Instructions for use of Fitosporin for cucumbers, how to process

Fitosporin is a popular drug that is recommended for watering cucumbers to combat various diseases. Fitosporin-M is used as the main treatment and as a prophylactic agent. The composition of the drug allows you to get rid of many diseases of cucumbers. It is used to treat garden crops, fruit trees and indoor plants.

Application of medicine

Fitosporin-M is a systemic drug that has the ability to spread throughout the leaves and stems using the vascular system. The medicine is based on a spore culture.Its effect is manifested in the production of fungicidal oligopeptides, which stop the proliferation of bacterial and fungal diseases. Fitosporin-M is developed for cucumbers to combat the following diseases:

  • root rot;
  • bacteriosis;
  • fusarium;
  • peronosporosis;
  • powdery mildew.

As evidenced by numerous reviews from summer residents, in order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to repeat the treatment several times. You need to start by soaking the seed first. The next stage is spraying the plants during the growing season.

phytosporin fertilizing

The procedure is repeated every 2 – 3 weeks. In this case, diseases will have no chance to take root. The drug will work in full force if used at a temperature of +15 to +35 degrees.

Release form

The product is available in the following form:

  • powder;
  • paste;
  • liquid.

The drug can be used in a number of other cases. Suitable for processing tubers, after which they are well stored. If you treat cucumbers, in particular tubers, they will not be subject to any types of rot, including fruit rot.

The instructions for use say that the drug can be used at any time, regardless of the stage of crop development: growing season, flowering period and fruit ripening. The harvest will be protected even on the day it is processed.

cucumbers in the garden

How to use

Let's look at how to use the drug in different release forms.


For cucumbers, Fitosporin-M is often chosen in powder form. It is diluted in warm water, creating a regular “working” solution in a 1:2 ratio. Gardeners make the mistake of sprinkling powder on the ground. These manipulations will not give any result, since the bacteria are activated only after adding liquid. Tap water is not suitable for preparing the solution.Chlorine has a negative effect on bacteria, killing them. It is better to take melted, boiled or rain water. You can take water from a well.

After the powder has completely dissolved, you need to let the liquid brew for 2 to 3 hours. This will help the bacteria become active.

harvest in a bucket

Before spraying the crop, the solution can remain diluted for several days. It is recommended to add regular liquid soap to the prepared mixture. Just a small amount promotes better adhesion of the drug to the plant.


Sold pre-packaged. Dissolves in water, 1 part paste contains 2 parts water. The result is a very concentrated liquid. A small amount is re-diluted in water immediately before use. Can be stored as a diluted substrate.


Fitosporin in this form does not need to be diluted, since the composition is completely ready for use. It is recommended to use it just before planting. The drug is added to water for soaking seeds. It is often used to process cucumber roots.

fertilizer for cucumbers

Important nuances

The drug can be used at any stage of cultural development, and this is a huge plus. You should not wait until the disease destroys the crop, but you need to act immediately.

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, do not forget that the climate there is more humid. Elevated temperature and moisture are a good environment for the growth of various bacteria.

In this case, ordinary fungicides will not help, since they are strictly prohibited from being used frequently during the season. In turn, Fitosporin-M has a milder effect. They can be sprayed at any time of the day, at any time of the season. The solution is used for processing cucumber root systems, watering the soil.

cucumbers in pots

It is allowed to treat cucumbers with Fitosporin in any weather conditions. But there is one small limitation. If it is going to rain outside, it is better to postpone spraying or watering the plant for several hours. Drops may wash away part of the drug, and the composition will not be able to act in full force. It is better to wait 2.5 - 3 hours. Treatment is carried out in the morning or evening.

Safety for living organisms

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to treat plants with Fitosporin. It doesn’t matter at all what procedure needs to be carried out - planting (soaking seeds, roots) or spraying a full-fledged plant. The drug is part of a group of substances that have a hazard class of 4 for living organisms. Upon contact with mucous membranes, it causes irritation in the form of redness. It is not recommended to spray the product if there are bees nearby, although the composition is completely harmless to beneficial insects.

cucumbers harvest

Security measures

While using Fitosporin for cucumbers when spraying, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke. Be sure to use gloves to avoid direct contact with skin. If a small amount gets on your hands or any other part of the body, rinse immediately with water. If you suspect that the product has entered the stomach, drink 1 liter of water, trying to induce vomiting. Then take a few tablets of activated carbon.

The remedy for treating diseases of cucumbers is prohibited from being stored together with food products. The storage location must be protected from children and sunlight.


Growing cucumbers is not a complicated process, but it requires care. During crop growth, fertilizing and other measures must be carried out.

All procedures can be compared with spraying or watering the medicine. Fitosporin is compatible with drugs that enhance growth, insecticides and fungicides.

The manufacturer produces Fitosporin-M cucumber specifically to process cucumbers exclusively. May be of interest to summer residents who grow this crop. It contains substances that act properly on bacteria in various diseases. You can use regular Fitosporin - the product is universal for any crop, including cucumbers.
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