The idea of creating a barn project for 50 heads can be successfully implemented at home. The main thing is to study the basic requirements and the procedure for constructing the structure. In the constructed “house for cows” the animals should be comfortable, dry and warm. Then the result will certainly appear: regular milk production, weight gain and an increase in the number of livestock. But building a barn according to ready-made drawings and calculations is not so difficult.
Requirements for keeping livestock
The cattle farm being built must meet a number of requirements. Be sure to follow sanitary standards. You cannot move the barn closer than 15 meters to residential buildings, or 20 meters to a well or water well.
Of the materials for construction, wood seems to be the most suitable for a barn. You can, of course, use adobe, masonry, light blocks (slag, concrete).
The design of the barn depends on the number of livestock that are planned to be kept in the pen. For 1-2 cows or an adult animal with a calf, wood is most suitable. This is a material generally available for barns that can be purchased at any lumberyard or carpentry shop.
Some sources often mention reinforced concrete as a recommended material for a barn. There are arguments both for and against it.
Reinforced concrete is relatively cheap and allows you to speed up the process of building a barn. In the USSR, this material was used everywhere.
But poor thermal insulation qualities minimize all the positive aspects. Metal structures are in approximately the same position. They are lightweight, easy to install, and have a low price. At the same time, they are subject to corrosive wear and require insulation.
Even without drawings at hand, you can estimate the approximate dimensions of the future barn. They are determined based on the following parameters (data are given in the table):
Number of animals, their type
Minimum area, square meters |
Adult cow with calf (separate housing) | 18 |
Several cows:
Adult animal (without baby) Cow with calf |
6 9 |
This is how the dimensions of the barn are set based on the actual or expected composition of animals.
In addition to this factor, it is important to take into account that cows are demanding animals when it comes to care and maintenance. Failure to maintain a comfortable temperature for animals and cleanliness in the barn will lead to illness and death of livestock. The following criteria must be taken into account:
- air humidity;
- temperature;
- ventilation;
- illumination
Like humans, cows are sensitive to a combination of living conditions. If you take into account many important details at the design stage, then you will not have to spend money on additional equipment or remodeling the barn. For example, you can provide in advance for drinking bowls, feeders, and the placement of these structures in the pen.
One of the barn options is shown in the video:
An excellent solution is the idea of waste-free production, when the waste product of cows is used to heat the farm, barn, and generate electricity. Regular manure.
The video shows the solution, the design of a compact installation for producing biogas coming from the barn:
Drawings and dimensions of a barn for 50 heads
To build a barn, you can use ready-made drawings or order a project to suit your needs.
The first option is budget. The second will be tailored to specific needs, including housing only adult cows, young cows or mixed cows.
Whatever method is chosen for construction, it requires a balanced approach, selection of tools and calculation of materials. It depends on this whether the barn will turn out to be truly comfortable, reliable, or whether it will be a waste of money, materials, time and effort.
What tools and materials will be needed
The choice of barn design affects labor costs and the complexity of construction. Assembly from foam blocks seems to be the most promising.This is a light, warm, durable material. But constructing a foam concrete truss requires minimal masonry skills. For such a structure, a foundation will definitely be needed, at least a simplified one.
The same applies to reinforced concrete. Construction options made from rolled metal or wood are best suited for small private farms. With proper design, a barn for 50 animals can be easily converted into a larger one for 80 or 100 animals.
As an example, consider a wood project as a universal one. Materials and tools you will need:
- Boards, timber.
- Insulation (roll, slab).
- Trough for mortar, concrete.
- Shovels, hand drill.
- Hand saw, electric circular saw.
- Building level.
- Plumb.
- Roulette.
- Electric drill.
- Nails, screws.
This is the minimum required set. Individual components and materials can be either added or excluded from the list. If a reinforced concrete foundation is chosen, then reinforcement will also be needed.
Making a barn with your own hands
When the drawings are ready, materials have been purchased, all possible nuances have been taken into account, including choosing a location for the barn, you can proceed directly to the manufacturing process. The construction itself should be divided into several stages:
- Excavation work (digging a pit, laying a foundation, sewerage).
- Walling.
- Covering device.
- Flooring.
- Finishing, installation of electrical wiring, ventilation, barn equipment.
Not a single stage can be canceled or even gotten rid of if this sequence is included in the farm project.Also, the stages cannot be interchanged, since they are interconnected and subject to the requirements of construction technology.
Before laying the foundation, the type of structure is determined (or rather, it is already included in the project) - strip, pile, made of torn stone. The laying depth is calculated depending on the region and how much the soil freezes in the winter season. A foundation that is too deep will increase labor costs. Insufficient - will not ensure the stability of the structure.
Before laying the foundation, the site must be broken down and marked. Fine crushed stone (screenings) and sand are poured into the bottom of the pit. On weak, bulk, and moist soils, only a pile foundation is installed.
The reinforced frame increases the strength of the structure, but requires rolled steel (this is an additional cost), skills in welding or wire knitting. Before pouring the foundation, reinforcing bars must be laid and fixed to avoid their displacement. The outlets left above the edge are needed for fastening the overlying structures (walls).
If groundwater lies close to the surface, and the site cannot be replaced, hydraulic engineering measures will have to be carried out to get rid of excess moisture. This event is costly and complex, but if it is not completed, the barn will begin to collapse. The floors will rot and the animals will begin to get sick.
When constructing a concrete foundation, setting times are established. Artificial stone gains approximately 30% of its strength after 3 days. It is impossible to load it earlier and proceed to the construction of walls. Excavation work and concrete laying are carried out strictly in the warm season, at above-zero temperatures.
Don’t forget about waterproofing: it will protect the foundation structures located in the ground from destruction.It can be coating (mastic) or pasting.
Floor and gutter
Early installation of a drainage ditch will solve the problem of manure collection and wastewater disposal. Floors can be made of wood or rubber plates. The use of cement and lightweight concrete floors is undesirable: they are cold and lead to animal diseases.
When constructing a drainage ditch, a slope is created and the possibility of removing manure and wastewater is provided. It is better if its walls are reinforced with stone tiles, special sections made of galvanized steel or plastic pipe. This will eliminate the need to deal with seepage of drains and destruction of floors.
It is permissible to use lattice structures for flooring: in this case, all waste falls into the sewer located below. But such floors are difficult to construct and are not safe for cows. Don't forget about the bedding.
This is a special layer poured onto the floor of the barn. Performs the functions of additional insulation, although it complicates cleaning the room. In European farms, backfilling with dried, crushed manure has proven itself well. To make it you will need a special machine.
The approximate consumption of materials for backfilling is indicated in the table:
The design of the walls involves their construction from wood (boards, timber) with subsequent insulation and covering with special heat-insulating material. If a frame scheme is chosen for the construction of a barn, then the space between the columns is filled with insulation (even pressed straw briquettes can be used).
The walls are connected to the foundation into a single rigid structure.The wood must be treated with special solutions to avoid damage by insects, rotting, and the development of fungi. In the upper part of the wall, they are connected by beams and covering structures to make the entire building strong and stable.
Openings (windows, doors), as well as their locations, are calculated in advance. Paints used to coat wood should not contain toxic materials or cause allergic reactions.
The roof of the barn should provide protection for animals from precipitation and bad weather, be strong, reliable and, if possible, inexpensive. The budget option involves installing a profiled sheet covering. The same roof is chosen if a summer paddock is arranged. For a permanent barn, it is advisable to organize insulation of the coating.
The roof can be pitched (with 1 or 2 slopes), flat. This design ensures rainfall drainage. The installation of drainage and storm sewerage is not included in the list of mandatory works, but it significantly extends the service life of the roof. Also, when installing coating structures, ventilation system communication outlets are provided.
Windows and doors
Illumination is an important parameter when setting up a barn. Ensured by the presence of the required number of windows. It would be nice to take into account the possibility of ventilation and create removable transoms or sections. Glass is installed with sealant or special tape to eliminate gaps. In winter, any crack or hole in the barn will lead to heat loss and animal illnesses due to hypothermia.
Doors can be made independently or purchased. There must be a gate for animals (usually 2-leaf) and a separate entrance for people. If there is more than one section in the barn, each of them is equipped with a separate entrance.The design of the hinges must withstand the weight of gates and doors, and the locks must ensure reliable closure of the barn.
Ventilation and communications
It is important to ensure air circulation in the barn. For this there must be inflow and outflow. By design, ventilation of the barn can be either natural or forced. The required parameters are determined by calculation, in no case at random.
Communications of the barn include electrification, water supply, sewerage, installation of additional equipment (for example, heating with a thermostat). They are carried out on the basis of a pre-selected scheme, design, structures, materials.
It is not uncommon for barns to use robotic cleaners to replace humans. And an automatic drinker will eliminate the need to monitor the availability of clean water for animals.