Rules for preparing arugula for the winter at home and tips for storing greens in the freezer and refrigerator

Spicy greens, which have a mustard-nutty taste, are used as an additive to appetizers, salads, first and second courses. Arugula prepared for the winter allows you to eat green leaves all year round. If you know the harvesting rules, the greens will retain all the beneficial substances and will not lose their taste. In addition to freezing, there are other, no less interesting storage methods.

What are the benefits of arugula?

Ordinary people, as has been the custom for a long time, give all objects their name, and arugula was no exception. Another common name for the green is mustard grass. The leaves are rich in minerals and vitamins. Due to this, it is considered a medicinal plant and is used to treat many diseases.

arugula preparations

Regular consumption of arugula will help improve metabolism and strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. People who prepare dishes from aromatic leaves can forget about problems with the digestive system. Greens stimulate the activity of the stomach.

It is recommended for use by people who are not well adapted to stressful situations.

The nutrients in arugula restore the elasticity of blood vessels and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Diabetics should eat arugula regularly. It is an excellent dietary product as it burns extra calories. Effectively fights hypertension, especially in older people. Under the influence of vitamin K, blood clotting accelerates, which promotes rapid healing of wounds.

will help improve


Arugula contains phytoncides, so greens can cause an allergic reaction. It is not recommended for use by people suffering from gastritis with a high level of acidity during an exacerbation.

Arugula negatively affects the human body if he has problems with the kidneys and liver. During pregnancy, women should also avoid aromatic arugula so as not to harm the unborn baby.

allergic reaction

Storage Features

Preparing arugula for future use is a great idea for people who do not want to exclude greens from their diet during the cold season. After harvesting a large harvest from the garden or purchasing it at the market, they prepare for the winter.

You should not prepare a large number of bunches, as they may spoil if they are not eaten in time. In order for spicy herbs to be stored for as long as possible, it is important to adhere to the specifications during the harvesting process.

exclude greens

Shelf life of arugula

Greens retain their freshness for 10 days. At the same time, it is placed in a container and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This can be a plastic bag or a plastic container. The main thing is that the arugula does not come into contact with the refrigerator air.

To please your family with green dishes in winter, other storage methods are being considered. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the rules so that the greens do not lose vitamins and benefit the body. The shelf life of arugula in each specific method is different. They can last from several days to a year.

placed in a container

How to preserve arugula for the winter - ways

There are many ways to store greens for the winter. This can be drying or freezing. They also make the preparation with the addition of salt. Each method has its own characteristics. It is not necessary to choose just one of the methods, but try all or several at once.

drying or freezing

How to store fresh arugula

After cutting, freshly picked fragrant leaves can be placed in water and left in the kitchen. This is very convenient, as it allows you to have greens on hand. In such conditions, the plant will remain fresh for up to 5 days. To extend the life, the bunches along with water are placed in the refrigerator.

leave it in the kitchen

Long-term storage of arugula

When talking about storing greens for the winter, freezing comes to mind.Why is it worth trying this method? Prolonged exposure to low temperatures does not in any way affect the taste of greens or their structure. It is also worth trying drying, as the method has its advantages.

put in water

Storing arugula with salt

Every housewife is accustomed to pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, so why not do it with arugula? The end result will definitely please your household and guests. Great for salads and other light dishes. Salting process:

  1. Select healthy, elastic and green leaves.
  2. Wash in cool water until dust, soil and midges are removed.
  3. Place on a paper towel and leave to allow excess moisture to evaporate.
  4. Cut large leaves into pieces, leave small ones unchanged.
  5. Place the greens in a jar and add salt. For 100 g of product use 1 tbsp. l.
  6. Stir if possible and cover with lids.

After exposure to salt, the amount of microelements and vitamins decreases. But they are still there, although not in such quantities as fresh leaves. In this form, greens can be stored for a year. To do this, the jars are placed in the refrigerator and taken to the cellar or basement.

this method


Another method of preparing greens for the winter is popular among housewives. We are talking about drying. Excess moisture evaporates from the leaves, which allows it to be stored for a long time. You won't be able to make a fresh salad anymore. But arugula can be used as a spice when preparing fish and meat dishes.

harvesting method

The natural way

Only the best green leaves are suitable for drying. After washing and drying, they are crushed. But you don't have to do this. You can grind it after drying. Everyone chooses what he likes best.

Place the leaves on a baking sheet, lined with paper. You can use regular newspapers.If arugula juice comes into contact with metal, oxidation begins. To avoid this, it is not recommended to use a knife when chopping; it is better to tear the leaves with your hands.

The finished mass is taken out to a warm room to dry. It could also be a canopy. The main thing is that the greenery should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It will take at least a week for all the moisture to evaporate. But such a preparation will be stored for at least 12 months.

The natural way

In the dryer

An electric dryer is a device that is suitable for drying vegetables, fruits and herbs. After processing the greens in this device, the green leaves are even more saturated with useful substances. Some models of electric dryers have a “Green” mode. This simplifies the process, since all parameters are set automatically, and a person does not need to think about such trifles.

Elevated temperatures do not threaten to dry out or burn the product. Drying in an electric dryer lasts 12 hours. A person may not have to cut the greens, but put whole leaves in completely. After processing, all moisture evaporates, and the mass of greenery decreases significantly. This suggests that the device copes with the task perfectly.

drying vegetables

In the oven

Drying using this kitchen appliance has its advantages. Drying time, compared to an electric dryer, is reduced by 2 times. Before the drying procedure, the greens undergo standard preparation. It includes washing and, if necessary, cutting leaves.

The choice of temperature depends on the size of the leaves and their number. Selection is carried out on a case-by-case basis. The maximum mark is +40 °C, and in no case should it be exceeded. It is also not recommended to dry at very low temperatures.

In order for the drying process to be uniform and the leaves to be processed equally, it is necessary to place them on a baking sheet in one layer.

kitchen appliance

In its purest form

This method is suitable if the greens need to be eaten in the next 4-5 days. After washing, the leaves are torn into equal pieces. They are then left to dry to get rid of any extra drops of water that remain on the greens after washing. To do this, they are laid out on a towel in one layer.

After this, the greens are packaged in bags and hermetically sealed. This is an important condition that must be observed. Other containers are also suitable for this. They are placed in the refrigerator and the right amount is taken each time.

Each method of drying arugula is unique and has its fans. In this case, you can use various kitchen appliances or do without them. But storing greens doesn’t end there. To ensure a high-quality and long-lasting process, you need to keep the spice in closed jars and other containers. A small bag filled with salt will absorb moisture and prevent condensation.

must be eaten

Preparing arugula in jars

This is a kind of storage method that is easy to prepare. Arugula prepared in jars will fit in the kitchen of every housewife. It is stored on the shelf along with other herbs and spices or sent to the refrigerator. It all depends on whether the greens are dried or salted.

ease of preparation


One of the most common storage methods is freezing. Modern refrigerators and freezers are equipped with separate containers for storing greens. Low temperatures do not deprive greens of nutrients.

The only disadvantage of the method is the color change. The bright green leaves become less attractive, but that's okay.

Freezing is always fast, affordable and convenient. Arugula leaves can be stored pure, made assorted with the addition of other greens, or used in oil. For convenience, it is cut into small pieces or left whole. The preparation is also always at hand and can be used to prepare dishes that use fresh arugula.

is freezing

Greens in oil

This method of preparing arugula is very interesting, as it uses simple but important ingredients, without which not a single dish can do. This is oil. You can take butter, olive or sunflower. Arugula and butter are a great combination. During storage, the ingredients will only complement each other and become even more delicious.


  1. Finely chop the greens. If the leaves are small, they are left unchanged.
  2. Place in ice trays.
  3. Pour the chosen oil on top and freeze.

simple ones are used

The finished cubes can be left in the mold or removed and placed into portioned bags. Instead of molds, plastic trays are also used. The mass is placed in containers and also left until completely hardened. After this, they are removed and cut with a knife into the required pieces.

Along with arugula, you can also harvest other greens. This will add flavor to the oil. Ready cubes are used to prepare various dishes. The compact size allows you to easily store them in the freezer and remove them when needed. In this form, arugula in oil can be stored for about 1 year.

portioned bags

How to store arugula in the refrigerator

Greens are stocked up for a while in order to feast on them for as long as possible. If the quantity is enough for 4-5 days, the green bunches are sent to the refrigerator.The temperature is not too low, but allows you to keep the leaves fresh and juicy. Greens should be placed in the refrigerator in such a way that they do not have direct contact with air.

The main condition for storing arugula is tightness. The method involves the use of such materials:

arugula in the refrigerator

  • foil, plastic bags or cling film;
  • vacuum container or regular tray;
  • bowl or any other container with water.

In the first case, the packaging is pressed so that as little air mass as possible remains inside. The plant will remain fresh for 3-5 days. In the second case, the greens keep fresh from 6 days to 2 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to remove the air.

cling film

The third method is the most common and does not last as long in terms of storage. Place the herb in a bowl and sprinkle generously with water. If it is a special container, you can cover it with a lid. For a regular bowl, cling film is suitable.

The spicy plant is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, which is intended for vegetables and fruits. But it is not recommended that greens be stored with other products for a long time, as this will speed up their spoilage. The ideal option is to store the amount of greens that can be eaten in 3 days. The rest is sent to the freezer or dried.

storage plan

How to store arugula in the freezer

Just like on the refrigerator shelf, the herb should not be exposed in the freezer. It is pre-wrapped in bags or placed in trays. This is also necessary to ensure that the greens do not absorb foreign odors. The same applies to other products.

Before freezing, arugula must be dry after washing. Excess moisture will disrupt the structure of the greens, change color and negatively affect the shelf life.

arugula in the freezer

Tips for storing arugula

It is recommended to eat fresh arugula, which is in the refrigerator, 3-4 days in advance. The dried product should be periodically inspected for the presence of pests. If the greens are from the freezer, do not expose them to low temperatures again after defrosting. Such grass will no longer be suitable for consumption, and there is a risk that it will turn into a homogeneous pulp.

Storing arugula is a process that every housewife can master. You don't need any special knowledge to do this. To prepare a plant, you need to follow the advice and follow the steps of each method. After spending a few hours creating preparations, you can delight your loved ones with your favorite salads, soups, appetizers and hot dishes made from arugula.

storing arugula
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