Causes and symptoms of conjunctivitis in rabbits, how to treat at home

One of the main eye diseases of rabbits is inflammation of the conjunctiva or conjunctivitis. This is a dangerous condition that can lead to complications. Let's look at the causes of conjunctivitis in rabbits, characteristic symptoms of infection, treatment methods, both traditional and folk, and what complications of infection there may be. How to prevent eye infections in pet rabbits.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and conjunctiva, which can be caused by various causes.The disease is dangerous because it can lead to complications, including blindness.


Rabbits often injure their eyes with blades of grass, stems, and branches. Injuries also occur during fights and when the rabbit itself scratches the eyes. Specks, dust, small particles of food, and lost hair can get into your eyes. Damage to the conjunctiva and mucous membrane leads to inflammation.


Damage to the eyes by substances from drugs used to treat animals against parasites also causes inflammation. Any sufficiently aggressive substance, for example from bathing products, that gets into a rabbit's eyes can cause allergies and inflammation.

Bacteria and viruses

Infections that enter the animal's eye, both specific and general, for example, pathogens of myxomatosis, rhinitis, stomatitis, otitis, can also cause inflammation. Viruses and bacteria can enter directly into the eyes, as well as from other organs located next to them - ears, throat, teeth.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of conjunctivitis in rabbits are redness of the eyelids, swelling, and the production of tears. Tears are a protective reaction of the body; with the help of liquid, it tries to wash the foreign body out of the eyes. Pus may be released, which indicates an infection.

In advanced cases, when the inflammation continues long enough, hair falls out on the eyelids and the eyelids stick together.

You can also notice a problem with the eyes by the changed behavior of the animal - the rabbit often scratches its eye, becomes apathetic, and its appetite decreases.

conjunctivitis in rabbits

Treatment methods for conjunctivitis in rabbits

You can treat conjunctivitis in rabbits at home. In the initial stages, the disease responds well to treatment with available means, both folk and special drugs.

To eliminate inflammation and accompanying reactions of the body, it is necessary to quickly clear the eye of pus and foreign particles and begin treatment. The choice of treatment method and remedies depends on the form of the disease. But, in any case, the sick animal is first placed separately from the rest, in a clean cage. The area where it was located is completely cleaned and treated with a disinfectant.

In acute form

Acute conjunctivitis, or catarrhal, is manifested by characteristic symptoms, in addition to the discharge of pus. Antibiotics relieve inflammation well - gentamicin drops, furatsilin solution, tetracycline ointment. Drops are dripped into the eye, ointment is smeared on the eyelid. Furacilin solution is prepared by dissolving 1 tablet in 100 ml of warm water, and wash the affected area, wiping it with a cotton swab dipped in liquid. Treatment is carried out for 5-7 days in a row, 3-4 times a day. It is important to complete the entire course of therapy so that the disease does not return.

Purulent conjunctivitis

The acute form, if the disease is not treated, often becomes purulent. The presence of pus indicates that an infection has been added to the inflammation. Therefore, purulent conjunctivitis must be treated with antibiotics. The treatment regimen and medications are the same as for acute treatment, but the duration of treatment is longer - at least a week. Sometimes antibiotic injections may be required if the disease is advanced.

Folk recipes

Conjunctivitis in the early stages can be successfully treated at home with infusions of calendula, chamomile, and regular black strong tea brewed without sugar. Use solutions of hydrogen peroxide, pink solution of potassium permanganate, 2% solution of boric acid.When using chemicals, care must be taken not to exceed the concentration and that there are no undissolved crystals in the solution, which, if they get on the mucous membrane, will cause a burn. The duration of treatment is at least a week.

Folk remedies work well only if conjunctivitis is not advanced. In the moderate and severe stages, there is no need to waste time; veterinary drugs should be used immediately.

conjunctivitis in rabbits

Possible complications

Inflammation can lead to damage to the cornea, clouding it and the appearance of a cataract, which, in turn, will lead to poor vision and blindness. This happens especially often with young animals and those whose immunity is weakened. In addition to affecting the eyes, conjunctivitis reduces the productivity of rabbits because they lose their appetite and consume accumulated nutrients.

Preventive actions

Prevention consists of the following measures: daily removal from the cage of the remains of branches eaten by rabbits, hard stems of straw, and hay. If possible, you need to feed the animals soft grass and hay, and make sure that there are no sharp stems in them. Use soft straw for bedding.

Keep animals separately, especially males, to prevent fights and injury. Place the cages in a place where there are no drafts. Treat with disinfectants, having previously removed the rabbits from the cages. Treat other diseases in a timely manner, for example, rhinitis, dental diseases, and destroy ear mites.

Conjunctivitis in rabbits is easy to diagnose at home, as well as to treat it. At any veterinary pharmacy you can purchase special medications that contain antibiotics.When treating eye inflammation, it is important to carry out the full course, do not skip treatments or shorten the duration of the course, despite the fact that after just a couple of days of therapy, the condition of the rabbit’s eyes may improve.
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