Sorrel is a complete garden crop with uniquely shaped leaves and a persistent sour taste. It is used to prepare green borscht and added to pies and salads. There are many different types of sorrel: special varieties for Siberia, the middle zone, early ones - all this will be discussed in the material.
Varieties of sorrel for open ground
All varieties of sorrel grown by gardeners can be divided according to several main characteristics: for open ground, frost-resistant, decorative, radicular, leaf shape and color, as well as hybrids (spinach and others).
Important. In addition, sorrel is classified as edible, eaten, and inedible. In Europe, the subalpine species is quite popular, especially intended for cultivation on stones - its purpose is purely decorative.
Most types of modern sorrel, both early and mid-season, are intended for planting in a greenhouse or open ground.
Gardeners are well aware of the following varieties:
- Belleville. Belongs to the mid-early variety, with thick, medium-length roots. The taste of the leaves is moderately sour; they are large, rounded and elongated in this variety. Frost-resistant;
- Large-leaved. One of the early and at the same time high-yielding species, is not afraid of cold weather, the leaves are light and erect;
- Malachite. In terms of ripening time, it is considered average; usually no more than 50 days pass from the appearance of sprouts to the first harvest. The leaf is shaped like a spear, the edges are slightly wavy, the taste is pleasant, with a slight sourness;
- Odessky 17 belongs to the early species, and it is also drought-resistant. The leaves are rounded, elongated, up to 7 centimeters wide;
- The broad-leaved variety is distinguished by a delicate, medium-acid taste, as well as an ovoid shape of the leaves;
- The spinach variety is distinguished by large, erect leaves with a rich dark color, weak acidity and a high content of vitamin C.
Description of sorrel varieties
Each species has its own characteristic features, sometimes the name indicates them (broadleaf, spinach or red), but most often small hints are needed - it will be much easier to figure them out.
Red sorrel
This type of sorrel, called Red, and sometimes Bloody, has leaves of a characteristic rounded shape of a dark green color, with bright veins of a rich crimson hue. The plant is a perennial and can grow to a height of 80 or even 120 centimeters. Loves the sun (slight shading is allowed), does not tolerate drought. The cuttings are red and can grow in one place for up to 5 years.
Large leaf sorrel
The large-leaved variety has many advantages: gardeners value it for its early ripening (no more than 35 days), frost resistance (does not require shelter for wintering), and good yield (up to 6 kilograms per square meter for 2 harvests). The leaves, as the name implies, are large, light green in color, and elongated in shape.
Rich in vitamins A, B, B2, C, PP, trace elements of iron, potassium. It is used in first courses (soups, cabbage soup, borscht), for canning, and has a pronounced sour taste. Without transplantation it grows up to 6 years (subject to proper care).
broadleaf sorrel
The species has juicy bright emerald shoots with a moderately sour taste. It has average germination time; after 50 days you can harvest the first harvest of greenery (in total, up to 5 cuts per season are obtained from broad-leaved sorrel). Descriptions of this variety are most often found on Internet pages and in catalogs. It is very popular among gardeners and is considered ideal for soups and first courses.
Spinach sorrel
The spinach variety is a hybrid variety; it has a very high protein content in the leaves - almost like soybeans. At the same time, it is completely devoid of the characteristic sour taste of other types (it does not contain oxalic acid), and is rich in trace elements of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and iron.
It remains to add to this one more undoubted advantage - the early ripening of the leaves of the first harvest, which is especially important for plants sown in open ground. Uteush (another name for this species) is useful for salads, vegetable purees, and as a seasoning for meat.
Victoria – sorrel
Victoria is a late-ripening variety with dark green, slightly bubbly, rounded leaves. It is considered resistant to bolting, with a medium-sized rosette (up to 20 centimeters).
The best varieties for the Moscow region
Currently, breeders have developed various varieties of sorrel, aimed at growing in specific regions of Russia, with certain climatic conditions: heat-loving, requiring additional care, or, conversely, frost-resistant, unpretentious.
For the Moscow region, as for the pronounced Middle Belt, the following types are optimal:
- Belleville. One of the oldest types, in terms of its quality indicators it is not much inferior to the latest developments. The leaves contain a high content of carotene, ascorbic acid, and microelements. Frost-resistant, the leaves are fleshy, with thick petioles, suitable for preservation, eaten both fresh (salads, snacks) and cooked (soups, side dishes). During the season it produces at least 7 kilograms of fresh greens per square meter of soil.
- Emerald snow. With average germination (vegetation period up to 52 days), but unusually productive.Allows sowing seeds all year round - in spring, late autumn (winter) and summer. Easily recognized by its wide, spreading leaf rosette shape. The leaves themselves are distinguished by their peculiar beauty - round, egg-shaped, shape; from one square meter they get up to 7.5 kilograms of harvest. The taste is delicate, great for vegetable slices and first courses, as well as pickles or freezing.
- Malachite. Tolerant of low temperatures, it grows surprisingly quickly with bright green leaves. The period from sprouting to harvesting is no more than 45 days - a record result. The leaves are of medium length (up to 15 centimeters), forming a slightly scattered rosette. The leaf surface is often smooth, but slightly pimply forms are also found.
- Odessa broadleaf. The species is early ripening, the growing season is up to 45 days. The leaves are slightly elongated, up to 16 centimeters long and up to 7 centimeters wide, rich green in color. High (up to 8 kilograms) yield directly depends on fertilizing the soil and feeding the plant. This type is great for salads and appetizers, soups and preparations. The leaves contain many vitamins, potassium and iron.
- Broadleaf. Recently it has become very popular, it brings a harvest in 40-45 days (up to 8 kilograms per square meter). The leaves are elongated, not too sour, suitable for salads. Sensitive to soil moisture, in drought it begins to bolt profusely. The average growing period in one place is up to 5 years, the variety is resistant to low temperatures.
- Maikopsky 10 and Spinachny are characterized by a low content of oxalic acid, early ripening, and good tolerance to low temperatures
- Large-leaved.One of the best and earliest species, with acceptable frost resistance, mild (not too sour) taste, pleasant light green leaf color.
- Altai is distinguished by spear-shaped leaves on long and thin stems; as they ripen, they acquire a slight reddish tint. Greens with a pleasant taste, medium sourness. Frost-resistant.
- Lyonsky. Delicate, with unusually tasty leaves, a variety that hardly tolerates the Russian winter. The leaves grow quickly and thickly, so they are cut several times during the season.
All described varieties of sorrel take root well in Russian conditions; they are bred by seeds and planted in open ground. With proper care, they bring up to 6 harvests of healthy, pleasantly sour greens to the table for salads, seasonings and first courses.