Description of remontant variety Heritage Red raspberries, yield and care

Remontant raspberry varieties are grown both on private farms and in industrial gardens. Among raspberries belonging to this group, Heritage Red is considered the standard variety; the highest quality and most delicious fruits were obtained from it. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of the variety, description, cultivation and care features, reproduction and protection from diseases at home.

History of variety selection

The variety was bred in 1969; several varieties were used for breeding. The selection work was carried out in New York, at Cornell University. New varieties were later obtained from the Heritage variety, and selection continues to this day.

Description and characteristics

The bush of the Heritage Red variety is compact, moderately spreading, shoot height is up to 1.5-2 m. The stems are erect, with small dark-colored thorns. The inflorescences are located mainly at the top of the shoots. The leaves are medium-sized, oblong, dark green, with a wrinkled surface.

The berries of remontant raspberries are round-conical in shape, dense, with fine-grained pulp. Average weight - 3.2-3.8 g, large ones, 5 g each, come off without releasing juice. The color of ripe fruits is dark red. Sweet, slightly sour, with a typical raspberry aroma. Fully ripe berries do not fall off the bush for a week.

The harvest is harvested 1-2 times per season, in June and September-October. Fruiting lasts 2-2.5 months. The second harvest can be harvested in the southern regions or during a long, warm autumn. The average yield is 2.5-3 kg per bush; on rich soils, 4-5 kg ​​of berries can be harvested from each raspberry. With industrial cultivation, the yield is 14-17 tons per hectare.

Pros and cons of Heritage raspberries

Advantages and disadvantages
suitability for cultivation in both industrial and private farms;
self-pollinating (can be grown in closed greenhouses);
good adaptability to different growing conditions and climate;
drought resistance;
frost resistance;
good tasting qualities of the fruit;
remontance, abundance of fruiting;
versatility of berries, keeping quality and transportability.
thorns on the stems that interfere with care and harvesting of fruits;
small size of berries;
darkening during storage;
2 The harvest cannot be harvested in all regions due to late ripening.

Rules for growing crops

Due to the tall shoots of Heritage Red raspberries, they are grown on trellises. They are installed immediately after planting the seedlings.

Recommended timing

Heritage Red seedlings are planted in spring or autumn. In spring - before the buds open, in autumn - after the leaves fall, but before persistent cold weather. An important condition is moist but warm soil and positive air temperature.

planting raspberries

Appropriate place

The area for Heritage Red raspberries should be open, sunny, protected from drafts and winds by a fence or building. The soil must be nutritious, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Before planting, add organic matter to the soil - compost or humus in an amount of at least 1-1.5 buckets per 1 square meter. m and 1-2 kg of ash. Mix everything until smooth.

Preparation of planting material

The day before planting, the preparation of seedlings begins. Dry raspberry tips are cut off and soaked in a growth stimulator solution. Treatment is necessary for better rooting. On the day of planting, the tops of the stems are cut off by 1/3.

Planting process

Plants are planted in prepared holes, they are dug out in the area according to the scheme: 1.5 m between holes in a row and 2 m between rows. Water is poured into the holes - 1 bucket, and 1 raspberry is planted in each. The raspberries are sprinkled with earth, compacted, and the soil around the bushes is covered with mulch.

Care Tips

Like other berry bushes, Heritage Red raspberries need fertilizing, watering, tying, pruning and shelter for the winter.

Watering and fertilizing

Raspberry plants are watered 2 times a week until rooting, then as the soil dries. Despite the mulch, the soil can dry out quickly in hot weather. The variety is drought-resistant, but in the absence of moisture the berries do not grow or fill and may fall off. Plants are fed before flowering and after harvesting berries.

They use organic matter, ash or replace them with mineral fertilizers. Application - watering the solution at the root.

Garter and trimming

All Heritage Red stems are tied to the trellis with ropes. After the first fruiting, the shoots of the previous year are cut off. Young ones are left in the fall if cultivation is intended to produce 2 harvests per season. All shoots are cut out if you plan to grow 1 crop per year.

raspberry garter

Shelter for the winter

After pruning and harvesting raspberry plant residues, the bushes are covered with a layer of mulch at least 10-15 cm thick. This will protect the plants from freezing. In spring, the mulch is removed.

Protection from diseases and pests

Raspberries are considered resistant to diseases and pests, but preventative treatments are necessary. They are carried out before the infection begins to spread. Therapeutic treatments - after detection of symptoms of damage. Use standard insecticides and fungicides. Bioproducts are used on fruiting bushes rather than synthetic pesticides.

Breeding methods

Heritage Red is propagated by root shoots. In the fall, after the leaves fall, or in the spring, before the leaves bloom, the bushes are dug up and immediately transplanted to a new place. Water until rooting.

Heritage Red is a variety with resistance to heat and cold, and is unpretentious to the conditions in which it grows. The yield is average, but due to remontability, the life of raspberries can be extended by several months. Suitable for planting in industrial gardens and private estates.The berries are delicious fresh and processed, in compotes, jam, they can be dried and frozen in the freezer.
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