Types of cows and how to choose the right animal, top 5 main criteria

A productive cow is considered an invaluable source of milk and meat. At the same time, it will be possible to obtain high product parameters thanks to the correct choice of animal. But here it is important to take into account a number of parameters. These include the age, appearance of the animal, and the condition of its udder. Some farmers even rely on folk signs. So how can you choose the right cow?

Types of cows by direction

All breeds are divided into several groups. Depending on the direction, there are dairy, meat and meat-dairy breeds. If cows are bred for milk, it is worth choosing purebred dairy cows.They are characterized by a light head and the same bone structure, an elongated body, a large udder, and long legs. Such animals are distinguished by developed lungs and digestive organs.

If you plan to raise a cow for meat, you should choose a meat breed. Such animals are always large in size, characterized by early maturity, large weight and powerful physique. The milk of such animals is only enough to feed calves.

If you need animals with high milk yield parameters and high-quality meat, you should look for meat and dairy animals. They are quite profitable to breed. Such individuals are characterized by average milk yield parameters and excellent slaughter yield. At the same time, the meat has excellent taste.

Rules for choosing cattle when purchasing

To buy a productive animal that has the required parameters, it is important to choose it correctly. In this case, it is worth taking into account a whole range of signs.

different cows

By external signs

To choose a good cow, you should consider the following parameters:

  1. The head should be elongated. A dry and light head would be a suitable option. It is important that the eyes are large and expressive, the ears are thin and hairless on the inside and covered with hairs on the outside. Productive animals are characterized by medium horns that become thinner near the base.
  2. Neck – cows are characterized by a long neck with a lot of folds. It is important that the underbust is of medium size.
  3. Skin – it is important that it is firm and elastic. It is important to ensure that it folds easily and does not contain fat.
  4. Body – the animal is characterized by a large body and strong bones. Moreover, it is distinguished by poorly developed muscles. The round belly makes the cow look barrel-shaped. It is desirable that the chest be wide and powerful.It is characterized by wide intercostal bases. This indicates the full development of the lungs and digestive organs. It is important that the tail is long, but not thick. At the same time, the butt is slightly raised.

It is important to consider that a flat chest often indicates a threat of developing tuberculosis or other pulmonary diseases.

Proportions are important. A productive dairy cow looks slightly angular. This is due to the full development of the rear part.

According to the age

Of course, the cow doesn't have to be old. It is often advised to buy heifers - females at 5-6 months of pregnancy. They usually cost more than a heifer but less than adults. At the same time, such a purchase has the following advantages:

  • the opportunity to get a calf after some time;
  • the ability to properly milk an animal in order to turn it into a productive individual.

However, the purchase is associated with certain risks:

  • threat of difficult childbirth;
  • unpredictable productivity parameters;
  • the need to accustom heifers to milking.

beautiful cows

First heifers or females after 2 calvings are characterized by low milk productivity. Maximum milk yield parameters are achieved by the sixth calving. Of course, documents help determine the age of an animal. However, in many farms there is no information about the date of birth of the cow. In such a situation, the approximate age is determined by the rings that are on the horns.

In appearance, the rings resemble indentations. They appear due to changes in the nutrition of peripheral tissues during pregnancy. To determine age, you need to count the number of rings on the horns and add 2, since the first calving occurs at 2 years.

If the cow calved every year, the rings will be evenly spaced. If there is no calving in any year, the distance will be uneven. It is also possible to determine age by teeth.

By udder

To purchase a productive dairy cow, it is recommended to examine the mammary glands. To get maximum milk, you need to choose an animal that has a wide cup-shaped udder. It is important that it protrudes well and adheres to the body. It is desirable that all 4 lobes have an even and symmetrical arrangement.

cow udder

When palpating the mammary glands, it is important to ensure that they have a soft consistency and elasticity. It is important to ensure that there are no hardenings. When examining the nipples, it is recommended to check that they are of equal size - 8-10 centimeters in length and 2-3 centimeters in diameter. Productive cows are characterized by cylindrical teats. However, they must hang vertically. It is important that there are no wounds or growths on their surface.

It is important that the veins in the udder are clearly visible - this indicates the full development of the circulatory system.

It is not recommended to buy females that have drooping triangular udders. It should not have developed lobes or thick and long nipples. Usually such animals produce a minimum of milk. The udder grows and develops until 4-6 births. After 7-8 calvings, a decline is observed. The maximum productivity of cows occurs after the 4th calving. The duration of lactation depends on the conditions of detention. It is also influenced by a balanced diet, quality care, and correct milking technique.

For health

To purchase a quality heifer, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • cheerful appearance;
  • healthy teeth;
  • firm and at the same time light gait;
  • well-groomed coat - it is important that it shines;
  • lively eyes with sparkle.

Sick animals lie constantly and move little. They cough often. Also in this case, sad eyes, dull fur, and a drooping head are observed. Cows often have discharge from the nose and eyes. Loss of appetite also often occurs.

According to folk signs

There are various signs that help you choose a productive dairy cow. Of course, they only make certain assumptions about performance parameters. To specialists, some signs seem completely absurd.

However, people often consider the following when buying a cow:

  1. If an animal has 8 teats, this indicates high milk yield.
  2. The presence of a deep hole between the horns indicates high parameters of milk production.
  3. The lowered forelock indicates productivity.
  4. If a cow has a lot of wax accumulated in her ears, this indicates high fat content in her milk.
  5. If the animal has a round end of the tail that is yellowish in color, you can expect increased fat content in the milk.

When choosing a cow, first of all, you should focus on high parameters of milk productivity. These indicators are influenced by hereditary predisposition, age, and appearance. If you take into account all of the above parameters, you will be able to get a lot of fatty milk.

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