The dry period refers to the prenatal stage in a pregnant cow. This is the interval from the end of lactation to calving. During this period, the animal does not produce milk because it is carrying the baby to term. At the same time, the body prepares for childbirth. In order for the cow to be healthy, she needs to be provided with a special maintenance regime 2 months before giving birth. This affects her health and subsequent productivity parameters.
What is the dry period in cows?
This term refers to the time from the end of lactation to calving. Deadwood is considered the last stage of pregnancy and lasts approximately 2 months. The cow needs this time to recover in order to accumulate strength for giving birth and feeding her baby.
The dry period of pregnant cows can be 45-70 days. The cow needs to be provided with a special diet. This will help prevent a decline in milk production after calving. Compliance with all recommendations for care and nutrition will be the key to high dairy productivity of the farm.
Organization rules
It is recommended to properly prepare the cow for launch. Each animal has individual characteristics. These include age, body weight, milk yield parameters. This must be clearly taken into account. You cannot suddenly stop milking a cow on a specific date. However, it is necessary to gradually reduce milk synthesis in the udder. This will help bring the animal to a complete stop of lactation. At the stage of approaching the launch, it is important to reduce the amount of juicy food that activates lactation. This includes silage and root crops. It is also worth avoiding waste.
To adapt animals to the beginning of the dry period, you should do the following:
- Reduce the number of milkings. Initially, it is recommended to switch to double milking, giving up lunch milking. Then you can leave 1 procedure - in the morning or in the evening. In this case, it is advisable to milk only part of the milk. It is important to do this not completely to avoid swelling of the udder and the development of mastitis. In this mode, milk synthesis will begin to decrease and the lactation period will end.
- Use medicinal methods. For this purpose, drugs are prescribed in the form of a suspension for mastitis. They are introduced into the udder. It is recommended to do this through a syringe. This method is considered harmless. It successfully stops lactation and prevents inflammation in the udder. It is important that the cow does not have any symptoms of mastitis. Therefore, a veterinary examination is required before using this method.
Correct and timely launch affects the final stage of fetal development, helps maintain liver health and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cow’s mammary glands.
On average, dead wood lasts 2 months. Moreover, it should be no less than 45 days and no more than 75. A decrease in the duration of this period provokes disturbances in fetal growth. If the interval is more than 75 days, unreasonable economic losses arise. In high-yielding individuals, dead wood can last 80 days.
Some farmers are trying to increase the profitability of their farm and complete the preparation of cows for drying ahead of time. Sometimes they extend this period to 1 month. This negatively affects the health of animals and has a negative impact on the development of the baby.
The cow cannot withstand the increased load. Her body does not have time to rest well and stock up on strength before the onset of new lactation. At the same time, calves are often born weak, and mortality of young animals is observed.
Conscientious farmers don't do this. On normal farms, healthy calves are born that do not require additional nursing. Cows recover easily and produce a lot of milk. At the same time, good milk yields are maintained until subsequent dead wood.
What deviations may there be
There are certain reasons for the increase in the dry period.This is required by some groups of individuals whose resources require longer restructuring. Normally, dead wood may increase in young individuals who are preparing for calving for the first time.
This situation is also observed in cows that gave a lot of milk and then needed a break.
If the pregnancy stage is prolonged, it is not recommended to worry. This is considered a variant of the norm. It is important to take into account that a forced reduction of this period is an unfavorable scenario. As a result, there is a risk of insufficient development of the fetus or difficult birth. Postpartum complications may also occur.
Often, disturbances in the normal course of the dry period are caused by problems in feeding the pet. This is why it is so important to make adjustments to normalize the duration of the period without lactation.
Cow nutrition
Balanced nutrition during the dry period is considered a priority for the cow and calf. Without a normal amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, the body will not be able to function normally. As a result, there is a risk of depletion and problems with stockpiling. This will cause difficulties with calving, lead to inflammation and complications after childbirth.
Cows that had problems with nutrition during the dry period have a decrease in milk volume. In this case, full lactation begins much later. The newborn calf will appear sick or malnourished and have trouble gaining weight. There is also a threat of developing various pathologies.
In the last months of pregnancy, the cow must eat differently than at other times. At this stage, it is recommended that she be given additional vitamins and energy supplements.It is recommended to introduce complementary foods in stages. This will help avoid stress.
Prevention of hypokinesis
To ensure that the calving period goes smoothly and does not cause complications, it is important to prevent hypokinesis. This term refers to a lack of activity and physical exertion on the body. A lack of physical activity causes problems with normal blood circulation, decreased appetite, and an increased risk of various pathologies during childbirth. In this case, the animal needs to be provided with walks outside.
Don't forget about the benefits of sunbathing. If they are deficient, there is a risk of lack of vitamin D, which is very important during this period. Being fully active not only maintains bone and muscle tone, but also helps with recovery after childbirth.
Overfeeding the cow
Many farmers often encounter overfeeding of cows. This problem is often observed when consuming concentrates. They are used to increase the intensity of lactation and the amount of milk.
If you are overweight, there is a risk of the following problems:
- difficulties with calving;
- constant inflammation;
- decrease in lactation parameters;
- ketosis;
- disturbances in the functioning of endocrine organs.
To avoid such problems, in the second half of pregnancy it is important to monitor the cow’s weight and reduce the volume of concentrates. During dry periods, sharp fluctuations in the animal’s body weight are contraindicated.
What food is prohibited?
It is recommended to feed cows with high-quality food without signs of rot or mold. You cannot use leftover food from milking animals. It is recommended to defrost frozen food and immediately give it to animals. The cow should not be fed cottonseed meal or cake. Pulp and potato pulp are prohibited. Such food can cause abortion or severe weakness of the cubs.
It is recommended to remove salt from the diet. It is also worth reducing the amount of calcium present in beet tops. This substance is found in red clover and alfalfa. Such restrictions are necessary to prevent labor paresis and swelling.
Tips for caring for cows during the dry period
To avoid problems during the dry period, it is important to follow these recommendations:
- reduce stress levels;
- do not tie the cow and provide her with freedom of movement;
- let out for walks for at least 8 hours;
- observe the rules of animal hygiene and periodically irradiate with ultraviolet light;
- clean the premises;
- maintain optimal temperature and light parameters.
Proper care of animals can minimize the likelihood of developing secondary ketosis, which can occur immediately after birth. High-quality nutrition during the dry period ensures the health of the cow and her future offspring.