Many people ask whether corn is a vegetable or a fruit. Not everyone understands what a plant with large yellow ears is. However, this is definitely not a fruit. Then you need to consider whether corn is a vegetable or a grain.
Corn is a cereal crop. It is familiar to people of all countries, loved on all continents, as it has many beneficial properties.
What is corn?
The corn plant is, like rice, oats, rye or wheat, a grain crop. It is a herbaceous plant that can grow up to 3 m in height.On its long stem, ears with juicy seeds are formed, which are eaten. However, other parts of the plant are suitable for processing and use in various areas of human life.
Origin story
The history of the origin of culture goes back centuries. Archaeologists discovered the oldest ears of corn in what is now Peru. The age of the find is about 10 thousand years. And the age of the first discovered corn pollen is 55 thousand years. Corn as a cultivated plant was first grown in Mexico. The first cobs differed little from wild fruits. They did not exceed 5 cm in length, and the grains were small.
At the same time, the fodder crop became widespread in other countries of Central and South America. On the American continent, corn is called maize. This name was given to it by the ancient Mayan tribes. These people grew several varieties of maize - from an early ripening one, which was called Rooster Song, to a late ripening one, called Old Woman Maize and ripening within six months.
For American tribes, maize was a special plant. Due to their round shape and golden color, ancient people associated the grains with the sun. In honor of maize, lush festivities were held, the plant was depicted next to figurines of gods. The bread, which was baked from corn flour, was placed in the temple of the Sun God. And the temples themselves looked like an ear of corn.
An Indian legend says that one day a beautiful girl decided to save people from hunger and turned into an ear of corn, leaving only her beautiful hair. Among some tribes, Maize was the son of the Sun and Moon.
Even the American holiday Thanksgiving is associated with corn.When the Europeans landed on the shores of the new continent, the aborigines treated them to maize. Later, in gratitude, the Europeans brought gifts from their continent to the local tribes.
Maize appeared in Europe thanks to Christopher Columbus. This event took place at the end of the 15th century during the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Europeans liked corn, however, at first it was grown as an ornamental plant. Only several decades later were the taste and beneficial properties of maize appreciated.
Maize came to Russia during the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774. The Turks had already planted the American plant in Bessarabia. The first regions in Russia to begin growing “Turkish wheat,” as corn was first called, were Crimea, the Caucasus and southern Ukraine.
Biological description
Most grain crops belong to the botanical family Poaceae. These include corn, a cereal that is the only representative of the Corn genus.
However, according to the botanical description, the characteristics of the plant differ in many ways from other representatives of cereal crops. Its root system and ground part are more powerfully developed. The leaves are long, the inflorescences are panicle and spadix. Male flowers have stamens, while female flowers only have pistils. The grains have a different shape, size and color from other cereals.
Although corn is native to the hot countries of South and Central America, the plant tolerates cooler climates well. The seedlings are able to withstand short-term frosts, and seed ripening begins already at a temperature of +10 °C. The crop is undemanding to moisture and light. There is enough daylight and moderate precipitation for good growth and flowering.
But corn loves loose and fertile soil.It grows best on black soil, loamy, sandy loam or peat soils. If you also feed the plant during the growing season, then a high yield is practically guaranteed.
Corn is called the “queen of fields.” It is widely used in the food and industrial sectors. Over a long history, species of wild, wild, field corn have evolved into cultivated varieties. There are 8 types of plants in total. However, there are hundreds of varieties of each species. In this regard, cereal corn, legumes and nuts are similar.
The following are of production importance types of corn:
- Sugar (sweet, milky). This type is the most common because the kernels of sweet corn are soft and tasty. The young ear has a milky color, but after ripening it becomes golden yellow. The grains of young cobs are most often eaten, as they are the sweetest. This species has many varieties and hybrids growing all over the world.
- Dentoform. A characteristic feature of such corn is the rich golden yellow color of the grains. This species is famous for its high yield and good endurance. It is eaten. It is used to produce flour and starch, livestock feed (silage), and alcohol.
- Siliceous (Indian). This species is characterized by early maturity. The grains are round and smooth, different in color. One cob can contain white, yellow, red and black grains. This species contains a large amount of starch, however, cereals and flakes are produced from it.
- Starchy (soft, mealy). This species is distinguished by a thin head of cabbage with large grains of red and white colors. The species got its name for its high starch content. Starch is soft and therefore easy to process. Starchy corn is used to produce flour and molasses.However, the species is grown only in the USA and South American countries.
- Waxy. If you ask which type of corn shows the least vitality and produces the worst yield, the answer will be waxy. This species received its name for the peculiarity of its grain coating, which resembles a layer of wax. The grains themselves are white or yellow, but are often diluted with red grains.
This type of maize was formed as a result of a wild mutation and is unsuitable for cultivation in regions with unsuitable climatic conditions. The main region for the industrial production of waxy corn is China. There, starch is produced from it, which is considered the best corn product. But some varieties of waxy maize have good taste.
In its homeland the plant is called maize. This name comes from the Haitian language. But there are also several dialects in different regions. When the sunny plant from the Cereal family appeared in Europe, the inhabitants of the Old World countries retained names that relate to the culture of the Indians.
The Turks used the word “kokoroz”, and the Romanians “corn”, which translated as “fir cone”. It is not known what the renaming refers to, but this name was adopted by residents of Eastern European countries. Later, the word “kokoroz” was transformed into the familiar “corn” of the genus Corn.
Effect on the body
The positive effect of the corn fruit on the body will not be long in coming if you consume the cereal regularly. The microelements contained in it help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, due to which the cardiovascular system returns to normal.
B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, providing an anti-stress effect on the body.Eating corn promotes restful and sound sleep, quickly overcoming emotional overload and depression.
Vitamin E in the “Queen of the Fields” helps maintain youthful skin. Corn is useful and for digestion, as it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of toxins, and destroys substances that cause intoxication. Maize contains carotenoids that support eye health and increase visual acuity.
Sunflower has a positive effect on the reproductive system of the female body, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and reduces the negative manifestations of menopause. Corn is also beneficial for men. Porridge made from golden grains helps restore potency.
Corn has a positive effect on the human body not only when eaten. Various rejuvenating and nourishing masks for the skin of the face, body and hair are made from the grain. Corn helps cleanse the skin of acne and age spots.
However, it should be remembered that in some cases, maize can cause harm to the body. Although corn is considered a safe product, sometimes people are allergic to substances contained in the cereal crop. Corn is also contraindicated for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, duodenal diseases or thrombophlebitis.
How to choose?
You can grow corn yourself, or purchase it in a store or market. When buying cereal, you need to be careful. Sellers may pass off cheaper fodder varieties as a cultivated plant used for food. These cobs taste rough and bland. You can distinguish them by color. The ears of forage varieties have a rich yellow color.
Sometimes a good cob looks bright. A small test will help determine the quality.If you pierce a grain with your fingernail, juice will flow out of a good cob.
Corn is called (names, called) a healthy grain. However, a spoiled or old cob will not bring any benefit. When choosing a cereal, try to unfold the cob. The young plant has milky or light yellow grains, and the tendrils are white and soft. The combination of white and yellow corn kernels on one cob indicates that the grain is not yet ripe.
Dry leaves indicate that the cob was cut long ago and has already lost its juiciness. If there are bugs and other insects under the leaves, then it is better not to buy such products.
Corn in medicine
The corn crop is a storehouse of microelements and is essential for human life. Corn silk is used for the manufacture of drugs that help prevent cholecystitis and hepatitis. In urology, this raw material is used as a diuretic.
Many varieties of corn contain large amounts of magnesium, calcium, iron and important amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan. These substances are included in medications for people with blood diseases.
Corn grits are included in preparations that cleanse the intestines and also normalize blood glucose levels, which is important for people with diabetes. The coarse fibers of cereals allow you to get rid of toxic substances in the body.
Maize is also used in folk medicine. The stigmas and styles are the most valuable, although other parts of the plant are also useful. Diuretics are prepared from the stigmas, and a tincture for blood pressure is prepared from corn flour. Puree from golden grains is useful for people with gastritis or damage to the gastric mucosa.
Useful properties of the culture
The composition of the cereal culture includes such healing substances as fiber, pyridoxine, linoleic, ascorbic and pantothenic acids, starch, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, amino acids and vitamins C, D, K, PP, group B. B Maize stigmas contain a large amount of essential oils, and the leaves contain phenolcarboxylic acids.
Corn is also good because after freezing or canning it retains all its beneficial properties.
The Indians knew that maize is a storehouse of useful substances. They used the plant completely. Various dishes were prepared from the grains and used to make seasonings, bread was baked from pollen and soups were made, and drinks were made from the stem. There were even special dishes and drinks made from maize, which were served at the imperial table, used during rituals, and helped in treatment. The leaves and stems were used to make clothes and use them for other household needs.
And today the grain crop is widely used in industrial production. The United States is the leader in the cultivation and use of grain crops. There they make food, drinks, paper, toothpaste, and medicines from it. Most of the maize is used to produce livestock feed, which helps the United States maintain leadership in the livestock industry.
Interesting Facts
Over the entire history of the plant’s existence, many interesting facts related to solar cereal have accumulated. Although maize most often does not grow higher than 3 m, there are varieties that can reach a height of 7 m.
Maize is not found in the wild today. People have cultivated this plant so much that it can only be planted with seeds. Seeds that fall to the ground will not sprout.This feature has long bothered people who considered maize to be a gift from the gods or a gift from aliens. However, scientists have proven that the wild ancestors of corn looked different and were wind pollinated.
Delicious popcorn is not a 20th-century American invention. This product was invented by their ancestors 5 thousand years ago. They covered the grains with sand and built a fire nearby, and then caught the balls flying out of the fire.
Many snacks are made from corn. However, corn sticks, flakes and other similar products are not as healthy as a whole cob. During processing, snacks lose most of the beneficial properties of maize.
Although corn appeared in Russia in the 18th century, it was glorified by N.S. Khrushchev in the mid-20th century. His epic with the cultivation of cereals in all regions of the USSR failed miserably. Corn, although tolerant of cool temperatures, prefers warm and sunny climates. But the first secretary left the word “kukutsapol” to the younger generation, made up of his famous phrase “Corn is the queen of the fields.”