Description and characteristics of the Gusar raspberry variety, yield, cultivation and care

Breeders pay great attention to remontant raspberry varieties because they are in demand by gardeners in all regions of Russia. The raspberry variety Gussar, developed by the “father of remontant culture” I. Kazakov, can bear fruit twice during the summer. Moreover, the second period of berry ripening does not end with the first frost.

Description and characteristics of the Gusar variety

The difference between Gusar raspberry and other varieties is that the plant:

  • bears fruit twice - June and August;
  • resistant to diseases and pests;
  • withstands frost and temperatures below 25 degrees;
  • famous for yields of 5-6 kilograms of berries per bush.

Raspberry Gusar tolerates propagation easily, so it can grow quickly throughout the entire area, which is good for industrial cultivation of berries.

The description of the variety includes:

  • vigor of the bush up to 2.5 meters and above;
  • the power of shoots with a waxy coating, without pubescent stems;
  • location of thorns in the lower part of the shoots;
  • decorative dark green foliage, slightly wrinkled, with wavy edges;
  • large-fruited ruby ​​berries, fragrant and sweet.

The fruits of the variety do not rot; ripe ones remain on the branches without falling off. They reach a weight of 4 grams, are juicy and tasty.

Raspberry Gusar

Main positive and negative aspects

The characteristics of the Gusar raspberry include more positive aspects than negative ones. Therefore, many gardeners choose a crop for cultivation. After all, the variety:

  • easy to care for;
  • high-yielding;
  • able to grow in regions with cold winters and dry summers;
  • universal in purpose;
  • with berries that tolerate transportation well and do not lose their presentation.

The disadvantage of raspberries is the spreading nature of the tall bushes, which take up a lot of space on the site. You have to tie up the shoots and cover them for the winter, saving them from icing.

elite variety

How to grow raspberries correctly

The agricultural technology of Gusar raspberries is not much different from the methods of cultivating other varieties. It is necessary to plant the plant correctly in order to grow a remontant type of crop.

Selecting a location

For raspberries, it is better to choose places in the garden where the sun is not always, but part of the day. Direct rays of the sun will dry out the leaves and berries.In partial shade, the fruits will ripen better. But without the sun they will have little sweetness.

You can plant shoots along the fence, then you can do without support for them.

The preferred soil for raspberries is loamy or sandy loam. Groundwater can lie in the area at a depth of 1.5 meters, supplying the roots of the plant with moisture. The crop grows poorly on saline and acidic soils.

berries picked

Boarding time

In Siberia, Altai, and the Urals, it is better to plant raspberries in the spring. As soon as the snow melts, you can prepare seedlings and pits. In warm climates, autumn is used for planting. It is necessary that the bush has time to take root before the onset of cold weather, then it will successfully survive the winter.

Sometimes raspberries are planted in the summer using annual root suckers. They are used to plant a new berry plantation.

Selection of seedlings

For planting, you need to take annual shoots that have a stem thickness at the root collar of 1-1.2 centimeters. Shoots with a root system length of 10-15 centimeters take root better.

The seedling must be pruned, leaving a stem of 20 centimeters with 4-5 buds. Unpruned shoots will begin to bear fruit in the year of planting, using nutrients and moisture to produce berries. In the fall, replacement shoots will not appear, and then the bush will die.

seedlings grow

Planting process

The place for Gusar raspberries is cleared of weeds in the fall and dug up. If possible, before processing the steam, 5 kilograms of manure, 40 grams of superphosphate, and 20 grams of potassium salt are scattered on 1 square meter. On soils with high acidity, it is necessary to add fluff lime. In the spring, before treatment, the area is fertilized with ammonium nitrate.

The pits are prepared in advance. They are fertilized if no work has been done to prepare the site beforehand.The distance between plants is 1-1.5 meters. Between rows - up to 2 meters.

Raspberries are planted vertically. Planting proceeds as follows: the seedling is placed vertically, and, holding it with one hand, the hole is filled. It is necessary to compact the soil at the end of the procedure and water the plants. It is worth mulching the bushes with a 6-8 centimeter layer of straw, humus, and peat.

fruits on top

Subtleties of caring for the variety

Gusar raspberry care is usually carried out. The crop must be watered, fed, and pruned on time.

Watering and loosening

Raspberry yields decrease if there is not enough moisture. In dry summer conditions, it is necessary to water up to 4 times a season. The plant especially needs moisture at the beginning of summer, when setting berries. The plantation is irrigated for the last time in October.

Mulching will help reduce the frequency of watering by 2-3 times.

You can water raspberries in furrows and under the bush. You need 2-3 buckets of water per bush, and 3-4 for every meter of furrow. Furrows are laid at a distance of 50 centimeters from the rows of raspberries. The depth is 10-15 centimeters, width - 30-40.

watering with hoses

After heavy rains and watering, the rows are loosened, trying not to touch the roots of the plants. 3-4 treatments to a depth of 5-7 centimeters are enough.

Fertilizing and mulching

Mulch for raspberries is needed not only to retain moisture in the soil and prevent the growth of weeds, but also for feeding. If they mulch with peat or humus, then they embed the layers into the soil, supplying the raspberry bushes with nutrients.

Growing berry crops requires the application of mineral and organic fertilizers. In spring, you need to water the bushes with a solution of mullein or bird droppings. You can replace organics with mineral solutions: 10 grams of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water, 15 grams of potassium salt.It is necessary to feed the large-fruited variety 2 weeks before the berries begin to ripen. In the fall, be sure to fertilize with superphosphate (50 grams) and potassium salt (20 grams). They can be replaced with wood ash, taking 30-50 grams per square meter.

mulching with straw


The tall stems of the Gusar variety require gartering to a support. Pegs may be suitable as this. Then the bushes are pressed to the stakes, tied with twine. But then there will be little light for them. It is better to prepare a trellis from strong stakes, between which string wire in 2-3 rows. Arrange the raspberry shoots so as to maintain the required distance between the branches. Often they use a fan method of gartering or a conventional trellis method.


To ensure that the shoots have enough nutrition and moisture for successful fruiting, Gusar raspberries are pruned annually. By shortening the tops of annual shoots by 10-15 centimeters, the germination of low-lying buds is activated.

In order to form a bush, up to 15 annual shoots are left 3-4 years after planting, except for those that bear fruit. The rest are cut out near the ground. First of all, you need to cut out weak, diseased, damaged branches. Before flowering, the number of shoots is normalized by thinning the bush. Strong root suckers are left to propagate the variety.

remove the rhizome

Preparing for winter

In October, long raspberry stems are shortened and bent to the ground. The ends must be pinned or covered with earth. It is necessary to cover the crop plantings with layers of non-woven material. The young shoots are covered with spruce branches. This way the plant will better survive the cold winter.

Diseases and insects affecting raspberries

Usually, berry crops are affected by fungal diseases. Symptoms of the disease are visible on the leaves. The surface of the leaf blade is covered with brown or whitish spots.It is necessary to spray the bushes with Bordeaux mixture to prevent the onset of the disease or stop the pathological process.

Aphids and spider mites attack Gusar raspberry plantings when the conditions for growing a remontant crop are not met. Pest control is easy. It is necessary to spray the plants three times with insecticidal solutions or infusion of onion peels and garlic.

several ticks

Damage is caused to the plantation by the raspberry beetle and weevil. To combat adults and larvae, dig up the soil in August-September. Spraying with poisons along with laundry soap helps.

How to propagate Gusar raspberries

The crop is best propagated vegetatively. At the beginning of summer, a green cutting 5 centimeters long is cut underground. It is planted in a greenhouse, and when it takes root after 2 weeks, it is fed. It is then necessary to ensure that the cuttings grow in order to be planted in a permanent place in the fall.

The easiest way to increase a raspberry plantation is with root suckers. They are dug up with roots in the summer. Moreover, their length should be 15 centimeters. The method of propagation by dividing the bush is suitable for the variety.

propagate raspberries

Berry picking and storage

Gusar raspberries begin to bear fruit in the 2nd year after planting. After a month, the fruits begin to ripen. Within 30 days you can harvest. The berries are removed without the stalk and placed in baskets. The harvests are used to make jam and compotes. Fresh raspberries are useful, but they cannot be stored for a long time. It will keep in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
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