekt drops.

It is also effective to use aerosols in the treatment of psoroptosis. A solution containing chlorophos, neocidol, sulfidophose and cyodrine is sprayed from a distance of 15-20 cm for several seconds. In this case, it is necessary that the medicine gets on the inside of the ear, and the eyes, nose and mouth of the animal are closed.

Folk remedies

Such treatment methods are effective in the initial stages of diseases. If your pets are affected by ticks, you can use camphor oil to irrigate the affected ear areas. The substance is drawn into a syringe without a needle and the skin is carefully treated. You can also use turpentine.

Important! To treat leather, turpentine is diluted with vegetable oil (castor, olive, sunflower) in a ratio of 1:2.

It is folk remedies that allow you to gently remove crusts and scabs from the surface of the skin. A common recipe: glycerin is diluted with iodine in a ratio of 4:1 and the crusts are lubricated once a day (2-3 days). Thanks to iodine, sores are also disinfected. You can also use a mixture of glycerin, kerosene and vegetable oil, taken in equal parts.

Baymek, Dekt drops.

Prevention measures

Rabbits are considered hardy animals. On farms, animals are kept in closed rooms or cages installed outside. Pets feel good in any conditions, but they need to be protected from drafts and dampness. To prevent mechanical injuries to the ears, check the integrity of the cells and the absence of damage.No foreign objects or boards with nails are kept in the cages. Cages made of metal should not have sharp protruding parts.

An important procedure for caring for rabbits is periodic cleaning of the ear canals from wax. Otherwise, sulfur clogs the channels, causing infections and the development of diseases.

Rabbits' ears are very sensitive. Animals experience severe pain when they are pulled or lifted by the ears. Such actions can lead to ligament ruptures or cause breathing problems. To avoid injury to the ears, even small decorative rabbits should not be lifted in this way.

It is important to regularly clean the animal’s cage and change the bedding. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, the place where pets are kept is disinfected. For preventive purposes, disinfection is carried out 1-2 times a month. To wash the cells, use a 1% bleach solution. Wooden cages can be treated with boiling water. Metal elements are heated for disinfection purposes (optionally with a blowtorch).

Thanks to the right conditions of keeping, it is possible to prevent diseases in pets. Regular ear examinations are also an important preventative measure. If the animal is sick and there is doubt about the diagnosis, you should contact a veterinarian.
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