TOP 5 breeds of black rabbits and their description, rules of care and maintenance

Black rabbit breeds are part of a group of unique and sought-after breeds. Even color is valued by breeders who breed animals for fur. The fur shines in the sun, has a strong base and does not thin out for a long time. Black breeds are characterized as calm, non-aggressive, stress-resistant animals. Breeders consider one of the advantages of black rabbits to be high levels of immune protection.

Features of black rabbits

Dark breeds are bred through selective breeding.This group also includes animals with uneven color. Small changes in the genetic code give rise to brown-black, chocolate, and red rabbits, whose fur has good quality characteristics. Black pets are attractive not only for their high-quality fur, but also for their calm behavior. Black rabbits are often purchased for home keeping.

Attention! Black breeds are distinguished by early maturation.

Popular breeds

700 breeds of different colors have been bred through selection. There are 20 breeds suitable for private breeding that have the necessary characteristics, are resistant to infection and are able to live in various conditions.

Black giant

Black giant

The breed is called a giant because of its physical characteristics. This is the largest species among the black varieties. It is customary to raise the black giant to obtain first-class fur. This is the most common type, which is used for tanning skins on an industrial scale.

Advantages and disadvantages
weight indicators: females weigh 5-6 kilograms, males weigh up to 8.5 kilograms;
dark uniform color with short undercoat;
large head, well-developed chest;
high birth rates: 7-8 rabbits appear per litter.
The breed is raised for fur, but is not suitable for raising meat.

Black New Zealand

Black New Zealand

The New Zealand Black was introduced in the second half of 1981. This type is created to produce uniformly colored short-haired fur. Individuals of the breed are calm, phlegmatic and respond well to any changes in living conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages
magnificent color;
developed breasts;
litter - 5-7 rabbits;
resistance to infections;
ability to withstand temperature changes without loss;
calm disposition.
light weight: males grow up to 5 kilograms, females - up to 4.5 kilograms.

Vienna black

Vienna black

A breed that was created 100 years ago, but is still the leader among small weight species. Males and females grow up to 4-5 kilograms. Viennese black rabbits are annual winners of various international exhibitions. They produce high quality fur, durable skins and tasty dietary meat. Viennese blacks are distinguished by their majestic posture, slimness and grace.

Advantages and disadvantages
developed breasts;
small paws;
litter - 5-7 rabbits;
magnificent fur;
meat yield - from 4 to 5 kilograms.

Breeders call the increased attention of females to their offspring as a disadvantage. Mother rabbits have a hard time parting with their babies.

Reference! The Viennese species was obtained by crossing the Alaskan breed and an unknown breed of blue rabbit.


beautiful bunny

The result of the work of Soviet breeders. The output is individuals with a variety of color options, where the brown tint predominates.

Advantages and disadvantages
weight – up to 7 kilograms;
meat yield – up to 5.5 kilograms;
litter – 8 animals;
calm disposition;
ability to withstand temperature changes and weather changes.
It is impossible to predict the degree of inclusions of brown and black shades; some skins are unsuitable for dressing.



The result of crossing wild rabbits and Belgian giant breed became black and fiery in appearance. These are beautiful, calm animals that are raised for fur and meat. The coloring is uniform, but may vary from generation to generation.The back and head are covered with smooth, dark fur of high quality; on the stomach, near the ears and paws, it gradually acquires a fiery hue.

Advantages and disadvantages
magnificent fur;
delicious meat;
good breeding for small breeds - 5-6 rabbits;
strong paws;
light weight (up to 3.5 kilograms).

Advantages and disadvantages

Black breeds are highly valued in the market. The advantages of breeding are dictated by the recognized advantages of black breed varieties:

  • survival rate is 90%;
  • do not require the creation of separate conditions of detention;
  • unpretentious in food;
  • exhibit high levels of resistance to classic types of infection for rabbits;
  • calm, resistant to stress;
  • all varieties have high quality fur;
  • have good litter rates;
  • They gain weight well with proper feeding.


In dark breeds, almost no defects are recorded. Those who are going to breed black pets for fur need to know that white hairs sometimes appear on black fur, which is a sign of a defective skin. This mechanism is often found in mixed colors.

Subtleties of keeping and caring for black rabbits

The task of the black rabbit breeder is to obtain good quality fur. This feature dictates special rules of content. Poor maintenance conditions lead to damage to the axial hair. The axial hair is hard and breaks at the slightest pressure, so caring for the rabbit's skin is especially important.

Young animals go through several stages of molting, starting at 1.5 months of age.Slaughter to obtain the skin is synchronized with the period when the animal does not shed. Typically, coat renewal takes place from March to April. First, the head and paws begin to shed, then the process moves to the stomach and thighs. Females renew themselves in 30 days; for males this process takes 2.5 months.

black Rabbit

Preserving the quality of fur during molting requires following the rules of care:

  • adding a special paste or mixture to the diet that helps remove hair from the stomach;
  • use of feed with vitamins;
  • cutting with scissors, combing wool.

Attention is paid to care and hygiene. Cells are cleaned daily and surfaces are treated with disinfectants weekly. Drinkers and feeders are cleaned every day, the water is changed and the bedding is inspected daily. Purchased pets are vaccinated according to the planned schedule.

Males that are capable of starting fights are kept separately in a two-block cage, where they can rest and stretch their paws.

Attention! Irregular cleaning of cages leads to disruption of the sebaceous gland in pets. Disruption of the sebaceous gland causes rabbits to stop washing themselves.

Tips for choosing an animal

Before purchasing, it is recommended to read the description of the breeds. To select a healthy rabbit, they are guided by the characteristics of the species. A healthy pet weighs as much as its relatives weigh at the indicated age.

It is not recommended to purchase rabbits that are kept in poor conditions. Such animals have impaired feeding behavior or develop a malfunction of the sebaceous gland. Attention is paid to the condition of the coat. The hairline should be smooth, shiny, with hairs of the same length. Purchases are excluded during the animal's molting period.
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