List of medications for rabbits and their purposes, what else should be in the first aid kit

Rabbits are famous for their poor health. Any violations in the conditions of their maintenance can provoke negative consequences and entail large losses for the farmer. To avoid this, you need to have a special first aid kit. Today there are many drugs for rabbits that help cure dangerous diseases and prevent the death of livestock.

What should be in a rabbit breeder's first aid kit?

Experienced farmers have special first aid kits that are designed to treat animals. In addition to essential medicines, they include disinfectants and dressings.

For rabbits, your first aid kit should include the following:

  • iodine solution with a concentration of 5% or brilliant green;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • boric alcohol;
  • glucose, saline solution;
  • streptocide;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • vaccines.

Bleaching lime is usually used for disinfection. It is also acceptable to use caustic soda or formaldehyde. Rabbits often get injured. Therefore, it is worth including gauze, bandages, and napkins in your first aid kit. You will also need beakers for dosing substances, pipettes, and tweezers.

a lot of medicines


The following antibiotics are commonly used for rabbits:

  1. "Benzylpenicillin" or "Bicillin". These drugs are made on the basis of penicillin. They are prescribed for lesions of the respiratory organs, rhinitis, and ear pathologies.
  2. "Oxytetracycline." This remedy is used to combat pasteurellosis.
  3. "Baytril." The medicine is used for the development of myxomatosis. The substance is used for feeding animals or administered by injection.

At the same time, rabbits cannot be treated with Tylosin, Erythromycin, Lincomycin, Ampicillin. They are also prohibited from giving Clindamycin and Tromexin.

rabbit injection

Antiseptic group of drugs

Effective antiseptics include the following:

  1. “Furacilin” is produced in the form of tablets or an alcohol solution. The second form is not suitable for treating rabbits.
  2. "Chlorhexidine" - produced in the form of a solution, gel or cream. The product is used to treat wounds.
  3. "ASD-2F" - has antiseptic and antibacterial characteristics. It is used to stimulate the regeneration of affected tissues.


Analgesics help manage pain. It can occur with fractures, intestinal colic, flatulence and other disorders. Veterinarians advise the use of non-steroidal analgesics - Ketanov, Meloxicam, Rimadyl.

drug for rabbit

Medicines against coccidiosis

This is a dangerous pathology that causes death in 50% of cases. To cope with the disease, you should use the following means:

  • "Baytril";
  • "Tolukoks";
  • "Eimeterm";
  • "Amprolium".

The dose and course of therapy should be selected taking into account the age and weight of the animal. Veterinarians advise strictly following the instructions. Typically, the course of therapy takes 5-7 days. Then they pause and repeat the treatment again.

Amprolium. a drug

Medicines against worms

Rabbits often encounter worms, which can provoke the development of associated pathologies and even cause the death of animals. Prevention must be carried out every 3 months.

To rid pets of worms, the following means are used:

  1. "Albendazole" - has a wide spectrum of action and helps eliminate adult worms, as well as get rid of their larvae and eggs. The product helps to cope with a wide variety of parasites.
  2. “Shustrik” - this remedy is mostly used for the treatment and prevention of nematodiroses and cestodiases in animals. The active ingredient in the composition is fenbendazole. This component kills nematodes at the cellular level. In cestodes, the drug causes paralysis. The composition is low toxic and safe for rabbits.

Bunny for rabbits

Medicines against skin parasites

Rabbits are often attacked by skin parasites. The following tools can help you deal with them:

  1. "Advantage" - helps destroy fleas and lice. The product also copes with their larvae. The composition is suitable for external use only.
  2. “Advocate” - after its use, the animal can be protected for a long time from ticks, fleas, and lice. Thanks to the use of the product, you can forget about parasites for a month. To do this, the contents of the bottle are squeezed onto the pet’s withers.
  3. Advantix is ​​another product for external use. It helps protect animals for 1 month.
  4. "Stronghold" - the product helps to destroy skin and subcutaneous parasites. It can be used for preventive purposes.
  5. "Ivermectin" - used for intramuscular injections. The composition has a detrimental effect on external parasites and worms. Dirofen has a similar effect.

It is strictly forbidden to use preparations based on finpronil to combat parasites, as they pose a danger to rabbits.

drug Ivermectin

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Rabbits often experience digestive problems. Cerucal helps to cope with problems. This drug allows you to restore the functions of all parts of the intestine. It is often used for problems with peristalsis that occur after gastrostasis or anesthesia.

In addition, you can use Meloxicam and Simethicone. To remove foreign objects from the body of rabbits, it is permissible to use ordinary petroleum jelly. Loperamide helps to cope with diarrhea. Sulfasalazine is used to relieve inflammation in the digestive organs.

Enterosorbents can also be used to treat rabbits. They help remove harmful substances from the body and reduce symptoms of intoxication. Such drugs are often part of combination therapy for intestinal pathologies.

It is important to consider that enterosorbents can be used 2-3 hours before meals.They can also be used several hours after eating.

Stimulants for rabbits

Rabbits need to constantly maintain their immune system. This helps them resist diseases and parasites. To increase your pets' resistance to viral infections, it is worth using Fosprenil. This product contains selenium, which has a positive effect on immune function and improves the health of rabbits.

drug Ivermectin

You should also use vitamins for this. It is important to strictly adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions. Gammatonic and Nucleopeptide are considered effective remedies. They contain not only vitamins, but also minerals.

Some farmers prefer to use plant vitamins by adding amaranth to their pets' diet.

You can also stimulate the animals' ability to fertilize. To speed up the onset of pregnancy in a rabbit, you can use Surfagon or Follimag. However, such drugs must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

There are quite a few medications that you need to keep in your rabbit first aid kit. These include antibiotics, anthelmintics, and anti-parasite agents. Animals also require medications to eliminate digestive disorders and analgesics. Thanks to a properly formed first aid kit, it will be possible to provide timely assistance to a sick animal and avoid undesirable consequences.
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