"Baycox" is an excellent antiparasitic agent for rabbits. This drug can be used to treat animals from infancy. The product is mixed into the food or poured into a drinking bowl with water. Rabbits are allowed to give the drug if their age is more than 30 days and their weight is above 400-500 grams. It is recommended to carry out preventive measures every quarter.
- Composition, release form and principle of operation of the drug
- Indications for use of Baycox
- Instructions for use
- For baby rabbits
- For adults
- For prevention
- Are there any side effects
- In what cases should the drug not be used?
- Precautionary measures
- Compatibility with other tools
- Terms and conditions of storage
- Analogs
Composition, release form and principle of operation of the drug
"Baycox" or Baycox is a special medicine used to treat coccidiosis in domestic animals and birds. This is a disease that occurs as a result of the development of protozoan parasites from the genus Eimeria in the intestines. Infected animals gain weight poorly, get sick more often, and sometimes even die. Coccidiosis also occurs in rabbits, therefore, these animals can be treated with Baycox, although there is no reminder about them in the instructions.
The drug contains the active substance toltrazuril. It's a coccidiocide. This substance destroys parasites inside the intestines at all stages of their development. Toltrazuril destroys the shell of the protozoa, and then kills them themselves. The drug begins to act as soon as it enters the rabbits' stomach. Having destroyed the parasites, it is excreted from the body along with feces.
In addition to toltrazuril, the drug contains docusate sodium, which has a good laxative effect, as well as simethicone, which eliminates gas formation. There is also sodium benzoate, which prevents inflammatory processes, bentonite - an adsorbent, and other auxiliary components.
The drug is intended exclusively for oral use. This is a colorless, odorless liquid, completely ready for use, but in measured quantities. You can buy Baycox at any veterinary pharmacy. There are two types of this drug: 2.5% and 5% solution. The medicine is sold in 1 ml ampoules, glass or plastic bottles of 10,100, 250, 500 and 1000 ml.
Indications for use of Baycox
The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of such common rabbit diseaseslike coccidiosis. For the first time, this drug is given to animals at the age of 30-45 days, that is, when they are separated from their mother and transferred to independent feeding. It is recommended to give the medicine to rabbits even for preventive purposes, in order to prevent the development of parasites inside the intestines that may be in water or grass.
Important! If for some reason it was not possible to prevent parasitic infection, Baycox is given to animals when alarming symptoms occur: lethargy, lack of appetite, yellow eyes and tongue, developmental delay. Rabbits can be given this drug once every 3-6 months, but 90 (minimum 30) days before slaughter.
Instructions for use
"Baycox" is allowed to be given to rabbits if coccidiosis is suspected, as a prophylaxis in the absence of symptoms, and to sick animals with obvious signs of parasitic infection. Each case has its own norm of use.
For baby rabbits
Small rabbits can be given Baycox at 30 days of age. The weight of the animal should be above 400-500 grams. The drug is mixed into food or water. It is best to add the medicine to drinking liquid. Dosage: 1 ml (ampoule) of a 2.5 percent solution per 10 liters of water. The liquid with the dissolved drug is placed in the animal’s cage for only 1 day, the remainder is poured out. Antiparasitic treatment can be repeated after 3-6 months, not earlier.
For adults
As a treatment, rabbits are given Baycox dissolved in drinking water. For 1 liter of liquid, take 1 ml (ampoule) of a 2.5 percent solution.Water with Baycox is placed in a rabbit cage for the whole day, and the rest is poured out in the evening. The next day, prepare a fresh solution. Animals are fed the drug dissolved in liquid for 2-3 days, in severe cases - 5 days. The treatment can be repeated the next quarter.
Important! "Baykoks" 5% can be added to the food of sick rabbits at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. Treatment is carried out once a day for 2-3 days in a row. Repeat - after 3-6 months.
For prevention
To prevent infection, rabbits over 30 days old are given water with a Baycox solution. For 10 liters of liquid take 1 ml of a 2.5 percent drug. Young rabbits are given the solution all day long, and the remainder is thrown away. Prevention can be repeated every 3-6 months. True, adult animals are given 1 ml of a 2.5 percent solution per 1 liter of water.
Important! Baycox is not recommended for pregnant and lactating rabbits as a preventive measure. However, if the female shows all signs of infection, she can be treated with this remedy.
Are there any side effects
The drug does not cause any negative consequences if you follow the dosage and do not give it more than normal. This medicine belongs to hazard class 3. If the dosage is exceeded 10 times, then no significant harm will be caused to the rabbits’ body. However, it is recommended not to exceed the consumption rate.
In what cases should the drug not be used?
The drug is not given to rabbits younger than 30 days old and weighing less than 400 grams. It is not recommended to treat pregnant and lactating rabbits with Baycox. The drug may be used in accordance with the prescribed dosages.
Precautionary measures
It is not advisable to give the drug as a prophylaxis to pregnant and lactating rabbits.If females are infected during this period and exhibit symptoms of a parasitic disease, such animals can be treated with Baycox, but in accordance with the established doses.
Compatibility with other tools
"Baykoks" is allowed to be combined with vitamins and healthy feed additives. The drug can be added to any feed or simply to water. This remedy is usually given 2 weeks before vaccination.
Terms and conditions of storage
Before you buy a product at the pharmacy, you need to look at its expiration date. It is prohibited to use the drug after the date indicated on the package. A 1 ml ampoule is used at a time.
The drug in bottles with a capacity of 10 ml...1000 ml can be kept at home at a temperature of 0...+25 degrees for no more than 3 months after opening the bottle. The medicine can be stored in closed original packaging for up to 5 years (from the date of its manufacture).
For a disease such as coccidiosis, you can buy medicines similar to Baycox at the pharmacy. No less effective: “Cocciprodine”, “Ditrim”, “Tonukoks”. The drugs are usually available without a prescription.