"Alben" is a pharmacological agent used to cleanse the animal's body of parasitic worms - nematodes and cestodes. The drug is suitable for farm animals, including cows, goats, pigs. Instructions for use of Albena for cattle include not only the mechanism of use of the drug, but also possible side effects and dosage.
Composition and pharmacological properties
The tablets contain the main active ingredient – albendazole.The substance disrupts carbohydrate metabolism in the worm’s body, which is why the nematode cannot reproduce and continue to live. Gradually, the parasites die and are eliminated from the body. It works not only on round worms, but also on flatworms. Often used for animals grazing on wet pastures, especially susceptible to parasites.
In what cases is it used?
"Alben" has a wide spectrum of action against all kinds of round and flat parasitic worms. It acts not only on nematodes that attack the stomach or intestines, but also on their pulmonary forms. It is used not only for cattle, but also for other ruminants and carnivores, including in the fight against hookworm and toxocariasis.
Lung nematodes
Nematodes penetrate not only the intestines, but also the upper respiratory tract, and from there into the lungs. Because of this, pulmonary nematode occurs, which leads to the death of cattle without proper treatment. Pulmonary nematodes include dictyocaulosis, which affects ruminants. Cows become infected at watering places or on pastures that are too wet. Eggs and larvae are released along with feces, causing infection of the entire herd.
The causative agents of protostrongylosis also settle in the lungs and become established in the bronchi and large alveoli. Typical signs of the disease include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and poor weight gain. The presence of helminths can be diagnosed only after examining the feces.
Gastrointestinal nematodes
Gastrointestinal nematodes are considered the most common parasitic worms. Most often, cows get sick with ascaridiosis or toxocariasis. The presence of the worm in the body is difficult for young animals to tolerate.
A farmer can identify the disease by the slow weight gain of young animals, reluctant intake of feed, and lack of physical activity.
Elimination of cestodosis
Cestodoses most often affect waterfowl. Hymenolepidosis of ducks or geese is one of the most common parasitic diseases. However, cestodes can also be found in cattle with diseases of moniesiosis, thysaniesiosis and other pathologies.
Fighting trematodes
Trematodes parasitize the gastrointestinal tract and liver, causing severe poisoning of the body. Without proper treatment, a cow with fluke will never produce enough milk. Bulls do not gain weight, and young animals do not meet age-specific growth standards.
Rules of use and dosage
Dosages of the drug must be calculated based on the type of animal and its weight. For calves, the indicated dosages are divided by two and tablets are given dissolved in water or milk. For other animals: cows, sheep and horses, tablets are given whole or crushed.
Kind of animal | Dose for use per 100 kg of live weight |
Cattle | 3.75 g. |
Sheep | 2.5 g. |
Pigs | 0.75 g. |
Horses | 3.75 g. |
Domestic bird | 0.5 g per 10 kg |
Doses are indicated for the prevention of helminth infection. If the disease is already in the active phase, then the indicated doses must be multiplied by two.
Are there any contraindications?
The drug is not recommended for pregnant animals, especially in the first trimester, calving cows, or newborn calves. Animals that are malnourished or sick with an infectious disease are also at risk, so the use of anthelmintic drugs is limited. The effect of the drug on the body of horses has not been sufficiently studied.
Side effects
When using the substance at a strictly specified dosage, no side effects are observed in animals. In case of an overdose, there may be vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions similar to epileptic seizures, digestive and nervous system disorders. An overdose is dangerous for the animal’s life, so you need to call a veterinarian as soon as possible and, if possible, rinse the cow’s stomach and intestines.
special instructions
After using the drug, animal meat can be eaten only 20 days after the last administration of the tablets. The use of poultry meat is allowed after 5 days due to the increased metabolic rate. If the animal was forced to be slaughtered before the specified period, you can send the resulting meat products to feed dogs or cats.
If the drug was used in water to deworm fish, fishing in the reservoir is allowed only 18 days after using the anthelmintic substance.
Storage conditions and periods
The maximum shelf life is 2 years from the date indicated on the package. An opened bottle must be used within 14 days. The tablets are stored out of the reach of animals and children. Do not expose to direct sunlight or sudden changes in air temperature. Moisture has a detrimental effect on packaging and leads to changes in the chemical properties of the drug.
Analogues of "Albena" in terms of the active substance include "Albentabs", which are tablets with a specific odor. One tablet contains 250 mg of albendazole. Suitable for almost all types of domestic and farm animals.