Hoof trimming of cows should be done regularly. This procedure helps to avoid deformation and the occurrence of various diseases, including infection of the dermis. For animals that live in a stall on a leash, this manipulation is performed at least 3 times a year. If cows are kept in loose housing, the number of trimmings is reduced to 2. In any case, it is important to strictly follow the rules for performing the manipulation.
What is it for
Animal productivity is influenced by a whole range of factors - the quality of the diet and compliance with the rules of grooming.Hoof trimming is of great importance for hoof health. Systematic implementation of this procedure increases the life expectancy of cows.
On average, the stratum corneum increases by 6-8 millimeters per month. In this case, only dead upper epithelium needs to be processed. The stratum corneum is renewed from time to time, replacing worn-out tissues.
When keeping cows on pasture, natural wear of the soles occurs. With limited mobility, a new layer grows on the unworn old one. As a result, the hooves become covered with cracks. If the hooves are not trimmed, the animal may suffer.
The condition of the hooves depends on the following factors:
- covering – the floor is best made of concrete;
- nutrition – improper diet negatively affects the health of the stratum corneum;
- litter – it is important to keep it dry and clean.
Preparing the animal for the process
The day before the procedure, place the cow in wet sawdust. This will help soften the hooves. This way it will be easier to trim them. Before starting the manipulation, the cow must be secured by the horns. She must be in a standing position.
In this case, it is recommended to tie the limb that is planned to be treated to a stable object. For restless individuals, Rometar or a similar antipsychotic is administered before the procedure.
Basic Rules
When pruning, it is recommended to do the following:
- Determine the required number of procedures, taking into account the characteristics of the content. If there is insufficient activity, the procedure should be performed 3 times a year.
- If traumatic injuries or kinks appear, hoof trimming should be done unscheduled. Otherwise, there is a risk of reduced cow activity. Such animals cannot be taken out to pasture.
- Before trimming, examine the condition of the hooves.If they have fungal microorganisms or infections, they need to be treated immediately.
- Evaluate the quality of work using a tester. This will help you evaluate the angle between the sole and the front of the hoof. It is important that the surface is level. Otherwise, there is a risk of uneven weight distribution and gait disturbance.
Instructions for trimming hooves using improvised tools
To trim a cow’s hooves at home, you should prepare the following tools:
- hoof forceps;
- special fasteners;
- rasp;
- hoof knife;
- mites;
- electric cutters.
To trim, do the following:
- Clean off dirt. Then remove the old gray layer to get to the elastic fabric. All actions must be performed carefully. Typically the thickness of such a layer is 5 millimeters.
- It is better to start trimming from the highest hoof. In this case, you need to remove all imperfections to the white line.
- The work can be completed when the sole is in good contact with the hoof knife. In this case, the axis of the finger bones will become perfectly straight.
- To level the hoof wall, it is worth using forceps. They need to be installed with teeth 2-3 millimeters below the sole. It is permissible to level the extreme parts with a rasp.
- If damaged areas appear, treat them with iodine.
To assess the position of the hooves, it is recommended to place the animal on a flat surface - it is important that the plane of the hoof is perpendicular to the axis of the leg.
Specifics of machine application
Using the machine allows you to completely eliminate the risk of damage to cattle limbs. This device helps to fix the animal horizontally. It will not get into a closed room, and therefore will remain calm. Machines are divided into 2 categories:
- Mobile – they can be easily carried. They are usually lightweight and have removable wheels.
- Stationary - they are installed on the floor. Such products cannot be moved.
Regardless of the type, control is carried out using a remote control. The main advantages of such products include:
- the ability to fix the cow in a comfortable position;
- hydraulic cleaning;
- use of energy saving technologies;
- excellent manufacturability;
- high degree of reliability.
Trimming in the stall
On small farms, hooves can be trimmed directly in the stall. At the same time, it is important to provide the cow with a reliable degree of fixation, first of all, of her head. For this, different crossbars are used.
Hoof baths
To disinfect hooves, you should use special baths. The following substances help clean hooves:
- “Formalin” is a solution of formaldehyde. The solution should contain 3-5% of the active substance. The procedure must be carried out very carefully, as it can cause allergies.
- Copper sulfate is considered a less effective remedy. Therefore, the dosage should be 6-10%. The downside of the product is poor dissolution in water.
How to care
To maintain healthy limbs in cows, you should follow these recommendations:
- create good resting conditions for animals;
- remove manure 2-3 times a day;
- provide systematic walks;
- treat recreation areas once a quarter;
- Give animals sulfur-containing vitamins.
Hoof trimming is considered a very important procedure that allows you to maintain their normal condition. To achieve good results, it is important to strictly follow the rules of its implementation.