Is it possible and in what way should you give salt to rabbits, how to make licks

Salt is a source of sodium and chlorine, which the rabbit needs for the normal functioning of the body. Chemical elements obtained from food are involved in the construction of cells and biological processes. The lack of these substances leads to various pathologies associated with disruption of internal organs and deterioration of the coat. Let's find out whether it is possible to give and how to introduce salt into the diet of rabbits.

Do rabbits need salt and why?

Proper nutrition ensures rapid growth and development of rodents. A nutritious diet promotes active development, weight gain, and a healthy coat.In the winter-spring period, the introduction of various micro- and macroelements into the diet of rodents is especially necessary, since ready-made food does not always contain the required amount of these components. Therefore, rabbit breeders independently introduce useful substances into the menu.

The natural mineral helps remove toxins from the body of animals, improves the structure of muscle fibers, and retains moisture in the body. An important component has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The composition contains sodium and chlorine ions, which are necessary for active growth and development of cells of internal organs. Chlorine is involved in the formation of hydrochloric acid; it acts as a component of gastric juice. Sodium quickly transmits impulses to the brain of rabbits.

A lack of mineral substances leads to various types of pathologies:

  • delayed growth and development;
  • deterioration of the digestive system;
  • softening of bone tissue;
  • deterioration of wool condition;
  • miscarriages.

Eared animals receive half of the daily requirement of the mineral through food. The remaining percentage is introduced into the diet independently. Excess salt also negatively affects the condition of rodents. Therefore, it is not recommended to give it to rabbits uncontrollably.

salt for rabbits

Rules for introducing salt into the diet and proportions

The amount of sodium chloride in the animals' diet depends on several factors. It is added to food after babies stop drinking their mother's milk. From the moment of leaving the mother, the young animals are given 0.5 grams of mineral matter. For adult animals after 4 months of age, it is enough to give 1.5 grams of salt per day per animal. Pregnant and lactating rabbits add 2.5 grams of the mineral to their diet daily.

The lack of salt in rabbits is noticeable in their behavior.Animals begin to chew on the wooden bars of the cage or lick the mesh. Adults need the mineral daily. It is important to monitor the proportions of the substance, since deficiency and excess can harm the pet.

Rabbit breeders claim that when feeding rabbits with compound feed There is no need to introduce additional salt into the diet. Factory feed already contains all the necessary micro- and macroelements, minerals, and vitamins. Self-administration of salt is necessary if the rabbit consumes natural products. The mineral is given to animals along with food. It is not recommended to add it to water.

salt for rabbits

Sodium chloride is given to rabbits in the form of table salt or a salt lick is suspended in the cage. Choose a substance intended specifically for rodents. You should not feed briquettes that are given to goats and cows. It contains substances that have a detrimental effect on rabbits. Extra salt also negatively affects the health of furry animals and can lead to their death due to the iodine content in the composition.

How to make mineral licks for rabbits?

Using crumbly salt in the diet of rodents is not always convenient. Rabbits can turn over a bowl of food and trample the mineral. Calculating the dosage is also not an easy task and takes time. Breeders use a convenient remedy - salt lick. It is a compressed mineral. The solid product is suspended in a cage. Rodents approach it and lick off the salt as much as required. Lick salt can be purchased ready-made or made yourself. To prepare a healthy treat, use the following components (quantities are indicated in kilograms):

  • table salt – 0.15;
  • food sulfur – 0.05;
  • feed chalk – 0.5;
  • charcoal – 0.3;
  • red clay (powder) – 0.5.

Mix the dry ingredients and gradually add water until a thick consistency is obtained. Roll the dough into balls and make a hole. Leave the workpieces until completely dry. A wire or rope is threaded through the holes and the product is hung in the rabbit house.

Good nutrition and care are the key to the health and long life of rabbits. When feeding furry animals with natural food, salt is needed as an additive. Using lick salt will save the owner from unnecessary hassle with dosage and worry about a lack or excess of the mineral in the diet.
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