People who grow raspberry bushes often experience reddening of the foliage. This problem is very dangerous because it can cause plants to dry out. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out in advance why raspberry leaves turn red in June and what to do about it.
Causes of red raspberry leaves
There are several reasons why bright red spots appear on the surface of the foliage.
Phosphorus deficiency
Phosphorus is considered the main nutritional component needed for the development of raspberry bushes.The lack of this component negatively affects the fruiting and flowering of seedlings. The first signs of phosphorus deficiency appear in the spring, when buds should appear on the stems of the bushes. In plants that lack phosphorus supplements, buds appear with a delay.
Phosphorus deficiency is also indicated by the fact that seedlings' flowers and buds fall off.
The leaf blades are covered with dark spots with a red tint. Gradually, all affected foliage becomes deformed and begins to dry out. Only phosphorus-containing fertilizer mixtures can save plants.
Fungal diseases
Another reason why raspberry leaves turn red and dry is the development of fungal diseases. Common diseases caused by fungus include:
- Anthracnose. A common pathology that affects not only raspberries, but also other garden crops. Signs of the disease appear on foliage, berries, buds and stems. To promptly identify anthracnose, it is necessary to inspect the leaves. Small reddish dots appear on them, the size of which gradually increases.
- Septoria. A disease that most often appears on raspberry bushes. At first, the lower leaves become covered with red spots, but then the bush begins to dry out.
- Verticillium. This is a dangerous disease, due to which the yield is reduced by 2-3 times. Symptoms of verticillium include drying of leaves and cracking of stems.
Insect pests
The reasons for the development of red spot include pest attacks on seedlings. There are several insects that often appear on raspberry bushes:
- Gall midge. This is a small yellowish mosquito that damages the foliage and stems of garden crops.Reddish dots form on damaged areas of plants. If the gall midge is not eliminated in time, it will damage more than 80% of the shoots.
- Nutcracker. When this pest damages the leaves, reddish swellings appear on their surface. Damaged foliage cracks and dries out.
- Aphid. The most common pest that appears on all garden and garden crops. First, aphids damage inflorescences and young shoots. However, gradually the number of pests increases throughout the bush.
What to do to get rid of redness?
To get rid of red spots on the surface of leaves, you need to use the following means:
- "Inta-Vir". The product is used if spotting is caused by pests. Inta-Vir contains components that help destroy pests in 2-3 sprayings. You can use the drug no more than twice a week.
- "Fitoverm". A universal drug used to treat fungal diseases and eliminate insects. Shrubs are sprayed with Fitoverm three times a month.
- "Aktara". To get rid of insect pests, it is enough to treat the plant with Aktara once.
How to prevent the problem?
To ensure that redness never appears on the leaves, you need to learn how to prevent this problem. Raspberry bushes are less likely to get sick if you protect their roots from mechanical damage. Also, to prevent the development of diseases, you need to regularly feed the bushes with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers are added 4-5 times per season.
In addition, the following preventive measures must be observed:
- regular spraying of raspberries with fungicides;
- replanting bushes to a new location every 5-7 years;
- Periodically prune to remove weakened or diseased shoots.
Gardeners who grow raspberries in the garden sometimes encounter redness of the upper and lower leaves. To eliminate red spots, you need to become familiar with the causes of their appearance and effective treatments.