Different types of drinkers for cows and calves are important components of the livestock complex. Without free access to clean drinking water, individuals will not be able to fully develop, and accordingly, productivity decreases. Special equipment can be purchased or made independently, adhering to certain standards and sanitary requirements.
What are drinkers for?
Water troughs for cows and calves are an integral part of the farm.They are a special design. Their main task is to provide the livestock with clean water. It is considered important for cattle to drink the amount of water they physiologically require.
Cows are large animals, so water consumption on the farm is high. An adult consumes up to 70 liters per day, a calf up to 6 months old – 25 liters. If there is not enough water, then some pathologies develop, which means that the productivity of animals will suffer.
A high-quality drinking bowl for cattle not only provides animals with the required amount of water, but also makes the farmer’s work easier. Drinking equipment regulates the water supply, simplifies the cleaning procedure, and guarantees the sanitary safety of individuals.
There are many types of drinking equipment. They differ in the material from which they are made, the type of use and purpose. There are tanks for calves and young animals, as well as installations that are used in winter or suitable for use on pastures.
Group types are used on farms with free-stall method of keeping cattle. There are stationary and mobile ones, which need to be used for free grazing of livestock. Water circulation in the device ensures a comfortable temperature for animals.
They are large in volume, easy to maintain, convenient, and can be used by several animals at the same time. They belong to the level type. However, they have a drawback - with such a watering system, there is a high risk of infection of the livestock through a sick individual.
Individual containers are more suitable for tethered cattle housing. Often farmers make them with their own hands for economic reasons. When designed and installed correctly, individual watering devices are stable and hygienic. Among the disadvantages are water spoilage due to stagnation and the need for frequent washing.
For pasture
While grazing, animals need to drink frequently. The farmer must provide cows with free access to clean drinking water, so a mobile drinking bowl is needed on the pasture. As a rule, animals go to water in large groups.
For drinking bowls that are located on a pasture, the main requirement is a large volume of capacity.
The volume of the tank should be chosen based on the number of livestock. They come from 30 to 1500 l. Water is constantly pumped up and the container is filled. If it is supplied from open reservoirs or wells, it is necessary to use filters.
For the stall
The stall drinker is designed for large herds. The device consists of the following elements:
- nipple valve (i.e. nipple);
- sealing block;
- body made of anti-corrosion metal.
At the top of the body there is an element that supplies running water from the plumbing system. Experts note that nipple drinkers are hygienic, easier to maintain, and the likelihood of breakage is several times less than that of other types of structures.
Automatic drinkers for cattle are equipped with a valve-float feed system. Their advantage is that water flows back into them as the animals use them. As soon as the liquid level begins to decrease, fresh water begins to be added automatically. This type is designed in such a way that the re-entering water is evenly distributed among the tanks, and the cows drink plenty.
The signal for water supply is a float, which, when it reaches the bottom, signals the need for replenishment. Some automatic systems are made only on the basis of a valve, and the role of a float is performed by animal heads. Pulling to the bottom, they press on the valve, and water enters the container. However, such devices are considered not entirely practical, since animals often disable them.
For calves
If there are few calves or bulls on the farm, then you can get by with a suitable container. However, on large farms it is more advisable to install a stationary drinking bowl. It is designed for 8-10 individuals. Such devices are equipped with a heating system, do not require filling control, are stable and spacious.
Daily exercise is the key to health and high productivity, as well as the prevention of a number of diseases. Animals must spend some time in the fresh air and move. The winter season is no exception. It is clear that even under such harsh conditions, cows need clean water.
The equipment must be grounded and communications isolated. It is recommended to use heating equipment in combination with automated drinkers.
Primary requirements
There are a number of requirements for drinking troughs for cattle:
- low level of trauma for both animals and staff;
- environmental friendliness;
- strength and stability;
- ease of operation and maintenance;
- appropriate for size and age.
Before purchasing, you should consider the volume of the container, consider the installation location, and also choose the installation method.
Drawings and materials
The main requirement for the material is safety and high strength. Regardless of the material, the design for drinking should be comfortable and functional. Elements of the device: drinking ladle, distribution unit, supply pipeline. The design of drinking systems can be different, as well as materials, but it should be convenient and use liquid economically.
For adult animals, you will need a container measuring at least 2.20 * 0.7 * 1 m. The volume of the tank is 150 liters. The length depends on the age of the cows being served. The optimal size is 1.5-2 m. The top side of the tank should be raised from the floor by 0.8-1 m so that the animal does not bend its neck while drinking.
DIY making
To make a drinking bowl for cows yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of use, the basic requirements and nuances of the device. A do-it-yourself design often consists of a container with a valve-float mechanism. The gutters required in drinking installations are made of brick, wood or concrete. A sheet of galvanized steel is also suitable for these purposes.
Tools for work you will need:
- welding machine;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- file;
- roulette.
The choice of material depends on the size of the barn and the number of individuals in the herd.
Made of metal
It is better if the drinker is made of galvanized steel or stainless steel. Such products are durable, comply with requirements and standards, and have a long service life.In addition, they are resistant to cleaning and disinfection.
Made of wood
Wood is considered an environmentally friendly material. It is durable and will last a long time. However, before making the drinker, careful processing of the wood will be required. Only if it is cleaned, painted with special non-toxic paints, and treated with resin, will it last for a certain period.
Despite serious preparation of the material, over time the wood will become damp due to exposure to moisture, and the process of rotting will begin.
Made of plastic
Plastic is a popular material for drinking bowls. High-quality plastic is durable, can be disinfected and cleaned with abrasive substances. Often, a plastic barrel is used for production, cut lengthwise into two halves.
Made of brick
Brick drinkers are the most durable, but they also have disadvantages. The material will require careful processing (plaster) both from the outside and from the inside. In this case, the components must be neutral and clean from an environmental point of view.